M. A. Barbara Brilmayer Bakti
Rundbau, Raum 0.05
Zülpicher Straße 45
50674 Köln
Telefon +49-(0)221-470-4851
Fax +49-(0)221-470-5124
E-Mail b.brilmayer-bakti(at)uni-koeln.de
nach Vereinbarung per Mail.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiterin
Forschung und Forschungsregionen
Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology, Soil Science, Hydrology
GIS, remote sensing and object based image analysis, 3D landscape reconstruction and visualization with VNS
Jordan, Greece, Mediterranean, Near East
Research projects
Palaeodrainage systems, hydroclimatic changes and traditional water use in Jordan – Part of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment cluster “Global Change and Globalization”, Research group I: Water in sensitive regions – handling limited water resources in sensitive regions of the Near East (Egypt, Jordan)
Zominthos - Reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes and their impact on Bronze-Age cultures: A geoarchaeological research project in the Ida-Mountains, Central Crete
SIART, C., BRILMAYER BAKTI, B., EITEL, B. (2013): Digital Geoarchaeology – An Approach to Reconstructing Ancient Landscapes at the Human-Environmental Interface. In: Bock, H. G., Jäger, W., Winckler, M. J. (Hrsg.): Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage: Contributions in Computational Humanities. Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences 3. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg: 71-84.
SIART, C., HECHT, S., BRILMAYER BAKTI, B., HOLZHAUER, I. (2011): Analysis and 3D visualisation of Mediterranean subsurface karst features based on tomographic mapping (Zominthos, Central Crete). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 55, Suppl. 3: 315-335.
BRILMAYER BAKTI, B. (2009): Three dimensional landscape visualization with VNS – a contribution to the geomorphological-geoarchaeological reconstruction of the landscape evolution around Zominthos, Central Crete. Unpublished Master Thesis, Heidelberg University. (in German)
BRILMAYER BAKTI, B., SIART, C. (2008): Photorealistic landscape reconstructions – the example of Minoan Zominthos (Crete): A case study from Digital Geoarchaeology. In: Dippon, P., Mächtle, B., Nüsser, M., Siegmund, A. (Eds.): Auf den Spuren Alfred Hettners – Geographie in Heidelberg. Journal der Heidelberger Geographischen Gesellschaft 23. Heidelberg, 127-140. (in German)
Klumpp, S., Brilmayer Bakti, B., Kehl, M.: Spatial context and image recognition – using an Automated Feature Extraction (AFE) model to quantify features within thin sections. CAA Germany – CAA Netherlands Flanders Third Joint Chapter Meeting, Cologne, October 3-4, 2014.
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Bubenzer, O., Hamaideh, A.: Detecting Spatial Patterns – Analyzing Archaeological Site Distribution and Traditional Water Supply on the Karak Plateau, Jordan. AGIT 2014 – Spezialforum “Innovationen für die Archäologie durch GIS”, Salzburg, July 2, 2014.
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Bubenzer, O., Hamaideh, A.: Traditional water use at the desert fringe – water harvesting strategies on the Karak plateau, Jordan, with special regard to old cisterns.32nd International Geographical Congress, Cologne, August 26-30, 2012.
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Hamaideh, A., Vögele, A., Bubenzer, O.: Traditional water use in Jordan rediscovered – Water Harvesting at the desert fringe: the case study of the "Roman Wells" of the Karak plateau. Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Desert Margin Research, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, February 3/4, 2012.
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Bubenzer, O., Hamaideh, A.: Traditional water use in Jordan and its potential for future water stress mitigation – the case study of the “Roman Wells” of the northern Karak plateau, Jordan. Marsilius Autumn School “Bridging the water gap – interdisciplinary perspectives”, Heidelberg, November 9-17, 2010.
Poster presentations
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Bubenzer, O., Hamaideh, A.: Water Harvesting and Remote Sensing: Analysis of the Rooftop Water Harvesting Potential of the "Roman Wells" of the Karak Plateau, Jordan. Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Remote Sensing, Würzburg, September 29/30, 2011.
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Bubenzer, O., Hamaideh, A.: Traditional water use and future water shortage: the re-use potential of the “Roman Wells“ of the Karak plateau, Jordan. Geoarchaeology Working Group – Annual Meeting 2011, Heidelberg, May 6-8, 2011.
Brilmayer Bakti, B., Siart, C., Bubenzer, O., Hecht, S., Panagiotopoulos, D., Eitel, B.: Photorealistic 3D visualisations in Geoarchaeology: Reconstruction of the landscape development around the Minoan settlement of Zominthos (central Crete). Geoarchaeology Working Group – Annual Meeting 2010, Frankfurt, May 13-16, 2010.
Winter term 2014/ 2015
Oberseminar “Water Harvesting” (together with Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer)
Spatial Analysis I (together with Prof. Dr. Georg Bareth and Sebastian Brocks)
Summer term 2014
Introduction to GIS (for IMES, CEA, and Erasmus students; in English)
Introduction to GIS (for students of the DAAD Master in Environmental Archaeology; in English)
Winter term 2013/ 2014
Object-based image interpretation – Feature Analyst® for ArcGIS®
Summer term 2013
Introduction to ArcGIS (for IMES/ CEA students, in English), Fri 10:10 am – 13:40 pm (starting May 31, 2013), EDV-A (south building)
Past courses at Heidelberg University, Institute of Geography
Winter term 2012/ 2013
Remote Sensing: Object-based satellite image interpretation – Feature Analyst® for ArcGIS®
Summer term 2012
Remote Sensing: Object-based satellite image interpretation – Feature Analyst® for ArcGIS®
Summer term 2010
Field course Crete: regional geographical excursion and field study (together with Prof. Dr. O. Bubenzer)