Dr. Christian Willmes
Südbau, Raum 0.11
Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln
Telefon +49-(0)221-470-6234
Fax +49-(0)221-470-7152
E-Mail c.willmes(at)uni-koeln.de
Weitere Informationen
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5566-6542
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christian_Willmes
Academia.edu: http://uni-koeln.academia.edu/ChristianWillmes
Current Project:
Scientific Staff for Project CampusGIS2, Virtual Campus & Lecturer (GIS & Spatial Analysis)
Former Projects:
- Lecturer and Scientific Staff (2022 - ...) - Teaching 6 SWS and Systemarchitect for CampusGIS2 und Virtueller Campus projects
- Scientific Staff (2010 - 2022) - Geospatial Datamanagement, Collaborative Research Center 806
- Student Assistant and Diploma thesis (2009-10) - CampusGIS-3D
- Student Assitant (2006-08) - SeismoGIS
- Student Assistant (2006) - @ RRZK Abt. Systeme
- Student Assistant (2005-06) - Meteosat/Eumetsat data receiving station
Research interests:
My main research interests are in the folowing topics:
- GIS and Spatial Analysis
- Web based GeoInformation Systems (WebGIS)
- Network analysis, (Indoor-)Routing
- 3D Geoinformation & Visualization
- Environmental Modelling
- Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling
- Open Science (Open Data, Open Source, Open Access)
- Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI)
- Research Data Management
- Climate Change
- SoSe 25: Introduction to GIS (MSc, IMES. CEA, PEA, SI), CampusGIS Kartierpraktikum, Service Learning “Kalk aus der Vorgelperspektive” (Kartieren von Taubenhotspots)
- WS 24/25: Spatial Analysis I, Virtueller Campus (MSc Kurs in Web/GameEngine 3D-Geoinformatik), CampusGIS2 Kartierpraktikum
- SoSe 24: CampusGIS2 Kartierpraktikum, Introduction to GIS (IMES, CEA, PEA, SI)
- WS 23/24: Spatial Analysis I, Virtueller Campus (MSc Kurs in Web/GameEngine 3D-Geoinformatik), CampusGIS2 Kartierpraktikum
- SoSe 23: Einführung GIS (BSc), Introduction to GIS (MSc course in english), CampusGIS2 Kartierpraktikum
- WS 22/23: Spatial Analysis I, CampusGIS2 Gelände- & Kartierpraktikum
- SoSe 22: Introduction to GIS (IMES & CEA), Einführung GIS (BSc Geographie)
- WS 21/22: Räumliche Analysen I / Spatial Analysis I
- SoSe 21: Einführung GIS; Introduction to GIS (IMES & CEA)
- WS 20/21: Räumliche Analysen I
- SoSe 20: Einführung in GIS
- WS 18/19: Free & Open: Erfassung, Verwaltung, Analyse, Präsentation frei verfügbarer Geodaten mit QGIS und Co.
- WS 16/17: Lektüreseminar Klimawandel
- WS 11/12: Anwendung mathematischer Verfahren
- SoSe 11: Einführung in GIS
- WS 10/11: Servicelearning: Openstreetmap für Köln-Kalk
Willmes, C., Canals, L., Ganser, C., Mennecke, D., Phillipps, F. L., Pietsch, A.-K., Reichenau, T., Reuhl, E., Schildkamp, P., Stempel, M., Wickeroth, D., Wieners, J., and Eide, Ø. (2024): The Technology Stack and System Architecture of the University of Cologne Virtual Campus, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W11-2024, 153–160, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W11-2024-153-2024,
Felix Henselowsky, Christian Willmes & Mike Smith (2023) PaleoMaps: representations of quaternary paleoenvironments, human–environment interaction and human dispersal, Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2023.2165378
Rodríguez, J., Willmes, C., Sommer, C., Mateos, A.. Sustainable human population density in Western Europe between 560.000 and 360.000 years ago. Sci Rep 12, 6907 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-10642-w
Felix Henselowsky, Karin Kindermann, Christian Willmes, Dorothee Lammerich-Long, Georg Bareth & Olaf Bubenzer (2022) Palaeoenvironments and landscape diversity in Egypt during the Last Interglacial and its implications on the dispersal of Homo sapiens, Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2064779
Ericson Hölzchen, Christine Hertler, Christian Willmes, Iwan P. Anwar, Ana Mateos, Jesús Rodríguez, Jan Ole Berndt, Ingo J. Timm (2022): Estimating crossing success of human agents across sea straits out of Africa in the Late Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 110845, ISSN 0031-0182, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.110845
Willmes, Christian (2022): PaleoMaps – Creating, Collecting and Compiling Geospatial Paleoenvironment Data for Culture-Environment-Interaction Modeling Applications, in Kandel, Andrew W., Haidle, Miriam N. und Sommer, Christian (Hrsg.): Human Origins – Digital Future: An International Conference about the Future of Archaeological and Paleoanthropological Databases, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2022, S. 34–35. https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.882.c13439
Mateos, Ana, Willmes, Christian und Rodríguez, Jesús (2022): Matching Datasets and Palaeoenvironment to Frame Human Palaeoecology in Europe around MIS 11 , in Kandel, Andrew W., Haidle, Miriam N. und Sommer, Christian (Hrsg.): Human Origins – Digital Future: An International Conference about the Future of Archaeological and Paleoanthropological Databases, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2022, S. 48–49. https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.882.c13445
Stephanie Kusch, Gesine Mollenhauer, Christian Willmes, Jens Hefter, Timothy I. Eglinton, Valier Galy (2021): Controls on the age of plant waxes in marine sediments – A global synthesis. Organic Geochemistry, Volume 157, pages 104259, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2021.104259
Rodríguez, Jesús, Christian Willmes, und Ana Mateos (2021): „Shivering in the Pleistocene. Human Adaptations to Cold Exposure in Western Europe from MIS 14 to MIS 11“. Journal of Human Evolution 153, 102966. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2021.102966.
Gehlen, B., Zickel, M., Affolter, J., Vogl, K., Willmes, C. (2021): Potential raw material sources for the production of lithic artefacts in western Central Europe - GIS-data for the Rhineland, Westphalia, and the Benelux countries. Elsevier – In: Quaternary International, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.07.015 .
Willmes, C.; Niedziółka, K.; Serbe, B.; Grimm, S.B.; Groß, D.; Miebach, A.; Märker, M.; Henselowsky, F.; Gamisch, A.; Rostami, M.; Mateos, A.; Rodríguez, J.; Limberg, H.; Schmidt, I.; Müller, M.; Hölzchen, E.; Holthausen, M.; Klein, K.; Wegener, C.; Weninger, B.; Nielsen, T.K.; Otto, T.; Weniger, G.-C.; Bubenzer, O.; Bareth, G. (2020): State of the Art in Paleoenvironment Mapping for Modeling Applications in Archeology—Summary, Conclusions, and Future Directions from the PaleoMaps Workshop. Quaternary, 3, 13. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2571-550X/3/2/13
Willmes, Christian; Viehberg, Finn; Esteban Lopez, Sarah; Bareth, Georg (2018): "CRC806-KB: A Semantic MediaWiki Based Collaborative Knowledge Base for an Interdisciplinary Research Project." Data 3, no. 4: 44. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5729/3/4/44
Willmes, C., Becker, D., Verheul, J., Yener, Y., Zickel, M., Bolten, A., Bubenzer, O., Bareth, G. (2017): PaleoMaps: SDI for open paleoenvironmental GIS data. IJSDIR, Vol. 12, 39-61, DOI: 10.2902/1725-0463.2017.12.art3 , URL: https://ijsdir.sadl.kuleuven.be/index.php/ijsdir/article/view/431
Becker, D., de Andrés-Herrero, M., Willmes, C., Weniger, G., Bareth, G. (2017): Investigating the Influence of Different DEMs on GIS-Based Cost Distance Modeling for Site Catchment Analysis of Prehistoric Sites in Andalusia. MDPI – In: ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. , Vol. 6(2), DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6020036
Willmes, C., Becker, D., Brocks, S., Hütt, C. and Bareth, G. (2017): High Resolution Köppen-Geiger Classifications of Paleoclimate Simulations. Transactions in GIS. 21, 57- 73. doi:10.1111/tgis.12187 [Link] [CRC806-Databse]
Willmes, C., (2016): CRC806-Database: A semantic e-Science infrastructure for an interdisciplinary research centre. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. url: http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/7381/
Willmes, C., Becker, D., Verheul, J., Yener, Y., Zickel, M., Bolten, A., Bubenzer, O., Bareth, G. (2016): An Open Science approach to GIS-based paleoenvironment data. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. III-2, 159- 164 . DOI: 10.5194/isprs-annals-III-2-159-2016. [Link]
Willmes, C., Yener, Y., Gilgenberg, A., Bareth, G. (2016): CRC806-Database: Integrating Typo3 with GeoNode and CKAN. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, Vol. 96, DOI: 10.5880/TR32DB.KGA96.17
Curdt, C., Willmes, C. (2016): Proceedings of the 2nd Data Management Workshop, 28.-29.11.2014, University of Cologne, Germany. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln - Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, Vol. 96, DOI: 10.5880/TR32DB.KGA96.1
Märker, M., Willmes, C., Hochschild, V., Bareth, G. (2016): How to Exchange Data between DB Systems on Early Humans. A Case Study Based on the CRC806-Database and the ROCEEH ROAD System. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, Vol. 96, DOI: 10.5880/TR32DB.KGA96.9
Becker, D., Willmes, C., Weniger, G., Bareth, G. (2016): A plugin to interface openModeller from QGIS for species' potential distribution modelling. ISPRS. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., Vol. III-7, DOI: 10.5194/isprs-annals-III-7-251-2016
Viehberg, F. A., Willmes, C., Esteban, S., Vogelsang, R. (2015): A semantic wiki as repository to review published palaeo-data in East Africa. CRC806-Database, University of Cologne, Collaborative Research Centre 806, DOI: 10.5880/SFB806.10
Willmes, C., Kürner, D. and Bareth, G. (2014): Building Research Data Management Infrastructure using Open Source Software. Transactions in GIS. doi: 10.1111/tgis.12060 [Link]
Willmes, C., Brocks, S., Hoffmeister, D., Hütt, C., Kürner, D., Volland, K., Bareth, G. (2012): Facilitating integrated spatio-temporal visualization and analysis of heterogeneous archaelogical and palaeonvironmental research data. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. I-2, 223-228. DOI: 10.5194/isprsannals-I-2-223-2012. [ISPRS] [PDF]
Willmes, C. and Bareth, G. (2012): A data integration concept for an interdisciplinary research database. In: Proceedings of the Young Researchers forum on Geographic Information Science - GI Zeitgeist, ifgiPrints 44, Münster, Germany, March 2012, ISBN: 978-3-89838-663-0, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, Heidelberg, pp. 67 - 72. [PDF]
Willmes, C., Brocks, S., Hütt, C., Kürner, D., Volland, K. und Bareth, G. (2012): Forschungsdatenmanagement mit Open-Source-Software. In: Tagungsband FOSSGIS 2012, Dessau 20.-22.3., FOSSGIS e.V., pp. 24 - 28.
Willmes, C., Baaser, U., Volland, K. and G. Bareth (2010): Internet based distribution and visualization of a 3D model of the University of Cologne Campus. In: Bandrova, T. and Konecny, M. (eds.): Proceedings of the DIGITAL EARTH SUMMIT, Nessebar, Bulgaria, June, 12-14 2010. [PDF]
Willmes, C., Weskamm, J., Baaser, U., Hinzen, K.-G., Bareth, G. (2008): SeismoGIS: A tool for the visualization of earthquake data. - Proc. XXI ISPRS Congress, Pages 1239-1244, 3-11 July 2008, Beijing, China.
Willmes, C. und Weskamm, J. (2007): SeismoGIS - Ein GISTool zur Analyse von Erdbebendaten für die Erdbebenstation der Universität zu Köln.In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., Griesebner, G. (eds): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2007, Wichman Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-87907-451-8, pp. 858 - 866.