Markus Rolf

Research interests:
Within my PhD project I investigate the fate and transport of microplastic particles in the interface of fluvial/terrestrial systems in Rhine floodplains of Cologne, Germany. A special concern is the investigation of vertical transport mechanisms of microplastic in these floodplain soils to estimate the potential migration into groundwater.
- Rolf. M., Laermanns, H., Horn, J., Kienzler, L., Pohl, C., Dierkes, G., Kernchen, S., Laforsch, C., Löder, M.G.J., Bogner, C. (2024). Multi-method analysis of microplastic distribution by flood frequency and local topography in Rhine floodplains. Science of the total environment.
- Rolf, M., Laermanns, H., Kienzler, L., Pohl, C., Möller, J.N., Laforsch, C., Löder, M.G.J., Bogner, C. (2022): Flooding frequency and floodplain topography determine abundance of microplastics in an alluvial Rhine soil. Science of the total environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155141.
Presentations at conferences:
- Deutscher Kongress der Geographie (DKG), 18.-22.09.2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. "Deciphering surface transport mechanisms of microplastic particles caused by irrigation and run-off" (Talk: H. Laermanns, M.Rolf, D. Haas, F. Steininger, M.G.J. Löder, C. Bogner).
- Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodengesellschaft (DBG), 04.-08.09.2023, Halle, Germany. "Visualization of the transport of fluorescent microplastics in soil columns" (Poster: H.Laermanns, M.Rolf, C. Kleine, H. Ketges, C. Bogner).
- EGU2023 European Geoscience Union. General Assembly, 23.-28.04.2023, Vienna, Austria. "The influence of microplastics on the hydraulic properties of the water retention curve" (Poster: H. Laermanns, M. Rolf, S.Forche, E. Castrucci, C. Bogner).
- UNESCO-EU H2020 LimnoPlast Conference, 06.03.-09.03.2023, Paris, France. "Microplastic abundance in the Rhine floodplains determined by local topography and flood frequency" (Poster: H. Laermanns, M. Rolf, J.Horn, L. Kienzler, C.Pohl, G. Dierkes, S. Kernchen, J. Möller, C. Laforsch, M.G.J. Löder, C. Bogner).
- Micro 2022 - Plastic pollution from Micro to Nano, 14.-18.11.2022, Lanzarote, Spain. "A multi-method analysis of microplastic abundance in RHine floodplains as a function of their local topography and flood frequencies" (Talk: M. Rolf, H. Laermanns, J. Horn, L. Kienzler, C. Pohl, G. Dierkes, S. Kernchen, J. Möller, C. Laforsch, M.G.J. Löder, C. Bogner).
- Micro 2022 - Plastic pollution from Micro to Nano, 14.-18.11.2022, Lanzarote, Spain. "Transport mechanisms of pristine and bio-fould microplastic particles on rough surfaces" (Talk: H. Laermanns, M. Rolf, D. Haas, F. Steininger, M.G.J. Löder, C. Bogner).
- LED Germany, 05.-06-11-2022, Bonn, Germany. "Contribution of optically stimulated luminescence dating to decipher vertical distribution of microplastic in a floodplain of the river Rhine in Cologne, Germany" (Poster: M. Gröbner, S. Riedesel, M. Rolf, H. Laermanns, T. Reimann, C. Bogner).
- 3. TransMIT Workshop on Modern Spectroscopic Techniques, 18.-25.06.2022, Elba, Italy. "Tracing transport and distribution of microplastic in soils - from laboratory experiments to field studies" (Talk: H. Laermanns, M. Rolf, D. Haas, M. Klee, F. Steininger, C. Bogner).
- 3. TransMIT Workshop on Modern Spectroscopic Techniques, 18.-25.06.2022, Elba, Italy. "A multi-method analysis of microplastic demonstrates their abundance depends on flood frequencies and local topography in Rhine floodplains" (Talk: M. Rolf, H. Laermanns, L. Kienzler, C. Pohl, J. Möller, C. Laforsch, M. Löder, C. Bogner).
- EGU2022 European Geoscience Union. General Assembly, 23.-27.05.2022, Vienna, Austria. "Interplay of topography, flood frequency and soil properties determine the distribution of microplastics in a Rhine floodplain" (Talk: M. Rolf, H. Laermanns, L. Kienzler, C. Pohl, J. Möller, C. Laforsch, M. Löder, C. Bogner).
- EGU2022 European Geoscience Union. General Assembly, 23.-27.05.2022, Vienna, Austria. "Comparing the transport of pristine and biofouled microplastic particles on rough surfaces" (Talk: H. Laermanns, D. Haas, M. Rolf, F. Steininger, M. Löder, C. Bogner).
- EGU2022 European Geoscience Union. General Assembly, 23.-27.05.2022, Vienna, Austria. "Visualization of fluorescent microplastics in soil column experiments in different depths" (Talk: C. Bogner, M. Rolf, H. Laermanns).
- EGU2021 - Engage, Discover, Inspire, "Temporal and spatial analysis of riverine microplastic in a Rhine floodplain soil in Germany " (Talk: M. Rolf, M. G. J. Löder, H. Laermanns, L. Kienzler, F. Steininger, J. Möller and C. Bogner)
- YES2021 - 10th Young Enviromental Scientists Meeting, "Spatial distribution of microplastics in an alluvial floodplain soil in Germany" (Talk: M. Rolf, H. Laermanns, F. Steininger, J. Möller, M. G. J. Löder and C. Bogner).
- MICRO 2020 - Fate and impact of microplastics, 23.-27.11.2020, Lanzarote, Spain and beyond (digital). "Accumulation of microplastic in a Lower Rhine alluvial floodplain in Germany." (talk: M. Rolf, H. Laermanns, F. Steininger, M. Löder, J. Möller, C. Bogner).
- Gelände- und Kartierpraktikum Rheinauen, 18.-21.03..2024, Niederrhein (zusammen mit H. Laermanns).
Since 11/20: PhD-Candidate, Institute of Geography, Ecosystem Research, University of Cologne
11/20: Master of Science: "Occurence of microplastic in an alluvial floodplain in Germany", International Master of Environmental Sciences, Universität zu Köln
07/14: Bachelor of Science: "Interdiffusionsversuche von Fe mit einer AlZn 2,5 -Legierung", Nano- und Materialwissenschaften, Westfälische Hochschule
Student assistant:
11/19 - 06/20: Institute of Geography, Ecosystem Research, University of Cologne
06/14 - 11/14: Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf; Bereich: Materialforschung