Dr. Friederike Stock

Rundbau, Raum 0.12
Zülpicher Straße 45
50674 Köln
Telefon +49-(0)221-470-4841
Fax +49-(0)221-470-5124
E-Mail stockf(at)uni-koeln.de
Weitere Informationen
nach vereinbarung
Teaching Summer Term 2013
Proseminar "Relief und Boden", 4 Exkursionstage, Mo. 16:00-17:30, Di. 17:45-19:15
Physical Geography, Geoarchaeology, Geomorphology, Quaternary
Peer review articles
Stock, F., Knipping, M., Pint, A., Wulf, S., Keller, M., Ladstätter, S., Brückner, H. in preparation. Holocene development of the lake/the swamp of Belevi in the Kücük Menderes graben, Western Turkey.
Stock, F., Ehlers, L., Knipping, M., Brückner, H. In review. Çukuriçi Höyük – a geoarchaeological perspective on a famous Neolithic – Bronze age tell. In: Horejs, B. (Ed.) Çukuriçi Höyüksettlement pahse VIII. OREA.
Schwarzbauer, J., Stock, F., Dsikowitzky, L., Krichel, M., Brückner, H. In review. Molecular organic indicators for Roman harbour activities at Ephesus, Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science.
Stock, F., Halder, S., Opitz, S., Pint, A., Seren, S., Ladstätter, S., Brückner, H. In review. Holocene coastline changes and landscape reconstruction in the western Küçük Menderes graben, Turkey. Quaternary International.
Brückner, H., Herda, A., Kerschner, M., Müllenhoff, M., Stock, F. In press. Life cycle of estuarine islands – from the formation to the landlocking of former islands in the environs of Miletos and Ephesos in western Asia Minor (Turkey). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
Stock, F., Knipping, M., Pint, A., Ladstätter, S., Delile, H., Heiss, A.G., Laermanns, H., Mitchell, P., Ployer, R., Steskal, M., Thanheiser, U., Urz, R., Wennrich, V., Brückner, H. 2016. Human impact on Holocene sediment dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean – the example of the Roman harbour of Ephesus. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41: 980-996. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3914
Stock, F., Ehlers, L., Horejs, B., Knipping, M., Ladstätter, S., Seren, S., Brückner, H. 2015. Neolithic settlement sites in Western Turkey — palaeogeographic studies at Çukuriçi Höyük and Arvalya Höyük. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4: 565-577.
Delile, H., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J.-P., Stock, F., Arnaud-Godet, F., Bravard, J.-P., Brückner, H., Albarède, F. 2015. Demise of a harbor: A geochemical chronicle from Ephesus. Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 202-213.
Stock, F., Kerschner, M., Kraft, J.C., Pint, A., Frenzel, P., Brückner, H. 2014. The palaeo-geographies of Ephesos (Turkey), its harbours and the Artemision - a geoarchaeological reconstruction for the timespan 1500 - 300 BC. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Suppl. Vol. 58(2), 33-66.
Stock, F., Pint, A., Horejs, B., Ladstätter, S., Brückner, H. 2013. In search of the harbours - New evidence of Late Roman and Byzantine harbours of Ephesus. Quaternary International 312: 57-69.
Stock, F. 2015. Ephesus and the Ephesia – palaeogeographical and geoarchaeological research about a famous city in Western Anatolia. Dissertation, Universität zu Köln, 155p., Köln. http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/6368/
Stock, F., Brückner, H., Uncu, L. submitted. Palaeogeographical Research in Limyra 2016. ANADOLU AKDENİZİ Arkeoloji Haberleri 2016-14 News of Archaeology from ANATOLIA’S MEDITERRANEAN AREAS
Brückner, H., Stock, F., Uncu, L. 2016. Limyra 2015. Palaeogeographical Research. ANADOLU AKDENİZİ Arkeoloji Haberleri 2016-14 News of Archaeology from ANATOLIA’S MEDITERRANEAN AREAS, p. 81-82.
Book chapter
Stock, F., Brückner, H. submitted. Geoarchaeological research in Limyra. Anatolia Antiqua.
Stock, F., Brückner, H. eingereicht. Geoarchäologische Forschungen am römischen Hafen und am Hafenkanal von Ephesos. (Steskal)
Stock, F., Brückner, H. 2015. Zur Sedimentationsgeschichte im Bereich der Türbe. In: S. Ladstätter (Hrsg.): Die Türbe im Artemision. Ein frühosmanischer Grabbau in Ayasuluk/Selçuk und sein kulturhistorisches Umfeld. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Sonderschriften Band 53; p. 17-25. Wien.
Stock, F., Brückner, H. 2015. Paläogeographische Studie zu der im klassischen Hofaltar der Artemis vermuteten Quelle Natur am Rande der Stadt: Die Bedeutung von Wasser und Fels in den vorrömischen Kulten von Ephesos. In: K. Sporn – S. Ladstätter – M. Kerschner (Hrsg.): Natur – Kult – Raum, Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums Salzburg, 20.-22.01.2012; p. 199-201.
Conference talks and posters
Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geomorphologie, Jena, Deutschland. 06.10.-08.10.2016. Coastline changes around Kumtepe near Ephesos – A geoarchaeological case study from Aegean Anatolia. (Poster: Friederike Stock, Stefan Halder, Anna Pint, Stephan Opitz, Sabine Ladstätter, Helmut Brückner)
World Archaeological Congress (WAC-08), Kyoto, Japan. 28.08.-02.09.2016. New insights into landscape development, coastline changes and human impact in Ephesus and the Küçük Menderes graben (Western Turkey) (Talk: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Sabine Ladstätter, Helmut Brückner)
European Geosciences Union. General Assembly, Wien, 2016. 17.04.-22.04.2016. Multi-proxy analyses of geo-bio-archives – a key to reconstruct major environmental and ecological changes in the Ephesia, W Turkey, during the last seven millennia (Talk: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Marc Krichel, Larissa Dsikowitzky, Jan Schwarzbauer, Helmut Brückner)
Semaine de géoarchéologie portuaire MOMARCH-MMSH, Aix en Provence, 15.10.2015. Géoarchéologie des ports d'Ephèse et de Milet (Talk: Friederike Stock)
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Berlin, Germany, 1.-6.10.2015. Geoarchaological research in the environs of the ancient city of Ephesus, Western Turkey(Talk: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint1, Sabine Ladstätter, Helmut Brückner)
XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan, 27.7.-2.9.2015. Human-Environment Interactions in Western Anatolia – the Example of Ephesus (Talk: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Sabine Ladstätter, Helmut Brückner)
GeoMedIslands, Cargèse, Corsica, 30.7.-2.7.2015. Transformation of Archipelagos into Floodplains – The Examples of Miletus and Ephesus in Turkey. (Talk: Friederike Stock, Michael Kerschner, Alexander Herda, Helmut Brückner)
AK Geoarchäologie, Kiel, Germany, 30.4.-3.5.2015. New insights into geoarchaeological investigations in Western Anatolia – the example of Ephesus. (Talk: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Helmut Brückner)
American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, 15.-19.12.2014. Human-environment interactions during the last 8000 years in the environs of the ancient city of Ephesus, Western Turkey (Poster: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Helmut Brückner)
Neolithic On-Site Symposium, 11.-12.10.2014, Çukuriçi Höyük (Talk: Friederike Stock)
Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geomorphologie (AK Geomorphologie), Kiel, 02.-04.10.2014. Human-environmental interactions during the last 8 millennia: The example of the ancient city of Ephesos, Western Turkey (Poster: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Sabine Wulf, Helmut Brückner)
Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS) Research Conference, Cologne, 04.07.2014. Human-environmental interactions in Ephesos, Western Turkey during the last 8 millennia (Talk:Friederike Stock, Anna Pint, Sabine Wulf, Hannes Laermanns, Maria Knipping, Helmut Brückner).
Jahrestagung AK Geoarchäologie und AG Paläopedologie, 29.-31.5.2014 Aachen. Sedimentological, geochemical, microfaunal and palynological evidence for vegetation change and human impact in the Ephesia, Western Turkey. (Talk: Friederike Stock, Anna Pint, Sabine Wulf, Hannes Laermanns, Angela Balk, Maria Knipping, Helmut Brückner).
Jahrestagung AK Geoarchäologie und AG Paläopedologie, 29.-31.5.2014 Aachen. Reconstructing the Palaeogeographies of a Neolithic – Bronze Age Settlement Mound at Ephesos, Turkey (Poster: Lisa Ehlers, Friederike Stock & Helmut Brückner).
European Geosciences Union. General Assembly, Wien, 2014. 27.04.-02.05.2014. Reading the geo-bioarchives of Ephesos: Human-environment interactions in Western Turkey during the last 8 millennia. (Talk: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Hugo Delile, Sabine Wulf, Hannes Laermanns, Sabine Ladstätter, Helmut Brückner).
European Geosciences Union. General Assembly, Wien, 2014. 27.04.-02.05.2014. Reconstructing the Palaeogeographies of a Neolithic – Bronze Age Settlement Mound at Ephesos, Turkey. (Poster: Lisa Ehlers, Friederike Stock, Barbara Horejs, Helmut Brückner).
32. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises „Geographie der Meere und Küsten“, Wilhelmshaven, 3. - 6. April 2014. Coastline changes and human impact in the Roman harbour of Ephesos, Turkey. (Talk: Friederike Stock, Anna Pint, Angela Balk, Maria Knipping, Hannes Laermanns, Helmut Brückner).
Symposium & Ausstellung: Ephesos 2013, Istanbul, Österreichisches Kulturforum, 28.02.2014. Verlandet, verlagert, vergessen – das Schicksal der Häfen von Ephesos. (Talk: Helmut Brückner, Friederike Stock).
Open PAGES Focus 4 Workshop. Towards a more accurate quantification of human-environment interactions in the past, February 3rd to 7th 2014. Human impact on the environment in the Ephesia, Turkey – an eight thousand year-long battle. (Poster: Friederike Stock, Maria Knipping, Anna Pint, Hannes Laermanns, Helmut Brückner)
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, August 27th to 31st, 2013. New insights into the development of the Roman Harbour of Ephesos, Western Turkey. (Poster: Friederike Stock, Hannes Laermanns, Martin Steskal, Sabine Ladstätter, Helmut Brückner)
Workshop Geoarchäologie, 17./18.05.2013, Wien. Ephesos und seine Häfen – ein Beitrag aus geoarchäologischer Perspektive. (Talk: Friederike Stock).
Internat. Workshop: "Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12.000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes III", 15.-18.4.2013, Kiel. First settlements and their environments along the coasts of central Western Anatolia. (Talk: Friederike Stock, Carolin Lubos, Stefan Dreibrodt, Barbara Horejs & Helmut Brückner).
3rd International ERC Workshop Kommunikation & Austauschsysteme (24.11.20, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien). Ergebnisse der paläogeographischen Arbeiten am Çukuriçi Höyük. (Talk: Friederike Stock).
32nd International Geographical Congress (26.-30.08.2012, Köln). Holocene coastal changes in the environs of the ancient city of Ephesos, Western Turkey - the Roman harbour canal. (Poster: Friederike Stock, Hannes Laermanns, Helmut Brückner. Sabine Ladstätter, Martin Setskal, Ralf Urz).
2nd Landscape Archaeology Conference 2012 (06.-09.06.2012, Berlin). In Search for the Harbours – Paleogeographical Research in Ephesos (Poster: Friederike Stock, Sabine Ladstätter, Hannes Laermanns, Anna Pint, Martin Steskal, Ralf Urz & Helmut Brückner).
Arbeitskreis Meere und Küsten, 30. Jahrestagung (26.-29.04.2012, Mainz). Holocene coastal changes in the environs of the ancient city of Ephesos, Western Turkey - the Roman harbour canal. (Poster: Friederike Stock, Hannes Laermanns, Helmut Brückner. Sabine Ladstätter, Martin Setskal, Ralf Urz).
Poster presentation „Ephesos 2011“, Istanbul. Geoarchaeological research in Ephesos 2011 (Poster: Friederike Stock, Helmut Brückner).
AK Geoarchäologie, 13.-15.55.2010. Shorelines and harbours -key targets for the geoarchaeological research in Ephesos (Turkey). (Poster: Ralf Urz, Friederike Stock, Helmut Brückner).
Poster presentation „Ephesos 2009“, Istanbul. Geoarchaeological research in Ephesos 2009. (Poster: Helmut Brückner, Ralf Urz & Friederike Stock).
Born in Bonn (Germany)
Abitur: Amos Comenius Gymnasium Bonn
Studies of Geography, Geology, Political Sciences and Law, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Studies of Geography, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Since 2011
Research assistant and PhD Student, Institute of Geography, Universität zu Köln
(Palaeogeographical research in Ephesos, Turkey)