Dr. rer. nat. Linus Kalvelage
Südbau, Raum 0.08
Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln
Telefon +49-(0)221-470-7254
Fax +49-(0)221-470-4917
E-Mail linus.kalvelage(at)uni-koeln.de
Derzeitige Position
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) seit Oktober 2022
Eingeworbene Drittmittelprojekte
FGHyTransition: Fossil-green hydrogen path creation for transformative development in Namibia and Vietnam (Deutsche Forschungsgemeninschaft)
Globale Produktionsnetzwerke & Kommodifizierung
Grüne Innovation & Nachhaltigkeitstransformation
Ressourcenperipherie & Energiesysteme
Naturschutz & Tourismus
Ausbildung und akademische Grade
seit 10/2022 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) am Geographischen Institut der Universität zu Köln, Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschaftsgeographie und Globaler Süden |
10/20221 - 09/2022 | Mitarbeit als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) am Deutschen Institut für Tropische und Subtropische Landwirtschaft im DFG-Projekt „(Post-)colonial breeding in Namibia: Historical, socio-ecological and genetic transformations“ |
01/2022 - 09/2022 | Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des DFG Sonderforschungsbereiches „Future Rural Africa“ und des ERC Advanced Grant „REWILDING the Anthropocene“ |
10/2020 - 12/2020 | Gastaufenthalt am Global History Department, Warwick University, Warwick (VK) |
04/2018 - 07/2021 | Dissertation: “Growth corridor policy and global production networks: capturing value from wildlife tourism in the Zambezi region, Namibia” Prof. Dr. Javier Revilla Diez, Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig |
Februar 2017 | M.Sc. Geographie, Universität zu Köln |
Januar 2013 | B.A. General History und Humangeographie, Universität Potsdam |
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Economic Geography
Growth and Change
Journal of Economic Geography
Naturschutz und Landschaft
Progress in Economic Geography
Review of Regional Research
ZfW- Advances in Economic Geography
Climate and Development
Development Southern Africa
European Urban and Regional Studies
Innovation and Development
Political Geography
Regional Studies
Tourism Geographies
Scholvin, S., & Kalvelage, L. (2025): New development paths through green hydrogen?: An ex-ante assessment of structure and agency in Chile and Namibia. Energy Research & Social Science, online first. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103904
Kalvelage, L., & Tups, G. (2024): Friendshoring in global production networks: state-orchestrated coupling amid geopolitical uncertainty. ZFW–Advances in Economic Geography, online first
Kalvelage, L., & Walker, B. (2024): Strategic coupling beyond borders: Germany's extraterritorial agency in Namibia's green hydrogen industry. Journal of Economic Geography, online first
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.; Bollig, M. (2023): Valuing nature in global production networks: Hunting tourism and the weight of history in Zambezi, Namibia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2023.2200468
Lüder, L; Kalvelage, L.. (2023): Regional resilience and social-ecological systems: the impact of COVID-19 on community conervation in Namibia, online first. https://doi.org/10.1080/19376812.2023.2276939
Kalvelage, L.; Hardie, C.; Mausch, K.; Conti, C.; Hall, A. (2023): Inside-out strategic coupling for smallholder market integration - Mango production in Malawi as a test case, Outlook on Agriculture, online first. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00307270231179240
Bollig, M.; Kalvelage, L.; Lacan, L.; Lendelvo, S.; Mosimane, A.; Nghitevelekwa, R. (2023): Introduction: Practices, Discourses, and Materialities Surrounding the Commodification of the ‘Wild’. In: Ed: Currey, J.: Conservation, Markets, And The Environment In Southern And Eastern Africa Commodifying The ‘Wild’, edited by J. Currey, https://www.jstor.org/stable/jj.3643592.7?seq=2
Revilla Diez, J.; Hulke, C.; Kalvelage, L. (2023): Chapter 3 - Value Chains and Global Production Networks: Conceptual considerations and economic development in the ‘wild’. In: Ed: Currey, J.: Conservation, Markets, And The Environment In Southern And Eastern Africa Commodifying The ‘Wild’, edited by J. Currey, https://www.jstor.org/stable/jj.3643592.9
Kalvelage, L. (2023): Chapter 13 - Hunting for Development: Global production networks and the commodification of wildlife in Namibia. In: Ed: Currey, J.: Conservation, Markets, And The Environment In Southern And Eastern Africa Commodifying The ‘Wild’, edited by J. Currey, https://www.jstor.org/stable/jj.3643592.19
Lacan, L.; Kalvelage, L.; Lendelvo, S.;Mosimane, A.; Nghitevelekwa, R.; Bollig, M. (2023): Conclusions: Commodifying the ‘Wild’ – Where do we go from here? In: Ed: Currey, J.: Conservation, Markets, And The Environment In Southern And Eastern Africa Commodifying The ‘Wild’, edited by J. Currey, https://www.jstor.org/stable/jj.3643592.24
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.: Bollig, M. (2023): Valuing Nature in Global Production Networks: Hunting Tourism and the Weight of History in Zambezi, Namibia, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, online first. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/24694452.2023.2200468
Vehrs, H.; Kalvelage, L.; R. Nghitevelekwa (2022): The Power of Dissonance: Inconsistent Relations Between Travelling Ideas And Local Realities in Community Conservation in Namibia’s Zambezi Region, Conservation and Society, online first.
Hulke, C.; Kalvelage, L.; Kairu, J.; Revilla Diez, J.; P. Rutina (2022): Navigating through the storm: conservancies as local institutions for regional resilience in Zambezi, Namibia, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, online first.
Kalvelage, L.; Bollig, M.; Grawert, E.; Hulke, C.; Meyer, M.; Mkutu, K.; Müller-Koné, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Territorialising Conservation: Community-based approaches in Kenya and Namibia", Conservation and Society 19(4), 282-293
Breul, M.; Hulke, C.; Kalvelage, L. (2021): Path Formation and Reformation: Studying the Variegated Consequences of Path Creation for Regional Development. Economic Geography, 1-22. Link
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.: Bollig, M. (2021): Do tar roads bring tourism? Growth corridor policy and tourism development in the Zambezi region, Namibia. European Journal of Development Research, 1-22. Link
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.; Bollig, M. (2020): How much remains? Local value capture from tourism in Zambezi, Namibia. Tourism Geographies, 1-22. Link
Gargallo. E.; Kalvelage, L. (2020): Integrating Social-Ecological Systems and Global Production Networks: Local Effects of Trophy Hunting in Namibian Conservancies, Development Southern Africa 38(1), 87-103. Link
Kalvelage, L.; Breul, M. (2017): Die Rolle des Staates in Aufwertungsprozessen der Öl- und Gasindustrie - der Fall Vietnam'. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 145, 24-44. Link
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie: „Regional Resilience and Social-Ecological Systems: : Capturing the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on community conservancies“, Frankfurt, September 2023.
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie: „Neue Pfadentwicklung in der Peripherie: Synergetische Beziehungen zwischen Grünem Wasserstoff und der Ölindustrie in Namibia“, Frankfurt, September 2023.
Symposium zur umweltorientierten Wirtschaftsgeographie: “Laying the Groundwork: How states modify extraterritorial assets for strategic coupling“, Trier, July 2023.
Regional Studies Association Annual Conference: “Laying the Groundwork: How states modify extraterritorial assets for strategic coupling”, Ljubljana, June 2023.
European Conference on African Studies: “Regional Resilience and Social-Ecological Systems: Capturing the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on community conservancies”, Cologne, May 2023.
Rauischholzhausener Symposium zur Wirtschaftsgeographie: „Power tot he Periphery: Assembling Regional Assets for the Green Hydrogen Transition in Lagging Regions“, Rauischholzhausen, April 2023.
Arbeitskreis Industriegeographie: „Valuing Nature in Global Production Networks: Hunting Tourism in Zambezi, Namibia”, Wiesbaden-Naurod, November 2022.
University of Namibia, Wildlife and Tourism Management Conference: “Navigating through the storm: conservancies as local institutions for regional resilience in Zambezi, Namibia”. Katima Mulilo, Otober 2022.
Global Conference on Economic Geography: “Valuing nature in global production networks: hunting tourism in Zambezi, Namibia”, Dublin, June 2022.
University of Bayreuth, CBNRM workshop: “Navigating through the storm: conservancies as local institutions for regional resilience in Zambezi, Namibia”. Windhoek, Namibia, March 2022.
Royal Geographical Society: “Covid-19 and the changing geographies of value chains: local institutions and regional resilience in the Zambezi region, Namibia”. London, United Kingdom, August 2021.
Global History @ Warwick Network: “Do tar roads bring tourism? Growth corridor policy and tourism development in the Zambezi region, Namibia.” Warwick, VK, Dezember 2020.
World Wide Fund for Nature, Stakeholder Workshop: “How much remains? Local value capture from tourism in Zambezi, Namibia.” Berlin, Januar 2020.
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie: “Commodification through conservation: The transfer of value in tourism GPNs in Namibia and Tanzania.” Kiel, September 2019.
Department of Geography, History and Environmental Studies Public Lectures, University of Namibia: “How much remains? Local value capture from tourism in Zambezi, Namibia.” Windhuk, Namibia, August 2019.
Regional Studies Association Annual Conference: “Global Connections, Local Development? Capturing Value from Tourism GPNs in Namibian Conservancies.” Santiago de Compostela, Spanien, Juni 2019.
European Conference on African Studies: “Global Connections, Local Development? Capturing Value from Tourism GPNs in Namibian Conservancies.” Edinburgh, VK, Juni 2019.