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Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete


Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete , M.Sc.

Academic Career

07/2013 - present Geography lecturer at the University of Namibia
02/2013 to 06/2013 External lecturer in Geospatial Data, and Introduction to Engineering Geography at the Polytechnic of Namibia (now NUST)
01/2013 to 12/2013 Crime and violence prevention local project coordinator at the Urban Trust of Namibia, responsible for community-based approaches in informal settlements of Windhoek
07/2011 to 08/2013 Intern at Police Justice Institute (Washington DC, USA), assisted with mapping police brutality cases of the States using GIS
05/2010 to 10/2010 Intern at the Research and Information Services of Namibia, assisted with mapping spatial patterns in satellite images and aerial photos of settlements in Namibia and Angola
01/2010 to 10/2010

Intern at the Urban Trust of Namibia (Windhoek), assisted with research on Local Economic Development (LED)


Research Area

Indigenous knowledge, sustainable livelihoods, value chains, gender, communal land, African languages and cultures, rural environments


since 2020

Pursuing a PhD in Geography at the University of Namibia in collaboration with the University of Cologne

2017 - 2019 MA in Culture and Environment in Africa from the University of Cologne, Germany
2010 - 2012 MSc. in Geographic Information Technologies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
2006 - 2009

BA in Geography and Sociology from the University of Namibia



Akawa, M.;  Nakanyete, N.F.; Mushaandja, N. (2023): ‘Eekamba adishe nadi ufanwe, Eendingosho adishe na di ongelwe u pule kwali Nashima’: Nanghili Nashima, The performer and feminist intellectual. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture, 33, 22-42.:https://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/273

Nakanyete, N. F.; Matengu, K. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2023): The impact of commodified non-timber forest products on the livelihoods of San in Northern Namibia. Development Southern Africa, 1-17.https://doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2022.2162855

Gwasira, G.; Nakanyete, N.F. (2022): Wenn Resititution als Leihgabe gelabelt wird [When restitution is labeled as a loan]. Afrika Süd,5,34 - 36. https://www.afrika-sued.org/ausgaben/heft-5-2022/wenn-restitution-als-leihgabe-gelabelt-wird/

Widlok, T.; Nakanyete, N. F. (2022): Framing the Future of National Parks. In African Futures, Brill, 141-154

Gwasira, G.; Akawa, M.; N.F. Nakanyete, NF (2021): Cultural Villages as Drivers of Rural Poverty Alleviation in Namibia: The Case of Uukwaludhi Royal Homestead. Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft – Namibia Scientific Society Journal, 68.  https://www.namscience.com/journal

Nakanyete, N.F.; Nghitevelekwa, R.V.; Matsa, M.M.; Mendelsohn, J., Lendelvo, S.; Shikale, F. (2020):Communal Land Tenure Security for Widows in the Eenhana Constituency of the Ohangwena Region,Namibia. Journal of International Women's Studies, 21(1), 131-147. Available at: https://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol21/iss1/11

Nakanyete, N.F.; Shikangalah, R.N.; A. Vatuva(2020): Drought as a Disaster in the Namibian Context.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR): pp. 377 – 386. Available at: https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v9i3/SR20223012241.pdf

Nghitevelekwa, R.; Nakanyete, N.F.; S. Lendelvo (2020): Access to Land and Tenure Security for the San People in Namibia: Case Study of Okongo Constituency, Ohangwena Region. In W. Odendaal & W. Werner (Eds.). “Neither here nor there” Indigeneity, marginalization and land rights in postindependence Namibia. Legal Assistance Centre: Windhoek

Nakanyete, N. F. (2018): Persistence of African languages and religions in Latin America since slavery. JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, 3(1), 80-94. https://doi.org/10.32642/julace.v3i1.1377

Nakanyete, N. F. (2018): LABA. JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, 3(2), 131. https://doi.org/10.32642/julace.v3i2.1391

Franqueira, D.,; Vazquez, J.A.; Nakanyete, N.F. (2017): Poboación Local e Areas Protexidas en Namibia. Percepción Sobre os Efectos na Salambala Conservancy.The Overarching Issues of the European Space: Society, Economy and Heritage in a Scenario towardsGreater territorial Cohesion. Porto: FLUP, pp. 360-373.

Mendelsohn, J.; Mendelsohn, S; Nakanyete, N. (2010): An expanded assessment of risks from flooding in Luanda. Research and Information Services of Namibia.

Additional Accomplishments

2020: Participated as a panelist at a virtual talk entitled: "Other looks on the pandemic: perspectives from other peoples, cultures, and geographies", at the Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano, Colombia.
2018: Participated as a panelist on the 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography under the theme “Poverty and Inequality: Trends, Drivers, and Policy Options”, Cologne, Germany
2016: Assisted as narrator on National Geographic’s Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Season 2; Episode 3
2016: Presented the preliminary findings of research studies in 'Communal Land Security for Widows  in Ohangwena Region 'at Namibia Scientific Society in Windhoek
2013: Southern African Young Women's Festival (SAYWF) attended in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
2010: Awarded a certificate in Young Feminist Leadership by the African University in partnership with Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa in Mutare, Zimbabwe
2009: Awarded a certificate in Ecological Restoration by Gobabeb Research and Training Centre