Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete
E-Mail nnakany3(at)uni-koeln.de
Academic Career
07/2013 - present | Geography lecturer at the University of Namibia |
02/2013 to 06/2013 | External lecturer in Geospatial Data, and Introduction to Engineering Geography at the Polytechnic of Namibia (now NUST) |
01/2013 to 12/2013 | Crime and violence prevention local project coordinator at the Urban Trust of Namibia, responsible for community-based approaches in informal settlements of Windhoek |
07/2011 to 08/2013 | Intern at Police Justice Institute (Washington DC, USA), assisted with mapping police brutality cases of the States using GIS |
05/2010 to 10/2010 | Intern at the Research and Information Services of Namibia, assisted with mapping spatial patterns in satellite images and aerial photos of settlements in Namibia and Angola |
01/2010 to 10/2010 | Intern at the Urban Trust of Namibia (Windhoek), assisted with research on Local Economic Development (LED) |
Research Area
Indigenous knowledge, sustainable livelihoods, value chains, gender, communal land, African languages and cultures, rural environments
since 2020 | Pursuing a PhD in Geography at the University of Namibia in collaboration with the University of Cologne |
2017 - 2019 | MA in Culture and Environment in Africa from the University of Cologne, Germany |
2010 - 2012 | MSc. in Geographic Information Technologies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain |
2006 - 2009 | BA in Geography and Sociology from the University of Namibia |
Akawa, M.; Nakanyete, N.F.; Mushaandja, N. (2023): ‘Eekamba adishe nadi ufanwe, Eendingosho adishe na di ongelwe u pule kwali Nashima’: Nanghili Nashima, The performer and feminist intellectual. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture, 33, 22-42.:https://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/273
Nakanyete, N. F.; Matengu, K. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2023): The impact of commodified non-timber forest products on the livelihoods of San in Northern Namibia. Development Southern Africa, 1-17.https://doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2022.2162855
Gwasira, G.; Nakanyete, N.F. (2022): Wenn Resititution als Leihgabe gelabelt wird [When restitution is labeled as a loan]. Afrika Süd,5,34 - 36. https://www.afrika-sued.org/ausgaben/heft-5-2022/wenn-restitution-als-leihgabe-gelabelt-wird/
Widlok, T.; Nakanyete, N. F. (2022): Framing the Future of National Parks. In African Futures, Brill, 141-154
Gwasira, G.; Akawa, M.; N.F. Nakanyete, NF (2021): Cultural Villages as Drivers of Rural Poverty Alleviation in Namibia: The Case of Uukwaludhi Royal Homestead. Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft – Namibia Scientific Society Journal, 68. https://www.namscience.com/journal
Nakanyete, N.F.; Nghitevelekwa, R.V.; Matsa, M.M.; Mendelsohn, J., Lendelvo, S.; Shikale, F. (2020):Communal Land Tenure Security for Widows in the Eenhana Constituency of the Ohangwena Region,Namibia. Journal of International Women's Studies, 21(1), 131-147. Available at: https://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol21/iss1/11
Nakanyete, N.F.; Shikangalah, R.N.; A. Vatuva(2020): Drought as a Disaster in the Namibian Context.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR): pp. 377 – 386. Available at: https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v9i3/SR20223012241.pdf
Nghitevelekwa, R.; Nakanyete, N.F.; S. Lendelvo (2020): Access to Land and Tenure Security for the San People in Namibia: Case Study of Okongo Constituency, Ohangwena Region. In W. Odendaal & W. Werner (Eds.). “Neither here nor there” Indigeneity, marginalization and land rights in postindependence Namibia. Legal Assistance Centre: Windhoek
Nakanyete, N. F. (2018): Persistence of African languages and religions in Latin America since slavery. JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, 3(1), 80-94. https://doi.org/10.32642/julace.v3i1.1377
Nakanyete, N. F. (2018): LABA. JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, 3(2), 131. https://doi.org/10.32642/julace.v3i2.1391
Franqueira, D.,; Vazquez, J.A.; Nakanyete, N.F. (2017): Poboación Local e Areas Protexidas en Namibia. Percepción Sobre os Efectos na Salambala Conservancy.The Overarching Issues of the European Space: Society, Economy and Heritage in a Scenario towardsGreater territorial Cohesion. Porto: FLUP, pp. 360-373.
Mendelsohn, J.; Mendelsohn, S; Nakanyete, N. (2010): An expanded assessment of risks from flooding in Luanda. Research and Information Services of Namibia.
Additional Accomplishments
2020: Participated as a panelist at a virtual talk entitled: "Other looks on the pandemic: perspectives from other peoples, cultures, and geographies", at the Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano, Colombia.
2018: Participated as a panelist on the 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography under the theme “Poverty and Inequality: Trends, Drivers, and Policy Options”, Cologne, Germany
2016: Assisted as narrator on National Geographic’s Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Season 2; Episode 3
2016: Presented the preliminary findings of research studies in 'Communal Land Security for Widows in Ohangwena Region 'at Namibia Scientific Society in Windhoek
2013: Southern African Young Women's Festival (SAYWF) attended in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
2010: Awarded a certificate in Young Feminist Leadership by the African University in partnership with Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa in Mutare, Zimbabwe
2009: Awarded a certificate in Ecological Restoration by Gobabeb Research and Training Centre