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Between Enclaves and Integration - Chinese and African Special Economic Zones in Sub-Saharan Africa - DFG (2019-2022)

Based on Ethiopian and Zambian case studies, this project explains how Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Sub-Saharan Africa contribute to regional development.

This project aims to analyse 1. how and 2. why Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Sub-Saharan Africa contribute to regional development or develop into disintegrated enclaves. The study novelly combines conceptual considerations on enclaves, global production networks (GPN), and policy transfer. Empirically, the study will analyse SEZs of Chinese and domestic African developers and their embedding regions in two different countries, Ethiopia and Zambia. A special focus lies on labour processes and integration into local and global production networks.

Project Head: Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg
Investigator: Carolina Kiesel
International partners: Dr. Enock Sakala (University of Zambia), Prof. Dr. Alemayehu Geda (Addis Abeba University)
Funding: DFG GZ: DA 1128/9-1 (Period 2019-2022)