Physisch-Geographisches Laboratorium

Mikro XRF Mapping - A. Caliginosa (Microplastic environmental project at Langel Merkenich)

Micro XRF Mapping Sediment Surface (Atacama Desert)
Laboratory for Physical Geography
Sedimentology, Soil science, Geochemistry, Environmental analysis
Within the laboratory for Physical Geography at the University of Cologne a many-faceted spectrum of geoscience methods is available for the scientific projects, theses and laboratory practical courses. Since 2004 on a total of 800 m2 the laboratory offers a broad spectrum of methods for manifold geoscience questions. The main focus of the laboratory is the sedimentology, geochemistry, soil science and archaeology. Laboratory work is mainly a subject of dissertations, external funds and theses in connection with scientific projects. In context of interdisciplinary practise, the laboratory offers the opportunity for external commissioned work (e.g. collaborative research centre).
Besides scientific work the laboratory is used also for laboratory courses for master and bachelor students.
The requirement for the work for students in the laboratory is the completion of a laboratory course and the instruction according to the laboratory regulations.
- TOC-, TIC- and DOC-determination
- Granulometric analysis
- pH-determination, elektrische conductivity
- Buffering capacity
- Redox potential
- Cation exchange capacity
- Nitrogen-determination
- CaCO3-determination
- Ammonium nitrate extraction
- Sequentiel extraction
- FeO/ FeD-determination
- Phosphate-determination
- Geochemical extraction methods
- X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
- X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF)
Laboratory devices
- SCHEIBLER-apparatus
- X-ray fluorescence analysis
- Chemical extraction-microwave
- MLS Ethos.lab
- Atomic absorbtion spectrometer
- Thermo Scientific GFS
- Thermo Scientific iCE 3000 Series
- Simultan-Multielement-Graphitrohrofen-AAS
- X-ray Diffraction
- Siemens D 5000
- Thermo Scientific X Series 2 ICP-MS
- Hg-analyser
- MLS DMA-80
- Freeze drying process
- Christ Alpha 1-4 LDplus
- Titration station
- Metronohm
- Particle size determination
- Beckman Coulter LS13320
- Retsch Camsizer
- C/N/S-Analysator
- Elementar Vario EL Cube
- Elementar Liqui TOC
- Photometer
- Perkin Elmer Lambda 25
- IC
- Dionex ICS 1000
- Ball mills
- Retsch PM 400 & PM 4001
- Retsch MM 400
- pH-station
- WTW InoLab
- Chamber furnace
- Carbolite CWF 12/13/E301
- Microcosms-station
- pF-station