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Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschaftsgeographie und Globaler Süden


Regions are facing several challenges triggered by enforced structural change and increased interdependence of economic processes – as a result of an intensified globalization. As a consequence, there are simultaneous processes of growth, stagnation and decline across the globe. The research focus of our working group are regions at different development levels.




The actor-centered research activities are concentrated in the following fields:

  • Innovation: Technological upgrading along global value chains in varying regional innovation systems from world cities to rural areas.
  • Transformation: Regional effects of transformation processes in those countries which are characterized by both a transition from a planned to a market economy and by drastic institutional changes.
  • Vulnerability: Impacts of natural risks on the relationship between people and their environment in order to get a better understanding of the dynamics of urban poverty as well as to develop sustainable strategies to overcome social and regional disparities.

The regional focus is on Europe, Southeast and East Asia and Africa, with current research projects in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Brazil, South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana and Argentina.


In August 2024, Prof. Revilla Diez and our research assistants Emma Galbraith, Ole Lück and Dr. Linus Kalvelage met representatives of our long-standing cooperation partner Ciem (Vietnam Institute of Central Economic Management) in Hanoi: President Dr. Tran Thi Hong Minh and staff members Nguyễn Anh Dương and Đỗ Thị Lê Mai . We presented our three current research projects in Vietnam: Green Finance (Emma Galbraith), Energy Transition (Dr. Linus Kalvelage) and the long-term socio-economic panel project in Thailand and Vietnam (TVSEP) (Ole Lück).



During his research stay in Vietnam in July 2024, Prof. Javier Revilla Diez took part in the Annual international conference on Economy, Law, and Government 2024 (ELG2024), held by the University of Economics in Ho Chi Minh City, with the focus: “Approaches to the twin transition – Digitalization and climate change in developing countries. Javier Revilla Diez organised a session about the long-term socio-economic panel-project in Thailand and Vietnam (TVSEP) and presented a paper that he published together with Franziska Sohns: Explaining micro-enterprise survival in rural Vietnam: a multilevel Analysis. More details you can see on this video.



We are pleased to welcome Leonie Hesselmann and Ole Lück to our working group!  Leonie Hesselmann is researching the project "Future in Chains - Socio-Economic Impacts of Growth Corridors", funded by the German Reserach Foundation (DFG) with a special focus on the socio-economic impacts of global and regional value chains. Her research interests include the greater involvement of the local population in regional development processes. Ole Lücks project is embedded in the long-term project Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic Panel (TVSEP), also funded by the German Reserach Foundation (DFG),  researching  in particular on the influence of entrepreneurship in rural Vietnam and Thailand on structural change and regional diversification. His research interests include regional and global disparities and the drivers of regional development in the Global South.



From June 24th - 27th, 2024, Emma Galbraith  and Mfundo Mlilo attended the 10th Nordic Geographers Conference, themed "Transitioning Geographies" in Copenhagen which attracted over 450 participants from across Europe. They took part in lively discussions, presented and promoted the institute's work. The sunny weather and networking with esteemed scholars added to their positive experiences. We are looking forward to applying the insights they gained



Linus Kalvelage took part in the conference of the Energy Geography Working Group in Marburg from June 6th to 8th, 2024, and gave a presentation on "Interpath Relations in the Periphery: Green Hydrogen and the Oil Industry in Namibia". His presentation highlighted the interactions between green hydrogen projects and the traditional oil industry in Namibia and opened up exciting prospects for future energy development in the region.



Han Luong has been conducting a survey of students since March 2024 in three major cities in Vietnam: Thai Nguyen, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City. The pre-designed questionnaire was tested via Zoom, then a first survey was conducted by distributing over a hundred questionnaires to students on different campuses in the specified cities. A final survey is currently underway, which aims to collect a significant number of questionnaires from students. This is expected to be completed by mid-May 2024.


Infrastructure drives economic and transportation development and facilitates communication and trade across distances. The recent importance of globalization, exemplified by projects such as the Chinese Road and Belt Initiative and digital infrastructures, is linked to future development. However, challenges such as migration and environmental change offer new perspectives. The interdisciplinary workshop on May 16 and 17 will focus on issues related to infrastructure.



In March 2024, Mfundo Mlilo has been to four Countries—Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia—collecting immigration data to track tourist movements in the KAZA region as part of our research on tourism knowledge transfers. This builds on previous research on tourism, among others at the Namibia Tourism Expo, as shown in this picture.


On April 23, 2024 at 6 pm, a lecture evening will take place at International House, Kringsweg 6: "Insights into Myanmar's Conflict-Induced Displacement and Livelihoods Situations of Post-Coup Displaced Communities in Mae Sot, Thailand". Su Myat Thwe and Simon Becker will present the results of their empirical research in Mae Sot on the Thai-Myanmar border, Prof. Dr. Javier Revilla Diez will moderate the discussion. The event will be held in English. More information can be found here; and you can register here.


From March 1 to March 3, Prof. Javier Revilla Diez and Emma Galbraith took part in a workshop in Zhuhai, China. The aim of the workshop was to bring together economic geographers from the two research areas Global Production Networks (GPN) and Global Financial Networks (GFN) and to exchange views on their current research projects. Following introductory remarks by Javier Revilla Diez, Emma Galbraith presented her research ideas on analyzing the role of financial service providers from Singapore and their regional economic impact in Southeast Asia.

Namibia is currently receiving much media attention as a destination for large-scale green hydrogen investments, raising hopes for green industrialization. At the same time, the discovery of large offshore oil fields has put Namibia on the map of the global oil and gas industry, with the coastal town of Lüderitz at the center of both industries. How can these two industries coexist? And what does this dual energy boom mean for Namibia's regional development pathways and institutions? Linus Kalvelage recently returned from a research trip to find out.


As we look back on the past year, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to work on so many different projects and topics with such a talented and dedicated team. And as is tradition in our working group, we got together for a small Christmas party with delicious food from different countries, wine from Spain, beer from Germany and our new tradition: Christmas Bingo!


The CO1 crew rocked the CRC Retreat 2023 in Steinfeld from November 8-10! We dove deep into the second phase of the CRC 228 project (which will be completed in 2025) and reviewed our progress. Of particular note is the interdisciplinary research that is fostering collaboration between the projects. In addition, CO1 is planning a special issue on infrastructures and is working on a series of papers to improve our teamwork.  #CRC228Magic #TeamCO1 #


On November 9th and 10th, 2023, Emma Galbraith took part in the annual conference of the Industrial Geography Working Group in Naurod. Emma presented the DFG project "Beyond offshoring: tradable services and regional value chains in the Global South" and presented her own initial research ideas, which she would like to pursue further as part of her doctorate. Intensive discussions and valuable feedback rounded off the conference.


Foto: Peter Kiefer, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

From 25 to 30 September, the German Congress of Geography took place in Frankfurt. Our working group not only presented its own research, but also organised four sessions: Javier Revilla Diez led sessions on food insecurity and the role of socio-economic scenarios in climate adaptation.;Linus Kalvelage focused on geographical perspectives on the biodiversity crisis and questioned the current state of environmental economic geography. The discussions at the congress underlined the relevance of economic geography for addressing global challenges and also stimulated new research perspectives.


We are pleased to welcome Emma Galbraith as a new member of our research group! Emma Galbraith will start her PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Javier Revilla Diez and support the working group as a research assistant. As part of the DFG-funded project "Beyond offshoring: tradable services and regional value chains in the Global South", she is researching regional value chains of tradable services and their regional economic effects in Southeast Asia.


Together with colleagues Grote, Kis-Katos and Thanh Nguyen, Javier Revilla Diez is organising the International TVSEP Data User Workshop which will take place online on 12 and 13 September 2023 with participants from Southeast Asia and Germany. The Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic Panel (TVSEP) is a research project on "Poverty and Sustainable Development: A Long-Term Panel Project in Thailand and Vietnam, 2015 - 2024", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Here you can find more information on how to participate free of charge as well as the programme for the online workshop.


 From 14th to 17th June 2023, Ledys Franco, Carolin Hulke, Linus Kalvelage and Mfundo Mlilo attended the annual conference of the Regional Studies Association "Transforming Regions: Policy and Planning for People and Places" in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The team presented ongoing research from our working group on regional value chains, green path development, change agency and growth corridors. Intense discussions and a beautiful city made this a truly memorable stay.


Prof. Revilla Diez is grateful for having received the Albertus Magnus Teaching Award:

“Today I have to share this: I am very honored and proud to have received the Albertus-Magnus-Teaching award from our faculty. This is very motivating for me to keep trying to make teaching interesting and challenging. This award is very special to me as it is based on students’ votes. Many thanks!”

Javier Revilla Diez, Carolin Hulke, Linus Kalvelage, and Fenny Nakanyete participated in the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) at the University of Cologne from 30 May to 3 June. In different panels on topics such as the potential contribution of regional value chains to food security and tourism and environmental protection in times of the Covid 19 pandemic, they presented their current research results. In a panel discussion, Fenny Nakanyete also discussed the question of the future of African Studies in Europe with other international guests.


The hybrid CBNRM Science Workshop on Regional and Local Development Strategies in Namibian Conservancies took place on 27th April 2023. Thereby, Carolin Hulke, Linus Kalvelage and Javier Revilla Diez shared insights into their research results on tourism and agriculture development in conservancies in the Zambezi Region (CRC228 "Future Rural Africa" - C01 "Future in Chains"). In a discussion with different stakeholders from the agriculture and conservation/tourism sectors, the results and future development paths for Namibian conservancies were discussed.



In February/March 2023, Linus Kalvelage travelled along the coast of South Africa and Namibia to investigate recent investments in green hydrogen. He interviewed government officials and entrepreneurs in Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay and Windhoek, among other places, about the opportunities to use green hydrogen as a driver for investment, as well as the challenges of the energy transition, such as the high costs of the required technologies, the current lack of infrastructure and the shortage of skilled labour.

During his field research in Subsaha Africa, Mfundo Mlilo meets with entrepreneurs and political leaders to trace the evolution of the tourism value chains. Using the trinity of change concept, we compare tourism developments in Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. We have collected essential lessons about various stakeholders' roles in tourism development. Watch out for our upcoming paper discussing the relevance of this concept in tourism developments in the Global South. 



„Development beyond global integration?“ - Dissemination of finding

To finalise the first phase of the SFB "Future Rural Africa", Carolin Hulke together with Javier Revilla Diez presented the results of her PhD thesis in feedback workshops with local stakeholders. In cooperation with the Zambezi Horticulture Association (ZAHOPA), they organized discussions in the rural areas of the Zambezi region, Namibia. These brought together smallholder horticulture farmers with conservancies to discuss the links between conservation and agriculture. The results were shared with relevant stakeholders in Windhoek and the Zambezi region to increase the impact of the research project and contribute to the sustainable design of development pathways. 

On 19 January 2023, Prof. Javier Revilla Diez gave a lecture at the London School of Economics on the development corridors that have been established in Africa over the last decades. This should lead to more knowledge and prosperity, but implementation is not always easy and not everyone benefits from increasing turnovers. Mr. Revilla Diez explains the reasons for the unequal distribution of profits using Namibia's tourism industry as an example. Here, more investment, more national commitment and more leadership at the local level would be needed.


The paper “The impact of commodified non-timber forest products on the livelihoods of San in Northern Namibia” that Fenny Nakanyete co-authored with her PhD advisors, Prof. Revilla and Prof. Matengu, was published in Development of Southern Africa this January. This publication aims to contribute to the scientific and practical discussions on the impacts of NTFPs (non-timber forest products) integrated in regional and global value chains on vulnerable communities that depend on forests, in order to improve their economic development. The paper analysed how the non-timber forest product value chains are integrated into and support the livelihoods of Khwe and !Xun San harvesters of Northern Namibia.Through a mixed-method approach of data collection in Okongo Constituency and Bwabwata National Park, it is shown that although NTFPs contribute to the harvesters’ income generation, the income is insufficient to sustain their livelihoods. Therefore, integrating regional and global value chains does not result in an improved standard of living for these indigenous communities. The open access paper can be found here.


We are happy to welcome Justina Nangolo as a new member of our working group! Justina will start her Ph.D. studies under the direct supervision of Prof Javier Revilla Diez. She is pursuing a degree in Economic Geography with a special focus on the socio-economic (intended and unintended) outcomes of growth corridors in Namibia and Tanzania. Her research interest lies in the integration of Geoscience into the decision-making process for rural development purposes.


Carolin Hulke attended the Regional Studies Association Winter Conference in London in November, where she presented findings from a recent study on the impact of Covid-19 on regional resilience in Namibia („Navigating through the storm: conservancies as local institutions for regional resilience in Zambezi, Namibia“). Using the example of conservancies in the Zambezi region, the study highlights the central role of local institutions in the redistribution of investments for long-term adaptation to crises.


Welcome back! After an intermezzo as scientific coordinator of the Collaborative Research Center "Future Rural Africa", Dr. Linus Kalvelage has returned to the Institute of Geography. As a postdoctoral researcher he will support the research group "Economic Geography and the Global South" in research and teaching. In addition to his previous research focus on nature conservation and tourism in Southern Africa, he will work on green innovations and renewable energies.