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International Students

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Dear International students

thank you for your interest in studying at the Institute of Geography of the University of Cologne. We would like to extend our warm welcome. The following pages will help you to obtain information about how to plan your semester abroad or research stay in Cologne.

We would like to help you to have a nice time in Cologne in terms of both, your academic as well as your social experience. If you have open questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The coordinator for the international exchange programs is Dr. Verena Dlugoß.



Degree programs you can study in at the Institute of Geography

Bachelor: Bachelor of Science Geography, Bachelor of Arts Geography, Bachelor with Education Science (Bachelor of Arts Gym/Ge).

Master:  Master of Science Geography, Master of Arts Geography und Master of Education.

Furthermore, the Institute of Geography cooperates with other faculties of the University of Cologne for the Master's programs "Master of Arts Culture and Environment in Africa (CEA)", "International Master of Environmental Sciences (IMES)" and "Master of Quaternary Science and Geoarchaeology (QSG)".

Please note that most of our courses are taught in German language. However, there is the possibility to take German classes.

Overview of topics that are relevant for your start at the Institute of Geography