Nakanyete, N. F.; Matengu, K. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2025): Community enterprises for fair partnerships in non-timber forest product value chains? The case of San communities in northern Namibia. Geoforum, 160, 104237.
Nangolo, J. T.; Hütt, C.; Bareth, G.; Revilla Diez, J. (2025): Roads to development? A comparison of development corridors vs regional roads in the Zambezi Region, Namibia. Journal of Maps, 21(1), 2462302.
Follmann, A.; Dannenberg, P.; Baur, N.; Braun, B.; Walther, G.; Bernzen, A.; Börner, J.; Brüntrup, M.; Franz, M., Götz, L.; Hornidge, A.; Hulke, C.; Jamali Jaghdani, T.; Krishnan, A.; Kulke, E.; Labucay, I.; Nduru, G. M.; Neise, T.; Priyadarshini, P., Revilla Diez, J., Rütt, J.; Scheller, C.; Spengler, T.; Sulle, E. (2024): Conceptualizing sustainability and resilience in value chains in times of multiple crises—Notes on agri-food chains. DIE ERDE–Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 155(1), 29-48.
Franco, L.; Atienza, M.; Lufin, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2025): Mapping actor networks: shaping the dynamics of economic corridors through the lens of the Bioceanic Road Corridor. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 1-29.
Biber-Freudenberger, L.; Bogner, C.; Bareth, G.; Bollig, M.; Dannenberg, P.; Revilla Diez, J.; Greiner, C.; Mtweve, P. J.; Klagge, B.; Kramm, T.; Müller-Mahn, D.; Moseti, V.; Nyamari N.; Otieno Ochuodho, D.; Kuntashula, E.; Theodory, T.; Thorn, J. P. R; Börner, J. (2025): Impacts of road development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A call for holistic perspectives in research and policy. iScience.
Galbraith, E.; Hulke, C.; Revilla Diez, J. (2025): Constrained opportunities for path development: how misaligned agencies and structures shape Southern regional value chains. Regional Studies, online first.
Scholvin, S., & Kalvelage, L. (2025): New development paths through green hydrogen?: An ex-ante assessment of structure and agency in Chile and Namibia. Energy Research & Social Science, online first.
Lendelvo, S.; Mlilo, M., Angula; M.N., Heita, J.; Hasheela, R. (2024): International Laws and Wildlife Tourism in Southern Africa. In: Stone, L.S., Stone, M.T. (eds) Wildlife Tourism Dynamics in Southern Africa. Geographies of Tourism and Global Change. Springer, Cham.
Mlilo, M.; Bollig, M. & Revilla Diez, J. (2024): Coloniality of power and the imaginaries of tourism in Victoria Falls. Geoforum 156, 104131
Kalvelage, L., & Tups, G. (2024): Friendshoring in global production networks: state-orchestrated coupling amid geopolitical uncertainty. ZFW–Advances in Economic Geography, online first
Kalvelage, L., & Walker, B. (2024): Strategic coupling beyond borders: Germany's extraterritorial agency in Namibia's green hydrogen industry. Journal of Economic Geography, online first
Mlilo, M.; Bollig, M.; Revilla Diez, J.:. Nation-state influence on tourism path creation in Southern Africa. Regional Studies (2024), 1-16.
Neubacher, F.; Revilla Diez, J.; Grote, U. (2024): Toxische Ware – Vom Handel mit E-Schrott und was der mit Kriminologie zu tun hat. NK Neue Kriminalpolitik, 36(1), 45-61
Nakanyete, N. F.; Matengu, K. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2024): Rich resources from poor communities: An analysis of Namibia's access and benefit-sharing legislation. Environmental Development, 49, 100943
Revilla Diez, J.; Leitold, R., Tran V., Garschagen, M. (2023): Micro-business participation in collective flood adaptation: lessons from scenario-based analysis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 2425–2440,
Nakanyete, N. F.; Matengu, K. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2024): 6 Requirements for community-company partnerships in non-timber forest product trade: The case of San communities in northern Namibia. Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable Livelihoods: Evaluating Non-Timber Forest Product Value Chains for San Communities in Northern Namibia, 84.
Lüder, L; Kalvelage, L. (2023): Regional resilience and social-ecological systems: the impact of COVID-19 on community conervation in Namibia, online first.
Kalvelage, L.; Hardie, C.; Mausch, K.; Conti, C.; Hall, A. (2023): Inside-out strategic coupling for smallholder market integration - Mango production in Malawi as a test case, Outlook on Agriculture, online first.
Scheiber, L.; David, C. G.; Hoballah Jalloul, M.; Visscher, J.; Nguyen, H. Q.; Leitold, R.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schlurmann, T. (2023): Low-regret Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Megacities–Evaluating Large-Scale Flood Protection and Small-Scale Rainwater Detention Measures for Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1-22.
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.: Bollig, M. (2023): Valuing Nature in Global Production Networks: Hunting Tourism and the Weight of History in Zambezi, Namibia, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, online first.
Revilla Diez, J.; Breul, M. (2023): Hightech-Industrien und die Herausbildung regionaler Innovationssysteme in Deutschland (227-258). In E. Hulkde (Ed.): Wirtschaftsgeographie Deutschlands. Berlin, Springer
Scholvin, S.; Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2023): Diversity in brokerage: how do gateway cities interlink their hinterlands? Regional Studies 57(2), 215-224,
Nakanyete, N. F.; Matengu, K. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2023): The impact of commodified non-timber forest products on the livelihoods of San in Northern Namibia. Development Southern Africa, 1-17.
Hulke, C.; Kalvelage, L.; Kairu, J.; Revilla Diez, J.; Rutina, L. (2022): Navigating through the storm: conservancies as local institutions for regional resilience in Zambezi, Namibia. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. Free access link:
Hulke, C.; Revilla Diez, J. (2022): Understanding regional value chain evolution in peripheral areas through governance interactions – An institutional layering approach. Applied Geography 139. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102640.
Kiesel, C.; Dannenberg, P.; Hulke, C.; Kairu, J.; Revilla Diez, J., Sandhage-Hofmann, A. (2022):
An argument for place-based policies: The importance of local agro-economic, political and environmental conditions for agricultural policies exemplified by the Zambezi region, Namibia. Environmental Science & Policy 129, 137-149.
Scholvin, S.; Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Diversity in brokerage: how do gateway cities interlink their hinterlands? Regional Studies,
Scholvin, S.; Turok, I.; Visagie, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Regional value chains as new pathways to development? Area Development and Policy, 1-10, DOI:10.1080/23792949.2021.1978299
Kalvelage, L.; Bollig, M.; Grawert, E.; Hulke, C.; Meyer, M.; Mkutu, K.; Müller-Koné, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Territorialising Conservation: Community-based approaches in Kenya and Namibia", Conservation and Society, Online first
Breul, M., Revilla Diez (2021): Die Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie und ihre Produktionsnetzwerke in Südostasien. In Becker, S.; Klagge, B., Naumann, M. (Eds): Energiegeographie. Stuttgart, 321 - 331
Neise, T.; Sohns, F.; Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): The effect of natural disasters on FDI attraction: a sector-based analysis over time and space. Natural Hazards, 1-25.
Mausch, K.; Harris D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Rural Aspirations: Reflections for Development Planning, Design and Localized Effects. In: European Journal of Development Research 33(4). DOI:10.1057/s41287-021-00407-y
Neise, T., Leitold, R. (2021): Anpassung an Überschwemmungen in südostasiatischen Megastädten – Was kann der Privatsektor leisten? Standort, 1-6.
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.; Bollig, M. (2021): Do tar roads bring tourism? Growth corridor policy and tourism development in the Zambezi region, Namibia, European Journal of Development Research, 1-22. DOI: 10.1057/s41287-021-00402-3
Leitold, R.; Garschagen, M.; Tran, V.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Flood Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation of Manufacturing Firms: Global Knowledge Gaps and Lessons from Ho Chi Minh City. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102351. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102351
Breul, M.; Hulke, C.; Kalvelage, L. (2021): Path Formation and Reformation: Studying the Variegated Consequences of Path Creation for Regional Development. In: Economic Geography, S. 1–22.
Aring, M; Reichardt, O.; Menjono Katjizeu, E.; Luyanda, B., Hulke, C. (2021): Collective Capacity to Aspire? Aspirations and Livelihood Strategies in the Zambezi Region, Namibia.In: The European Journal of Development Research, 1-18,
Scholvin, S.; Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J.; Rodríguez Pose, A. (2021): Introduction: Nodes in global networks. Growth and Change 52, 4-11,
Neise, T.; Sambodo, M. T.; Revilla Diez, J. (2021): Are Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises willing to contribute to collective Flood Risk Reduction? Scenario-Based Field Experiments from jakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. Organization & Environment 34.2 (2021): 219-242. DOI: 10.1177%2F1086026619875435
Hulke, C.; Kairu, J. K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2020): Development visions, livelihood realities – how conservation shapes agricultural value chains in the Zambezi region, Namibia. Development Southern Africa, 1–18.
Scholvin, S.; Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2020): A magic formula for economic development? Global market integration and spatial polarization in extractive industries. Area Development and Policy, 1-10.
Leitold, R., Revilla Diez, J., Tran, V. (2020): Are we expecting too much from the private sector in flood adaptation? Scenario-based field experiments with small- and medium-sized firms in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Climatic Change 163(1), 359-387.
Neise, T.; Garschagen, M; Revilla Diez, J. (2020): Engagement of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Individual Flood Adaptation in Indonesian Coastal Cities—Implications for Flood Governance, 99-120. In: Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia. Springer International Publishing
Breul, M.; Neise, T. (2020): Tesla kommt - Die Metropolregion Berlin-Brandenburg als neues Automobilzentrum? Geographische Rundschau, 72 (10), 46-49.
Hulke, H.; Revilla Diez, J. (2020): Building adaptive capacity to external risks through collective action - Social learning mechanisms of smallholders in rural Vietnam. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51, 101829.
Revilla Diez, J.; Rahman, S. (2020): Johor's Oil and Gas Sector: The Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex and its Implications. In: Johor: Abode of Development? ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, 107-133
Pham, T. T. H.; Revilla Diez, J.; Garschagen, M. (2020): A typology of household livelihood changes in rural coastal areas of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta—Capturing the heterogeneity and complexity of the social‐ecological context. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 42(2), 241-263. DOI:
Kalvelage, L.; Revilla Diez, J.; Bollig, M. (2020): How much remains? Local value capture from tourism in Zambezi, Namibia, Tourism Geographies, 1-22, DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1786154
Free download link:
Scholvin, S.; Breul, M. (2020): An unexpected gateway: The particularities of Mauritius as a hub in oil and gas GPNs. Development Southern Africa 1-14,
Gargallo. E.; Kalvelage, L. (2020): Integrating Social-Ecological Systems and Global Production Networks: Local Effects of Trophy Hunting in Namibian Conservancies', Development Southern Africa 38(1), 87-103. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2020.1835608
Dannenberg, P.; Revilla Diez, J. (2020): Wachstumskorridore als Entwicklungsmotor Afrikas? Uiversitas 12, 35-49.
Wrana, J.; Breul, M., & Revilla Diez, J. (2019): Changing higher education systems through corporate social responsibility? - A study on multinational enterprises’ efforts to establish proto-institutions at Vietnamese universities, 348–369. In Handbook of Universities and Regional Development. Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI:
Leitold, R., Revilla Diez, J. (2019): Exposure of manufacturing firms to future sea level rise in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Journal of Maps 15 (1), 13-20.
Parshotam, A.; Revilla Diez, J. (2019): Economic Growth Corridors Through a Value-Chain Lens: The Case of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor in Tanzania, 61-77. In: Scholvin, S., Black, A., Revilla Diez, J., Turok, I., Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer
Wrana, J.; Nguyen Xuan; T. (2019): "Strategic coupling" and regional development in a transition company: what can we learn from Vietnam? Area Development and Policy, 4(1), 454-465.
Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2019): “One thing leads to another”, but where? – Gateway cities and the geography of production linkages. Growth and Change 52(1), 29-47,
Scholvin, S.; Black, A.; Revilla Diez, J.; Turok, I. (2019): Introduction, 1-19. In: Scholvin, S.; Black, A.; Revilla Diez, J.; Turok, I. (Eds), Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer, Heidelberg. Link
Revilla Diez, J.; Breul, M.; Moneke, J. (2019) The SIJORI Growth Triangle: Territorial Complementarities or Competition for FDI in the Oil and Gas Industry? Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 36 (1), 71-90
Breul, M. (2019): Cities in ‘multiple globalizations’: insights from the upstream oil and gas World City Network. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 6 (1), 25-31. DOI:
Nguyen Xuan, T., Revilla Diez, J. (2019): Less than expected - The minor role of foreign firms in upgrading domestic suppliers - The case of Vietnam. Research Policy 48(6), 1573-1585,
Neise, T.; Sambodo, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2019:. Are Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises willing to contribute to collective Flood Risk Reduction? Scenario-Based Field Experiments from jakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. Organization & Environment..
Leitold, R.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Exposure of manufacturing firms to future sea level rise in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Journal of Maps 15, 13-20. Link
Braun, B.; Dannenberg, P.; Fuchs, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Dynamiken in einer ungleichen Welt- eine globale Perspektive. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 70(6), 50-53. Link
Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J.; Sambodo, T. S. (2018): Filtering strategic coupling: territorial intermediaries in oil and gas global production networks in Southeast Asia. Journal of Economic Geography, 19(4), 829-851,
Breul, M.; Neise, T. (2018): Temporary clusters and cognitive proximity, new research from the Young Economic Geographers Network. In: Regions e-Zine 2.
Sohns, F.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Explaining micro-enterprise survival in rural Vietnam: a multilevel analysis, Spatial Economic Analysis, 14(1), 5-25.
Neise, T.; Revilla Diez, J. 2018): Adapt, move or surrender? Manufacturing firms’ routines and dynamic capabilities on flood risk reduction in coastal cities of Indonesia. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 33, 332-342 .
Revilla Diez, J.; Breul, M.; Moneke, J. (2018): Territorial Complementarities and Competition for Oil and Gas FDI in the SIJORI Growth Triangle. ISEAS Economics Working Paper No. 2018-2. Link
Dannenberg, P., Revilla Diez, J., Schiller, D. (2018): Spaces for integration or a divide? New-generation growth corridors and their integration in global value chains in the Global South. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 62 (2), 135-151, DOI:
Dannenberg, P., Braun, B., Fuchs, M. Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Dynamics in an unequal world. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 62 (2), 87-91, DOI:
Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Territorial Complementarities or Competition for FDI? Johor, Singapore and the Oil and Gas Sector. In: Perspective 23/2018, ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute
Neise, T., Revilla Diez, J., Garschagen, M. (2018): Firms as drivers of integrative adaptive regional development in the context of environmental hazards in developing countries and emerging economies - A conceptual framework. In: Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36(8), 1522-1541.
Neise, T.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Überschwemmungen und Regionalentwicklung. Die Rolle von Industriebetrieben in Jakarta und Semarang. Geographische Rundschau 70 (4), 16-21
Neise, T.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Firms’ contribution to flood risk reduction – scenario-based experiments from Jakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. Procedia Engineering 212, 567–574. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.073
Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): An intermediate step to resource peripheries: The strategic coupling of gateway cities in the upstream oil and gas GPN. Geoforum 92: 9-17. DOI:
Wrana, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Multinational enterprises or the quality of regional institutions - What drives the diffusion of global CSR certificates in a transition economy? Evidence from Vietnam. In: Journal of Cleaner Production (186), 168-179.
Wrana, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2018): Multinationals, Corporate Social Responsibility and Regional Change in Transition Economies, 13-33. In: Castellani, D.; Narula, R.; Nguyen, Q.; Surdu I., Walker, J. (eds.): Contemporary Issues in International Business - Institutions, Strategy and Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Kalvelage, L.: Breul, M. (2017): Die Rolle des Staates in Aufwertungsprozessen der Öl- und Gasindustrie - der Fall Vietnam. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, 145, 24-44. Link
Scholvin, S.; Revilla Diez, J.; Breul, M. (2017): Neil M. Coe and Henry W. Yeung: Global Production Networks: Theorizing Economic Development in an Interconnected World. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 61(2), 117-118.
Breul, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2017): Städte als regionale Knotenpunkte in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten: das Beispiel der Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie in Südostasien. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 61(3-4), 156-173. DOI: 10.1515/zfw-2016-0044
Neise, T.; Revilla Diez, J., Garschagen, M., Djalante, R., Novianti, K. & Syahid, C.N. (2017): Manufacturing Firms’ Adaptations to Floods and Proposal for Integrative Adaptive Regional Development in Jakarta. Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, 281-305
Nguyen Xuan, T.; Revilla Diez, J. (2017): Multinational enterprises and industrial spatial concentration patterns in the Red River Delta and Southeast Vietnam. In: Annals of Regional Science 59(1), 101-138. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-017-0820-y
Sohns, F.; Revilla Diez, J. (2017): Self-Employment and Its Influence on the Vulnerability to Poverty of Households in Rural Vietnam-A Panel Data Analysis. Geographical Review, 107(2), 336-359. DOI: 10.1111/j.1931-0846.2016.12206.x
Fu, W.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D.: (2017): Determinants of Networking Practices in the Chinese transision context: Empirical Insights from the Pearl River Delta. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 108(2), 205-219. Doi: 10.1111/tesg.12206
Brünjes, J., Revila Diez, J. (2017): Necessity versus opportunity-driven entrepreneurs in Vietnam. In: Williams, C.C., Gurtoo, A. (Hg.): Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneuership in Developing Economies. Link
Revilla Diez, J. (2016): Vietnam 30 years after Doi Moi: achievements and challenges. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 60(3), 121-133. DOI: 10.1515/zfw-2016-0035
Dannenberg, P.; Revilla Diez, J. (2016): Editorial: Socio-economic networks and value chains in the Global South – an institutional perspective. In: Die ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 147(3), 169-172.
Brünjes, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2016): Obtaining non-farm wage employment in rural Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 57(2), 263-279.
Nguyen Xuan, T., Revilla Diez, J. (2016): Industrieller Strukturwandel im Roten-Fluss-Delta seit Doi Moi. Geographische Rundschau 68 (7-8), 30-35
Wrana. J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2016): Can Multinational Enterprises Introduce New Institutions to Host Countries? - An explorative study about MNEs training programs with educational institutes and their potential influence on Vietnam’s vocational education sector. Geographische Zeitschrift, 104, 2016/3, 158-182. Link
Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D.; Zvirgzde, D. (2016): Doing business in Ukraine – multinational companies in the trap of regional institutions? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy , 34(4), 638-655. DOI:10.1177/0263774X16642447
Fu, W.; Revilla Diez, J., Schiller, D. (2016): Determinants of Networking Practices in the Chinese transision context: Empirical Insights from the Pearl River Delta. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 108(2), 205-219. Doi: 10.1111/tesg.12206
Stuck, J., Broekel, T., Revilla Diez, J. (2015), Network structures in Regional Innovation Systems, European Planning Studies, 24(3), 423-442, DOI:10.1080/09654313.2015.1074984
Meyer, S.; Revilla Diez, J (2015): One country, two systems: How regional institutions shape governance modes in the greater Pearl River Delta, China. In: Papers in Regional Science 94(4), 891-900.
Junge, V.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schätzl, L. (2015): Determinants and Consequences of Internal Return Migration in Thailand and Vietnam. In: World Development 71(C), 94-106
Mausch, K.; Revilla Diez, J. (2015): "Local Governmental Quality and the Performance of Medium and Large Companies Across Rural Vietnam" in: P. Dannenberg and E. Kulke, eds, Economic Development in Rural Areas - Functional an Multifunctional Approaches. Farnham: Ashgate, 211-232
Zibell, B.; Revilla Diez, J.; Heineking, I.; Preuß, P.; Bloem, H.; Sohns, F. (2014): Zukunft der Nahversorgung in ländlichen Räumen: Bedarfsgerecht und maßgeschneidert, 141-165. In: Fachinger, U.; Künemund, H. (Hg.): Gerontologie und ländlicher Raum. Lebensbedingungen, Veränderungsprozesse und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, Springer 2014, Vechta
Tamásy, C.; Revilla Diez, J. (Hrsg.) (2013): Regional Resilience, Economy and Society: Globalising Rural Places. Aldershot: Ashgate
Tamásy, C.; Revilla Diez, J. (2013): Introduction. In: Revilla Diez, J.; Tamásy, C. (Hrsg.): Regional Resilience, Economy and Society: Globalising Rural Places. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1-7
Brünjes, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2013): Non-farm businesses in rural areas: response to crisis or exploiting opportunities? Evidence from Vietnam, 115-130. In: Tamásy, C.; Revilla Diez, J.; (Hrsg.): Regional Resilience, Economy and Society: Globalising Rural Places. Aldershot: Ashgate
Revilla Diez, J.; Tamásy, C. (2013): New Approaches to Rural Places, 285-289. In: Revilla Diez, J.; Tamásy, C. (Hrsg.): Regional Resilience, Economy and Society: Globalising Rural Places. Aldershot, Ashgate
Stuck, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2013): Synthesis of the territorial and R&D systems of the nine case study regions involved in the AMCER project. Component 1 in the ESPON Advanced Monitoring and Coordination of EU R&D Policies at Regional Level (AMCER) project. Research report.
Liu, W.-H.; Bickenbach, F.; Fu, W.; Hartmann, P.; Meyer, S.; Ohm, S.; Hennemann, S.; Schiller, D.; Kraas, F.; Liefner, I.; Revilla Diez, J.; Soltwedel, R. (2013): Agile Firm Organisation and Upgrading in the Greater Pearl River Delta,121-133. In: Kraas, F.; Aggrawal, S.; Coy, M.; Mertins, G. (Hrsg.): Megacities - Our Global Urban Future. Dordrecht, Springer
Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D.; Meyer, S. (2013): Capitalising on Institutional Diversity and Complementary Resources in Cross-Border Metropolitan Regions: The Case of Electronics Firms in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, 393-424. In: Klaesson, J.; Johansson, B.; Karlsson, C. (Eds.): Metropolitan Regions Knowledge Infrastructures of the Global Economy. Springer, Cham
Brünjes, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2013): 'Recession push' and 'prosperity pull' entrepreneurship in a rural developing context. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 25(3-4), 251-271.
Fu, W.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D. (2013): Interactive Learning, Informal Networks and Innovation: Evidence from Electronics Firm Survey in the Pearl River Delta, China. Research Policy. 42(3), 635-646.
Schiller, D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): The Impact of Academic Mobility on the Creation of Localized Intangible Assets. Regional Studies 46(10), 1319–1332,
Brünjes, J.; Schmid, D; Revilla Diez, J.; Liefner, I. (2012): Participation in different regional non-farm wage activities: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam, 305-334. In: Klasen, Stephan and Hermann Waibel (Eds.): Vulnerability to poverty: Theory, measurement and determinants. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
Tongruksawattana, S.; Junge, V.; Waibel, H.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schmidt, E. (2012): Ex-post coping strategies of rural households in Thailand and Vietnam, 216-257. In: Klasen, Stephan and Hermann Waibel (Eds.): Vulnerability to poverty: Theory, measurement and determinants. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
Mausch, K.; Revilla Diez, J.; Klump, R. (2012): Rural-rural differences in Vietnames pro-poor growth: does households' income composition make a difference? 136-162. In: Klasen, Stephan and Hermann Waibel (Eds.): Vulnerability to poverty: Theory, measurement and determinants. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
Willroth, P.; Massmann, F.; Wehrhahn, R.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): Socio-economic vulnerability of coastal communities in southern Thailand: the development of adaptation strategies. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12, 2647-2658.
Römer, H.; Willroth, P.; Kaiser, G.; Vafeidis, A.T.; Ludwig, R.; Sterr, H.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): Potential of remote sensing techniques for tsunami hazard and vulnerability analysis – a case study from Phang-Nga province, Thailand. In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12, 2103-2126, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-2103-2012
Iammarino, S.; Kramer, J.; Marinelli, E.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): Technological Capabilities and and the regionale embeddness of multinational firms – a case study from Germany and the UK, 169-192. In: Heidenreich, M. (Hrsg): Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies. Edgar Elgar. Cheltenham
Fu, W.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D. (2012): Regional innovation systems within a transitional context: evolutionary comparison of the electronics industry in Shenzhen and Dongguan since the opening of China. Journal of Economic Surveys 26(3), 534-550.
Fu, W.; Schiller, D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): Strategies of using social proximity and organizational proximity in product innovation: empirical insight from the Pearl River Delta, China. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 56 (1/2), 80-96
Garschagen, M.; Revilla Diez, J.; Nhan, D.K.; Kraas, F. (2012): Socio-Economic Development in the Mekong Delta: Between the Prospects for Progress and the Realms of Reality, 83-132. In: Renaud, F.; Künzer, C. (Eds.): The Mekong Delta System - Interdisciplinary Analyses of a River Delta. Springer, Cham
Brünjes, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): Opportunity entrepreneurs – potential drivers of non-farm growth in rural Vietnam? In: Working Papers on Innovation and Space 01.12. Link
Revilla Diez, J. (2012): Ausländische Direktinvestitionen aus Asien in Europa - Motive, Ausmaß, Struktur und regionale Verteilung. Geographische Rundschau 64(3), 26-35
Meyer, S.; Schiller, D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2012): The localization of electronics manufacturing in the Greater Pearl River Delta, China: do global implants put down local roots? Applied Geography 32(1), 119-129,
Fu, W.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D. (2011): Evolving into a Regional Innovation System: How Governance impact on Innovation in Shenzhen and Dongguan, China? Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography 11(19).
Kramer, J.-P.; Marinelli, E.; Iammarino, S.; Revilla Diez, J. (2011): Intangible assets as drivers of innovation: Empirical evidence on multinational enterprises in German and UK regional systems of innovation. Technovation, Volume 31(9), 447-458.
Revilla Diez, J. (2011): Regionalentwicklung in Europa– ein Abschied von der Konvergenz? Praxis Geographie 9, S. 4-9
Kramer, J.; Revilla Diez, J. (2011): Catching the Local Buzz by Embedding? Empirical Insights on the Regional Embeddedness of Multinational Enterprises in Germany and the UK. Regional Studies .
Revilla Diez, J.; Kramer, J. (2011): Expo 2000 revisited: the regional economic impact of the world exposition in Hannover. Sociologia Urbana e Rurale. DOI: 10.3280/SUR2011-096005
Willroth, P.; Revilla Diez, J.; Arunotai, N. (2011): Modelling the economic vulnerability of households in the Phang-Nga Province (Thailand) to natural disasters. National Hazards 58(2), 753–769.
Kramer, J., Revilla Diez, J., Marinelle, E., Iammarino, S. (2011): Intengible Assets and MNEs' Locational Strategies for Innovation - Or, Why the Regional Matters: Empirical Insights from Germany and the UK, 209-239. In: Karlsson, C., Johansson, B., Stough, R. (Hrsg): Innovation, Technology and Knowledge. Routledge
Revilla Diez, J. (2011): Regionalentwicklung in Europa– ein Abschied von der Konvergenz? Praxis Geographie 09, 4-9
Fu, W.; Revilla Diez, J. (2010): Knowledge Spillover and Technological Upgrading: The Case of Guangdong Province China. In: Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 187-217.
Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D.; Meyer, S. (2010): 探讨香港-珠江三角洲的联系:跨界的制度多样性如何促进电子企业的竞争力 (Exploring the Hong Kong-Pearl River Delta Link: How Institutional Diversity across Border Regions Fosters the Competitiveness of Electronics Firms). South China Journal of Economics 28(5): 69-80.
Kramer, J.-P.; Revilla Diez, J.; Marinelli, E.; Iammarino, S. (2010): Intangible assets and MNEs' locational strategy for innovation — or: why the regional matters. Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft 30 (2): 129-157.
Schiller, D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2010): Local embeddedness of knowledge spillover agents: Empirical evidence from German star scientists. Papers in Regional Science 89(2): 275-294.
Iammarino, S.; Kramer, J.-P.; Marinelli, E.; Revilla Diez, J. (2009): Intangible Assets and MNEs’ locational strategies for innovation – or: why the regional matters. In Bernhard I. (Ed) Uddevalla Symposium 2009: The Geography of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Revised papers presented at the 12th Uddevalla Symposium, 11–13 June, 2009, Bari, Italy, pp. 591-614, Research reports, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden.
Bielinski, J.; Meyer, S.; Revilla Diez, J. (2009): Innovation goes east: innovation management in China. Performance 2 (3). Ernst&Young.
Sterr, H., Kaiser, G., Römer, H., Revilla Diez, J.; Willroth, P.; Ludwig, R. (2009): Tsunamigefährdung an den Küsten Thailands. Was lehrt die Katastrophe von 2004? In: Geographische Rundschau , Band 61, Heft Nr. 12, Seite 28-35.
Schiller, D.; Mildahn, B.; Revilla Diez, J. (2009): Barriers against the transfer of knowledge between universities and industry in newly-industrialised countries: an analysis of university-industry linkages in Thailand. In: Varga, A. (Hrsg.). Universities, Knowledge Transfer and Regional Development. Elgar: Cheltenham. S. 295-320.
Iammarino, S.; Kramer, J.P.; Marinelli, E.; Revilla Diez, J. (2009): Intangible Assets, Multinational Enterprises and Regional Innovation in Europe. IAREG Working Paper 1.4, 04/2009.
Meyer, S.; Schiller, D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2009): The Janus-faced Economy: Hong Kong Firms as Intermediaries between global Customers and local Producers in the Electronics Industry. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (TESG) 100, No. 2, pp. 224-235.
Revilla Diez, J.; Schiller, D.; Meyer, S.; Liefner, I.; Brömer, C. (2008): Agile Firms and their Spatial Organisation of Business Activities in the Greater Pearl River Delta. Die Erde 139(3): 251-269.
Brandt, O; Cordes, A.; Revilla Diez, J. (2008): Regionale Beschäftigungsentwicklung der gering und mittel Qualifizierten in Niedersachsen. Bestimmungsfaktoren und Handlungsempfehlungen. Forschungsberichte des NIW, 35. Hannover. 2008. weitere Informationen
Berger, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2008): Can Host Innovation Systems in Late Industrializing Countries Benefit from the Presence of Transnational Corporations? Insights from Thailand's Manufacturing Industry. European Planning Studies, 16(8), 1047-1074.
Revilla Diez, J.; Mildahn, B. (2007): Universities as entrepreneurship engines in the periphery: more than wishful thinking? The example of Kiel in Northern Germany. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM) 7, No. 2/3/4/5, S. 385 - 404.
Revilla Diez, J.; Doloreux, D. (Guest Editors) (2007): Special Issue on Clusters and Regional Innovation Systems. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM) 7, No. 2/3/4/5.
Schiller, D.; Revilla Diez, J. (2007): University-industry linkages - potential and realization in developing countries: Thai experiences. Asia Pacific Tech Monitor 24(1). 38-44.
Brandt, O.; Trettin, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2007): Regionales Ausbildungsplatzpotenzial der Regionen Rendsburg und Hohenwestedt. Wissenschaftliche Analyse für das Projekt "Miteinander in Ausbildung" des Programmes STARegio. Hannover.
Revilla Diez, J.; Kiese, M. (2006): Scaling Innovation in Southeast Asia: Empirical Evidence from Singapore, Penang (Malaysia) and Bangkok. In: Regional Studies, 40(9), S. 1005-1023.
Revilla Diez, J.; Schätzl, L. (2006): Moderation des Themenheftes „Regionale Innovationspotenziale und innovative Netzwerke in Asien“. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 50, No. 1.
Revilla Diez, J.; Schätzl, L. (2006): Regionale Innovationspotenziale und innovative Netzwerke in Asien – Theoretische und methodische Anmerkungen. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 50, No. 1, S. 3-16.
Revilla Diez, J.; Berger, M. (2005): The role of Multinational Corporations in Metropolitan Innovation Systems – empirical evidence from Europe and South East Asia. In: Environment and Planning A 37, No. 10, pp. 1813-1835.
Revilla Diez, J.; Soltwedel, R. (2005): Regionales Entwicklungskonzept für die Gemeinde Trappenkamp. Im Auftrag der Gemeinde Trappenkamp.
Revilla Diez, J.; Brandt, O. (2005): Clusterstudie Ernährungswirtschaft Schleswig-Holstein. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Verkehr des Landes Schleswig-Holstein. Kiel.
Revilla Diez, J. (2004): Regionale Wachstumskonzepte in Niedersachsen – eine Bewertung aus regionalökonomischer Sicht. Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen 2, S. 65-82.
Kiese, M.; Revilla Diez, J. (2004): Regionale Innovationspotentiale in Südostasien - empirische Ergebnisse aus Singapur, Penang (Malaysia) und Bangkok (Thailand). In: Geographica Helvetica, Vol. 59, H. 1, S. 7-19.
Revilla Diez, J.; Mildahn, B. (2003): Regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte der Kieler Woche 2003 Gutachten im Auftrag des Kieler Woche Büros der Stadt Kiel.
Revilla Diez, J. (2003): Regionale Innovationsstrategien im europäischen Vergleich - Empirische Ergebnisse aus metropolitanen Innovationssystemen Barcelona, Stockholm und Wien. In: Fürst, D.: Planmarketing und Kommunikation.
Revilla Diez, J. (2003): Junge Unternehmen und ihre Kooperationsverflechtungen zu Forschungseinrichtungen - empirische Ergebnisse aus den metropolitanen Verdichtungsregionen Barcelona, Wien und Stockholm. In: Steinle, C., Schumann, K. (Hrsg.): Gründung von Technologieunternehmen. Merkmale - Erfolg - empirische Ergebnisse. Wiesbaden. S. 239-259.
Revilla Diez, J. (2003): Regionale Disparitäten in Spanien - eine Bilanz nach 15 Jahren europäischer Integration. In: Geographische Rundschau Jg. 55, H. 5, S. 4-11.
Sternberg, R.; Revilla Diez, J. (2003): Feldman, M.P.; Massard, N. (eds., 2002): Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation Series, Vol. 25). In: Journal of Regional Science 43, 2003, No. 3, 607-610.
Revilla Diez, J. (2003): Hannover after World Exhibition EXPO 2000 - An attempt to establish an ICT-Cluster. In: European Planning Studies Vol.11. No. 4. pp 379-394, ist auch in deutsch im Verhandlungsband des 53. Dt. Geographentages in Leipzig erschienen.
Revilla Diez.J.; Schätzl, L. (Hrsg.) (2002): Technological Change and Regional Development in Europe. Physica-Verlag. Heidelberg.
Revilla Diez, J. (2002): Betrieblicher Innovationserfolg und räumliche Nähe - Zur Bedeutung innovativer Kooperationsverflechtungen in metropolitanen Verdichtungsregionen, die Beispiele Barcelona, Stockholm und Wien. LIT-Verlag, Reihe Wirtschaftsgeographie. Münster et al.
Revilla Diez, J. (2002): Innovation Networks in Metropolitan Systems of Innovation - a comparison between Barcelona, Vienna and Stockholm. In: Schätzl/Revilla Diez (Hrsg.): Technological Change and Regional Development in Europe. Physica-Verlag. Heidelberg.
Revilla Diez, J. (2002): Innovative Cluster: Beispiele technologischer Kernkompetenzen. In: Wirtschaftsstandort Region Hannover - Auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft. Vorgelegt von der Norddeutschen Landesbank - Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung und dem Niedersächsischen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (NIW), Hannover. Region Hannover (Hrsg.). Hannover. S. 172-196.
Sternberg, R.; Revilla Diez, J. (2002): Globalisierung und Regionalisierung – Neues Wissen entscheidet über die ökonomische Zukunft von Ländern und Regionen. In: E. Ehlers u. H. Leser (Hrsg.): Geographie heute – für die Welt von morgen. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes, S. 128-138.
Revilla Diez, J. (2002): Metropolitan Innovation Systems - A comparison between Barcelona, Stockholm, and Vienna. In: International Regional Science Review 25. No. 1. pp. 63-85.
Revilla Diez, J. (2001): Vom Lokalereignis zum Massenevent. Ergebnisse der EXPO 2000 Besucherbefragung. In: Praxis Geographie. Oktober 10/2001.
Ertel, R.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schasse, U.; Brandt, A.; Klodt, T.; Kramer, J. (2001): Die Weltausstellung EXPO 2000 in Hannover - eine regionalökonomische Schlussbilanz. In: Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen. H. 1, S. 15-29.
Revilla Diez, J. (2001): Innovative links between industry and research institutes - how important are they for firm start-ups. In: Koschatzky/Kulicke/Zenker (Hrsg.): Innovation Networks - Concepts and Challenges in the European Perspective. Heidelberg. S. 93-108.
Fischer, M.; Revilla Diez, J.; Snickars, F.; Varga, A. (2001): Metropolitan Systems of Innovation: Theory and Evidence from Three Metropolitan Regions in Europe (=Advances in Spatial Science). Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg u.a.
Revilla Diez, J. (2001): Zur Bedeutung von öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen in innovativen Netzwerken - Empirische Befunde aus den metropolitanen Innovationssystemen Barcelona, Stockholm und Wien. In: Grotz/Schätzl (Hrsg.): Regionale Innovationsnetzwerke im internationalen Vergleich. LIT-Verlag, Münster et al.
Ertel, R.; Revilla Diez, J.; Schasse, U.; Brandt, A.; Klodt, T.; Kramer, J. (2001): Regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte der EXPO 2000 - eine Schlussbilanz. (=Beiträge zur regionalen Entwicklung, Kommunalverband Großraum Hannover, H. 88).
Revilla Diez, J. (2000): Nguyen Van Thanh (1999): Hunger eradiction and poverty reduction in Vietnam. In: Regional Development Dialogue. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 142-143.
Kraas, F.; Revilla Diez, J.; Rivet, M. (2000): German Geographical Research on Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam. In: Kraas, F.; Taubmann, W. (Hrsg.): German Geographical Research on East and Southeast Asia (=Bonner Geographische Abhandlungen. 102). Bonn. S. 117-124.
Schätzl, L.; Revilla Diez, J. (2000): DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm „Technologischer Wandel und Regionalentwicklung in Europa“. Kurzfassungen der Forschungsvorhaben der ersten, zweiten und dritten Förderphase. (=Geographische Arbeitsmaterialien. Band 24). Hannover.
Revilla Diez, J. (2000): Innovative networks in manufacturing: some empirical evidence from the metropolitan area of Barcelona. In: Technovation 20. pp. 139-150.
Revilla Diez, J. (2000): Internationale Verflechtungen. In: Niedersächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (Hrsg.): Niedersachsen - ein Porträt. S. 113 - 120. Hannover.
Revilla Diez, J.; Kramer, J. (2000): EXPO 2000 - eine ökonomische Bilanz für die Region Hannover. In: Geographische Rundschau. 52. Jg., H. 5, S. 25-31.
Revilla Diez, J. (2000): Unternehmerische Standortwahl in Niedersachsen - Vier hypothetische Fallstudien. Hauptpraktikum im Wintersemester 1998/99 (=Geographische Arbeitsmaterialien. Bd. 21). Hannover.
Revilla Diez, J. (2000): The importance of public research institutions in innovative networks - empirical results from the metropolitan innovation systems Barcelona, Stockholm and Vienna. In: European Planning Studies, Vol. 8. No. 4, pp. 451-463.