Dr. rer. nat. Max Engel

Institute of Geography Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 348
69120 Heidelberg
E-mail max.engel(at)uni-heidelberg.de
From 15 April 2020 I will no longer be affiliated with the University of Cologne. My new affiliation is:
Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, 69120 Heidelberg
Temporary email address: max.engel@naturalsciences.be
Further roles
Associated Postdoctoral Researcher - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels
Corresponding Member - Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), Berlin
Editorial board member of "Geologica Belgica" (SCI-listed, IF=0.9)
Winter Term 2019/2020
Seminar "Einführung in die Geographie", Mon 10.00-11.30 am, Ü3 (Südbau)
Seminar "Naturgefahren im Küstenraum", Wed 10.00-11.30 am, Ü3 (Südbau), together with D. Brill
Lecture series "Introduction to Human-Environment Relations", Tue 12.00 am-1.30 pm, together with C. Bogner, A. Follmann, M. Pelican, H.P. Wotzka, A. Storch, T. Widlok, M. Cruz, H. Felber
Summer Term 2019
Mittelseminar "Hazard Research", Mon 4.00-5.30 pm, COPT building room 233 (Luxemburger Str./Luxemburger Wall)
Fachmethodik und Geländeerfahrung "Gelände- und Laborpraktikum zur Landschaftsgeschichte der Nordseeküste", 15 May, 07-14 June, Cologne & Wilhelmshaven, together with S. Opitz
"Absolventenseminar" & "Forschungskolloquium", Thu 10.00-11.30 am, Ü2 (Rundbau), together with S. Opitz, M. Kehl
Current research projects
Late Quaternary changes in sea level and coastal environments of southern Qatar (SeLeQt) (Funding: ExxonMobil Research Qatar) | PIs: M. Engel (Cologne), C. Strohmenger (Doha, Qatar) | MSc student: K. Peis (Cologne)
Hydrodynamic model simulations tuned to sedimentary evidence of extreme-wave events support coastal hazard assessment (Funding: Max Delbrück Prize) | PIs: M. Engel, S.M. May, H. Brückner (Cologne), H. Schüttrumpf (Aachen) | PhD student: J. Oetjen (Aachen/Cologne)
Modelling tsunami-induced coarse-clast transport - combination of physical experiments, advanced numerical modelling and field observations (Funding: DFG EN-977/3-1) | PIs: M. Engel, H. Schüttrumpf (Aachen), S. Pudasaini (Bonn) | PhD student: J. Oetjen (Aachen)
Holocene climatic events in Northern Arabia - Environmental changes and human response (Funding: DFG EN-977/2-1) | PIs: M. Engel (Cologne), B. Plessen (Potsdam), P. Frenzel (Jena) | Participating scientists: H. Brückner, A. Pint, N. Klasen (Cologne), R. Neef, M. Dinies (Berlin), G. Gleixner (Jena), A. Schwarz (Braunschweig), I. Neugebauer (Potsdam) | Directors of the archaeological excavation: R. Eichmann, A. Hausleiter (Berlin)
Typhoon Haiyan on the Philippines - a dramatic disaster provides a crucial reference for palaeotempestology (Funding: UoC Postdoc Grant, Exzellenzinitiative) | PIs: M. Engel, S.M. May, D. Brill, H. Brückner (Cologne) | Cooperation partners: UP NOAH Center, Michelle Reyes (Manila, Philippines)
CARTS – the database of CARibbean Tsunami depositS (no specific funding) | PIs: M. Engel, C. Willmes (Cologne) | BSc student: J. Verheul (Cologne) (onging since 10/2017)
A feasibility study on the application of large coastal boulders to assess the long-term hazard of coastal flooding by tsunamis and high-category hurricanes in Cuba (Funding: UoC) | PI: M. Engel | Project partners: Felipe Matos Pupo (Cayo Coco, Cuba), D. Brill, S.M. May (both Cologne) (ongoing since 06/2018)
Gen-EX – metagenomics of extreme wave events (Funding: BELSPO) | PIs: V.M.A. Heyvaert, I. Schön (both Brussels) | Project partners: S. Dawson (Dundee), E. Garrett (Durham), W. Szczuciński (Pozńan), M. Engel, A. Pint (Cologne), T. Patel (Brussels) (ongoing since 12/2017)
Research grants
Research grant of the German Research Council (DFG) Modelling tsunami-induced coarse-clast transport - combination of physical experiments, advanced numerical modelling and field observations, together with H. Schüttrumpf (RWTH Aachen) and S. Pudasaini (University of Bonn) (Jul 2016-Jun 2019) | 317 k€
Research grant of the German Research Council (DFG) Holocene climatic events in Northern Arabia - Environmental changes and human response, together with B. Plessen (GFZ Potsdam) and P. Frenzel (University of Jena) (Feb 2015-Jan 2018) | 360 k€
University of Cologne Postdoc Grant (Exzellenzinitiative, Zukunftskonzept DFG ZUK 81/1) Typhoon Haiyan on the Philippines - a dramatic disaster provides a crucial reference for palaeotempestology (Apr 2014-Dec 2016) | 58 k€
Research grant by ExxonMobil Research Qatar Late Quaternary changes in sea level and coastal environments of southern Qatar (SeLeQt) (Jan 2014-Dec 2017) | 100 k€
Dr. Hohmann Funding by Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e. V. Dating tsunami deposits on the Cape Verde and Canary Islands using cosmogenic nuclides (36Cl), together with S.M. May and G. Rixhon (Jun 2012) | 1.8 k€
Start-up grant by KölnAlumni e. V. Dating tsunami deposits on the Cape Verde and Canary Islands using cosmogenic nuclides (36Cl), together with S.M. May and G. Rixhon (Jan 2012) | 1.8 k€
Academic distinction
Elected as Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Berlin, 2018
Max Delbrück Prize 2014 (Junior category) for outstanding research in life and natural sciences within the past five years awarded by the rectorate of University of Cologne | 96 k€
Woldstedt Prize 2014 for outstanding PhD dissertations in the Quaternary Sciences awarded by the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA)
Best PhD Dissertation Award 2012 of the German Society of Geography (DGfG) - Geomorphology Section
Bernd Rendel Prize 2011 for young geoscientists awarded by the German Research Council (DFG EN-977/1-1) | 2 k€
1st Research Award for young scientists of the Geoverbund ABC/J (Universities of Aachen, Bonn, Cologne; Research Centre Jülich) 2011 | 1 k€
Boesl, F., Engel, M., Eco, R.C., Galang, J.A., Gonzalo, L.A., Llanes, F., Quix, E., Brückner, H., 2019. Digital mapping of coastal boulders – High-resolution data acquisition to infer past and recent transport dynamics. Sedimentology, DOI: 10.1111/sed.12578.
Brückner, H., Engel, M., 2019. Noah’s flood – probing an ancient narrative using geoscience. In: Herget, J., Fontana, A., (eds.), Palaeohydrology – traces, tracks and trails of extreme events. Springer Nature, Cham, pp. 135–151. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23315-0_7.
Engel, M. Rückmann, S., Drechsler, P., Brill, D., Opitz, S., Fassbinder, J.W., Pint, A., Peis, K., Wolf, D., Gerber, C., Pfeiffer, K., Eichmann, R., Brückner, H., 2020. Sediment-filled karst depressions and riyad – key archaeological environments of south Qatar. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 68, 215–236. DOI: 10.5194/egqsj-68-215-2020. PDF
Oetjen, J., Engel, M., Pudasaini, S.P., Schüttrumpf, H., 2020. Significance of boulder shape, shoreline configuration and pre-transport setting for the transport of boulders by tsunamis. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4870.
Rivers, J., Engel, M., Dalrymple, R., Yousif, R., Strohmenger, C.J., Al-Shaikh, I., 2020. Are carbonate barrier islands mobile? Insights from a mid- to late-Holocene system, Al Ruwais, northern Qatar. Sedimentology 67, 534-558. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12653. PDF
Scheder, J., Pint, A., Engel, M., Bungenstock, F., Frenzel, P., Brückner, H., 2019. Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden im Ostfriesischen Wattenmeer – Ein Beitrag zur Meeresspiegelrekonstruktion. Nachrichten des Marschenrats zur Förderung der Forschung im Küstengebiet der Nordsee 56, 39–44.
Scheder, J., Frenzel, P., Bungenstock, F., Engel, M., Brückner, H., Pint, A., 2019. Vertical and lateral distribution of Foraminifera and Ostracoda in the East Frisian Wadden Sea – developing a transfer function for relative sea-level changes. Geologica Belgica 22, 97–108. DOI: 10.20341/gb.2019.007. PDF
Weiberg, E., Bevan, A., Kouli, K., Katsianis, M., Woodbridge, J., Bonnier, A., Engel, M., Finné, M., Fyfe, R., Maniatis, Y., Palmisano, A., Panajiotidis, S., Roberts, N., Shennan, S., 2019. Long-term trends of land use and demography in Greece: a comparative study. The Holocene 29, 742–760. DOI: 10.1177/0959683619826641.
Brill, D., Reimann, T., Wallinga, J., May, S.M., Engel, M., Riedesel, S., Brückner, H., 2018. Are feldspar single-grains suitable for luminescence dating of late Holocene cyclone and tsunami deposits? Quaternary Geochronology 48, 91–103. DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2018.09.001.
Engel, M., 2018. Paleoclimate relevance to global warming. In: Elias, S.A. (eds.), Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11264-3. [Update of Schneider, S.H., Mastrandrea, M.D., 2013. Paleoclimate relevance to global warming. In: Elias, S.A., Mock, C.J. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (2nd Edition). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 244–252]
Engel, M., Klasen, N., Ginau, A., Patzke, M., Pint, A., Frenzel, P., Brückner, H., 2018. Palaeoenvironmental change at Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) as inferred from sabkha infill. In: Hausleiter, A., Eichmann, R., al-Najem, M. (eds.), Taymāʾ I: Archaeological Exploration, Palaeoenvironment, Cultural Contacts. Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 61–84.
Engel, M., Boesl, F., Brückner, H., 2018. Migration of barchan dunes in Qatar – controls of the Shamal, teleconnections, sea-level changes, and human impact. Geosciences 8, 240. DOI: 10.3390/geosciences8070240.
Klasen, N., Engel, M., Brückner, H., 2018. Geoarchaeological research: Luminescence dating at the city wall. In: Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F. (eds.), Tayma 2009 – 6th Report on the Joint Saudi Arabian – German archaeological project. ATLAL – Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology 25, 47–50.
May, S.M., Gelhausen, H., Brill, D., Callow, N.,Engel, M., Opitz, S., Scheffers, A., Joannes-Boyau, R., Leopold, M., Brückner, H., 2018. Chenier-type ridges in Giralia Bay (Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia) - Processes, chronostratigraphy, and significance for recording past tropical cyclones. Marine Geology 396, 186–204. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.03.005.
Paris, R., Ramalho, R.S., Madeira, J., Ávila, S., May, S.M., Rixhon, G., Engel, M., Brückner, H., Herzog, M., Schukraft, G., Perez-Torrado, F.J., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A., Carracedo, J.C., Giachetti, T., 2018. Mega-tsunami conglomerates and flank collapses of ocean island volcanoes. Marine Geology 395, 168-187. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.10.004.
Parker, A.G., Armitage, S.J., Engel, M., Morley, M.W., Parton, A., Preston, G.W., Russ, H., 2018. Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology and Palaeoenvironments. In: Drechsler, P. (ed.), Dosariyah – An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf. Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 21–55.
Rixhon, G., May, S.M., Engel, M., Mechernich, S., Schroeder-Ritzrau, A., Fohlmeister, J., Frank, N., Boulvain, F., Dunai, T., Brückner, H., 2018. Multiple dating approach (14C, 230Th/U and 36Cl) of tsunami-transported reef-top megaclasts on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) - current research and future challenges. Marine Geology 396, 100–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.03.007.
Scheder, J., Engel, M., Bungenstock, F., Pint, A., Siegmüller, A., Schwank, S., Brückner, H., 2018. Fossil bog soils ('dwog' horizons) and their relation to Holocene coastal changes in the Jade-Weser Region. Journal of Coastal Conservation 22, 51–69. DOI: 10.1007/s11852-017-0502-z.
Brill, D., May, S.M., Shah-Hosseini, M., Rufer, D., Schmidt, C., Engel, M., 2017. Luminescence dating of cyclone-induced wahover fans at Point Lefroy (NW Australia) - Establishing robust chronologies for heterogeneous and discontinuous sediment archives. Quaternary Geochronology 41, 134–150. DOI: 10/1016/j.quageo.2017.03.004.
Engel, M., Matter, A., Parker, A.G., Parton, A., Petraglia, M.D., Preston, G., Preusser, F., 2017. Lakes or wetlands? A comment on 'The middle Holocene climatic records from Arabia: Reassessing lacustrine environments, shift of ITCZ in Arabian Sea, and impacts of the southwest Indian and African monsoons' by Enzel et al. Global and Planetary Change 148, 258-267. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.11.001. PDF
Hausleiter, A., Eichmann, R., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F., Brückner, H., Engel, M., Grottker, M., Hanisch-Gräfe, H., Heemeier, B., Intilia, A., Lora, S., Tourtet, F., 2017. Tayma 2008 – 5th Report on the Joint Saudi Arabian-German archaeological project. ATLAL – Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology 24, 31–78.
May, S.M., Brill, D., Leopold, M., Callow, N., Engel, M., Scheffers, A., Opitz, S., Norpoth, M., Brückner, H., 2017. Chronostratigraphy and geomorphology of washover fans in the Exmouth Gulf (NW Australia) - A record of tropical cyclone activity during the late Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 169, 65-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.05.23.
Oetjen, J., Engel, M., Brückner, H., Pudasaini, S.P., Schüttrumpf, H., 2017. Enhanced field observation-based physical and numerical modelling of tsunami-induced boulder transport. Phase I: Physical experiments. Coastal Engineering Proceedings 35, management4. DOI: 10.9753/icce.v35.management4.
Pint, A., Engel, M., Melzer, S., Frenzel, P., Plessen, B., Brückner, H., 2017. How to discriminate athalassic and marginal marine microfaunas? Foraminifera and other fossils from an early Holocene continental lake in northern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 47, 175-187. DOI: 10.2113/gsjfr.47.2.175.
Brill, D., May, S.M., Engel, M., Reyes, M., Pint, A., Opitz, S., Dierick, M., Gonzalo, L.A., Brückner, H., 2016. Typhoon Haiyan's sedimentary record in coastal environments of the Philippines and its palaeotempestological implications. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16, 2799-2822. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-2016-224. PDF
Drechsler, P., Engel, M., Brill, D., Gerber, C., 2016. The Asaila depression, an archaeological landscape in Qatar. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 46, 98-106.
Engel, M., Jacobson, K., Boldt, K., Frenzel, P., Katsonopoulou, D., Soter, S., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., Brückner, H., 2016. New sediment cores reveal environmental changes driven by tectonic processes at ancient Helike, Greece. Geoarchaeology 31, 140-155. DOI: 10.1002/gea.21540.
Engel, M., Oetjen, J., May, S.M., Brückner, H., 2016. Tsunami deposits of the Caribbean - Towards an improved coastal hazard assessment. Earth-Science Reviews 163, 260-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.10.010. PDF
May, S.M., Falvard, S., Norpoth, M., Pint, A., Brill, D., Engel, M., Scheffers, A., Dierick, M., Paris, R., Squire, P., Brückner, H., 2016. A mid-Holocene candidate tsunami deposit from the NW Cape (Western Australia). Sedimentary Geology 332, 40-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.11.010.
Engel, M., Kindler, P., Godefroid, F., 2015. Speculations on Superstorms - Interactive comment on "Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from palaeoclimate data climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 °C global warming is highly dangerous" by J. Hansen et al. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15, C6270-C6281.
Engel, M., May, S.M., Scheffers, A., Squire, P., Pint, A., Kelletat, D., Brückner, H., 2015. Prograded foredunes of Western Australia's macro-tidal coast – implications for Holocene sea-level change and high-energy wave impacts. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, 726-740. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3663.
Howard, A.J., Kluiving, S.J., Engel, M., Heyvaert, V.M.A., 2015. Geoarchaeological records in temperate European river valleys: quantifying the resource, assessing its potential and managing its future. Quaternary International 367, 42-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.05.003.
Kluiving, S.J., Engel, M., Heyvaert, V.H.A., Howard, A.J., 2015. Where earth scientists meet Cleopatra: geoarchaeology and geoprospection of ancient landscapes. Quaternary International 367, 1-3. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.02.054.
May, S.M., Brill, D., Engel, M., Scheffers, A., Opitz, S., Wennrich, V., Squire, P., Kelletat, D., Brückner, H., 2015. Traces of historical tropical cyclones and tsunamis in the Ashburton Delta (NW Australia). Sedimentology 62, 1546-1572. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12192.
May, S.M., Engel, M., Brill, D., Cuadra, C., Lagmay, A.M.F., Santiago, J., Suarez, J.K., Reyes, M., Brückner, H., 2015. Block and boulder transport in Eastern Samar Philippines during Supertyphoon Haiyan. Earth Surface Dynamics 3, 543-558. DOI: 10.5194/esurf-3-543-2015.
Reyes, M., Engel, M., May, S.M., Brill, D., Brückner, H., 2015. Life and death after Super Typhoon Haiyan. Coral Reefs 34, 419. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-015-1259-1015-1259-1 .
Engel, M., Brückner, H., 2014. Late Quaternary environments and societies: progress in geoarchaeology. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 58 (Suppl. 2), 1-6. DOI: 10.1127/0372-8854/2014/S-00168.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., 2014. The South Qatar Survey Project (SQSP) - Preliminary findings on Holocene coastal changes and geoarchaeological archives. Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 7, 290-301.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Scheffers, A., May, S.M., Kelletat, D., 2014. Holocene sea levels of Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) and tectonic implications. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 58 (Suppl. 1), 159-178. DOI: 10.1127/0372-8854/2012/S-00111.
Engel, M., Brill, D., May, S.M., Reyes, M., Brückner, H., 2014. Philippinen: "Haiyans" Erbe. Geographische Rundschau 66 (6), 54-57.
Gerber, C. in cooperation with Drechsler, P., Yasin-Meier, D., Brückner, H., Engel, M., Meier, D.M.P., Götzelt, T., Daitche, J., Hörwarthner, D., Lienig, A., Reising, R., Tiltmann, S., 2014. The German-Qatari South Qatar Survey Project: The 2012-2013 Season. Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 7, 248-275.
Scheffers, A.M., Engel, M., May, S.M., Scheffers, S.R., Joannes-Boyau, R., Hänßler, E., Kennedy, K., Kelletat, D., Brückner, H., Vött, A., Schellmann, G., Schäbitz, F., Radtke, U., Sommer, B., Willershäuser, T., Felis, T., 2014. Potential and limits of combining studies of coarse and fine-grained sediments for the coastal event history of a Caribbean carbonate environment. In: Martini, I.P., Wanless, H.R. (eds.), Sedimentary Coastal Zones from High to Low Latitudes: Similarities and Differences. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 388, 503-531. DOI: 10.1144/SP388.4.
Brückner, H., Engel, M., Klasen, N., Ginau, A., Pint, A., Frenzel, P., Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F., 2013. Late Quaternary environmental change and geochronology at Tayma, NW Saudi Arabia – current research. In: Al-Ansary, A.R., Al-Muaikel, K.I., Alsharekh, A.M. (eds.), Man and Environment in the Arab World in Light of Archaeological Discoveries. Adumatu, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudairy Foundation, Riyadh, pp. 53-58.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Fürstenberg, S., Frenzel, P., Konopczak, A.M., Scheffers, A., Kelletat, D., May, S.M., Schäbitz, F., Daut, G., 2013. A prehistoric tsunami induced long-lasting ecosystem changes on a semi-arid tropical island - the case of Boka Bartol (Bonaire, Leeward Antilles). Naturwissenschaften 100, 51-67. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-012-0993-2 (Selected as journal's highlight Dec 2012-Mar 2013) PDF
May, S.M., Engel, M., Brill, D., Squire, P., Scheffers, A., Kelletat, D., 2013. Coastal hazards from tropical cyclones and extratropical winter storms based on Holocene storm chronologies. In: Finkl, C. (ed.), Coastal Hazards. Springer, Coastal Research Library 6, 557-585. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5234-4_20.
Engel, M., 2012. The chronology of prehistoric high-energy wave events (tropical cyclones, tsunamis) in the southern Caribbean and their impact on coastal geo-ecosystems – a case study from Bonaire (Leeward Antilles). Dissertation, Universität zu Köln.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., 2012. A stratigraphic transect from the old town of Tayma across the sabkha. In: Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F. (eds.), Tayma 2007 - 4th Report on the Joint Saudi Arabian - German Archaeological Project. ATLAL - Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology 22, 73-79.
Engel, M., May, S.M., 2012. Bonaire's boulder fields revisited: Evidence for Holocene tsunami impact on the Leeward Antilles. Quaternary Science Reviews 54, 126-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.12.011.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Kiderlen, M., Knipping, M., Kraft, J.C., 2012. Geoarchaeological research at Akovitika - reconstructing Early Bronze Age and Early Iron Age landscapes of the southwestern Peloponnese. In: Katsonopoulou, D. (ed.), Ancient Helike and Aigialeia: Protohelladika. The Southern and Central Greek mainland: Proceedings of the fourth international conference (Helike IV), Nikolaiika, Diakopton, Greece, 1-3 September 2007, pp. 137-158.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Meßenzehl, K., 2012. Naturraum der Arabischen Halbinsel. In: Franke, U., Gierlich, J. (eds.), Ausstellungskatalog "Roads of Arabia - Archäologische Schätze aus Saudi-Arabien", Pergamonmuseum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Wasmuth-Verlag, 33-42.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Messenzehl, K., Frenzel, P., May, S.M., Scheffers, A., Scheffers, S., Wennrich, V., Kelletat, D., 2012. Shoreline changes and high-energy wave impacts at the leeward coast of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). Earth, Planets and Space 64, 905-921. DOI: 10.5047/eps.2011.08.011. PDF
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Pint, A., Wellbrock, K., Ginau, A., Voss, P., Grottker, M., Klasen, N., Frenzel, P., 2012. The early Holocene humid period in NW Saudi Arabia - evidence from sediments, microfossils and palaeo-hydrological modeling. Quaternary International 266, 131-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.04.028.
Ginau, A., Engel, M., Brückner, H., 2012. Holocene chemical precipitates in the continental sabkha of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia). Journal of Arid Environments 84, 26-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2012.03.020.
Scheffers, A., Engel, M., Squire, P., Kelletat, D., Scheffers, S., 2012. Beach ridge systems - archives for Holocene coastal events? Progress in Physical Geography 36, 5-37. DOI: 10.1177/0309133311419549.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., 2011. The identification of palaeo-tsunami deposits - a major challenge in coastal sedimentary research. In: Karius, V., Hadler, H., Deicke, M., von Eynatten, H., Brückner, H., Vött, A. (eds.), Dynamische Küsten - Grundlagen, Zusammenhänge und Auswirkungen im Spiegel angewandter Küstenforschung. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, 22-25 Apr 2010, Hallig Hooge. Coastline Reports 17, 65-80.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Bosch, J., 2011. Geoarchaeological research at Tayma. In: Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F. (eds.), Tayma - Autumn 2005 and 2006 (spring and autumn) - 3rd Report on the Joint Saudi Arabian - German archaeological project. ATLAL - Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology 21, 61-77.
Klasen, N., Engel, M., Brückner, H., Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., Intilia, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F., 2011. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of the city wall system of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia). Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 1818-1826. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.03.018.
Engel, M., 2010. Spezialuntersuchungen: Geoarchäologie. In: Kiderlen, M., Themelis, P. (eds.), Das Poseidonheiligtums bei Akovitika in Messenien: Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang eines regionalen Zentrums. Ergebnisse der Notgrabung 1969 und der Prospektion 2005. Reichert, Wiesbaden, pp. 37-57; pp. 173-192.
Engel, M. Brückner, H., 2010. Rekonstruktion der Landschaftsentwicklung; Geoarchäologie (Development of the Natural Environment of the Sanctuary; Geoarchaeology). In: Kiderlen, M., Themelis, P. (eds.), Das Poseidonheiligtums bei Akovitika in Messenien: Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang eines regionalen Zentrums. Ergebnisse der Notgrabung 1969 und der Prospektion 2005. Reichert, Wiesbaden, pp. 13-17; pp. 162-171.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Wennrich, V., Scheffers, A., Kelletat, D., Vött, A., Schäbitz, F., Daut, G., Willershäuser, T., May, S.M., 2010. Coastal stratigraphies of eastern Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles): new insights into the palaeo-tsunami history of the southern Caribbean. Sedimentary Geology 231, 14-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.08.002.
Kiderlen, M., Engel, M., 2010. Verkehrslage (Traffic Situation). In: Kiderlen, M., Themelis, P. (eds.), Das Poseidonheiligtums bei Akovitika in Messenien: Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang eines regionalen Zentrums. Ergebnisse der Notgrabung 1969 und der Prospektion 2005. Reichert, Wiesbaden, pp. 17-18.
Engel, M., Bolten, A., Brückner, H., Daut, G., Kelletat, D., Schäbitz, F., Scheffers, A., Scheffers, S.R., Vött, A., Wille, M., Willershäuser, T., 2009. Reading the chapter of extreme wave events in nearshore geo-bio-archives of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) - initial results from Lagun and Boka Bartol. Marburger Geographische Schriften 145, 157-178.
Engel, M., Knipping, M., Brückner, H., Kiderlen, M., Kraft, J.C., 2009. Reconstructing middle to late Holocene palaeogeographies of the lower Messenian plain (southwestern Peloponnese, Greece): coastline migration, vegetation history, and sea level change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 284, 257-270. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.10.005.
Scheffers, A., Kelletat, D., Engel, M., 2009. Die Entwicklung der Tsunamiforschung nach der Katastrophe vom 26.12.2004. Geographische Rundschau 61 (12), 12-18.
Brückner, H. Engel, M., Kiderlen, M., 2007. Geoarchäologische Studie über das Poseidon-Heiligtum von Akovitika in Messenien. Archäologischer Anzeiger 2006/1, 189-202.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., Kiderlen, M., Kraft, J.C., 2006. Built near the sea, buried by the river: The Poseidon Sanctuary of Akovitika. Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte 16, 83-86.
Edited volumes
Kluiving, S.J., Engel, M., Heyvaert, V.M.A., Howard, A.J., eds., 2015. Where Earth Scientists Meet Cleopatra: Geoarchaeology and Geoprospection of Ancient Landscapes. Quaternary International 367, 122 pp.
Engel, M., Brückner, H., eds., 2014. Geoarchaeology - Exploring terrestrial archives for evidence of human interaction with the environment. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 58 (Suppl. 2), 139 pp. --> see also book review by A.J. Howard (2015) in Quaternary Science Reviews 122, 300.
31 May-02 June: Archaeohydrology of Oases and Cities - International Conference and Workshop, FU & DAI Berlin: Invited panelist.
06-09 May 2015: 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Hamburg:
17-22 Apr 2016: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Tsunami-induced boulder transport - combining physical experiments and numerical modelling (J. Oetjen,M. Engel, S.P. Pudasaini, S.M. May, H. Schüttrumpf, H. Brückner).
06-09 May 2015: 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Hamburg: The boulder record of Supertyphoon Haiyan (07-09 Nov 2013) in Eastern Samar (Philippines): general implications for the differentiation between storm and tsunami boulders (M. Engel, S.M. May, D. Brill, A.M.F. Lagmay, C. Cuadra, J. Santiago, J.K. Suarez, M. Reyes, H. Brückner)
23-27 Mar 2015: 4th International Tsunami Field Symposium, Kata Beach, Phuket, Thailand:
(i) Boulder transport in Eastern Samar Philippines during Typhoon Yolanda raises new challenges in the interpretation of coastal coarse-clast deposits (M. Engel, S.M. May, D. Brill, A.M.F. Lagmay, C. Cuadra, J. Santiago, J.K. Suarez, M. Reyes, H. Brückner).
(ii) Luminescence dating of late Holocene tsunami and cyclone deposits - Potential and limitations (D. Brill, S.M. May, K. Jankaew, M. Engel, H. Brückner)
15-19 Dec 2014: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA: Historical Tropical Cyclones and the 1883 Krakatoa Tsunami Inferred from Geological Archives of the Ashburton Delta (NW Australia) (S.M. May, D. Brill, M. Engel, A. Scheffers, A. Pint, V. Wennrich, P. Squire, D. Kelletat, H. Brückner).
10 Dec 2014: Public lecture, CIEE Research Station Bonaire (Dutch Antilles): Tsunami research on Bonaire (M. Engel, J. Oetjen, S.M. May).
24-29 Sep 2014: German Quaternary Association, biennial conference, Innsbruck:
(I) Circumlittoral sediment records from Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) provide insights into the Holocene tsunami history of the southern Caribbean (M. Engel, A. Scheffers, S.M. May, P. Frenzel, S. Fürstenberg, D. Kelletat, V. Wennrich, H. Brückner).
(II) Historical and prehistorical tropical cyclones and tsunamis inferred from washover records in NW Australia (S.M. May, D. Brill, M. Engel, A. Scheffers, M. Leopold, A. Pint, H. Brückner).
27 Apr-02 May 2014: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna:
(I) Evolution of foredune barriers at Admiral Bay, Western Australia - Implications for Holocene relative sea levels and extreme wave events (M. Engel, S.M. May, A. Scheffers, P. Squire, A. Pint, D. Kelletat, H. Brückner). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-15353.
(II) Potential and limits of luminescence dating for establishing late-Holocene cyclone and tsunami chronologies (D. Brill, S.M. May, K. Jankaew, M. Engel, H. Brückner). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-12519.
01 July 2013: Geoscience Colloquium of the Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, and the Thuringia State Office of Environment and Geology: Die Rolle der Sedimente im Tsunamigefahrenmanagement (M. Engel).
18-20 Apr 2013: 30th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Cologne:
(I) Late Quaternary changes in sea level and coastal environments of southern Qatar - Introducing a new research project (M. Engel, H. Brückner).
(II) Geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of cyclone-generated landforms and washover deposits along the coasts of NW Australia. (S.M. May, M. Engel, D. Brill, H. Brückner, D. Kelletat, A. Pint, A. Scheffers, P. Squire)
19-22 Mar 2013: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America Southeastern Section, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Tsunamis on the ABC Islands – discrepancies between the historical record and geological archives (M. Engel, H. Brückner, A. Scheffers, P. Frenzel, S. Fürstenberg, D. Kelletat, S.M. May, V. Wennrich). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 45(2), 25-10.
11-13 Oct 2012: 38th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geomorphology, Freising:
(I) Early to Mid-Holocene climate of northern Arabia as inferred from the oasis of Tayma (M. Engel, H. Brückner, K. Wellbrock, A. Pint, M. Grottker, P. Voss, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, P. Frenzel).
(II) Washover deposits and landforms along the coast of Western Australia – preliminary findings and their potential for palaeotempestological research (S.M. May, H. Brückner, M. Engel, A. Pint, A. Scheffers, D. Kelletat, P. Squire).
31 Aug 2012: 24th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Natural Hazards, Bonn: Tsunamis in the southern Caribbean – discrepancies between the historical record and geological archives (M. Engel, H. Brückner, S.M. May, A. Scheffers, P. Frenzel, S. Fürstenberg, K. Meßenzehl, A.M. Konopczak, D. Kelletat, G. Daut, V. Wennrich, F. Schäbitz, T. Willershäuser, A. Vött).
26-30 Aug 2012: 32nd International Geographical Congress, Cologne:
(I) Dating tsunami-induced transport of coral reef megaclasts on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles): a cosmogenic nuclide dating approach (36Cl) (G. Rixhon, H. Brückner, M. Engel, S.M. May, T. Dunai).
(II) Ostracoda and Foraminifera in Coastal Research (A. Pint, P. Frenzel, H. Brückner, T. Daniel, M. Engel, S. Fürstenberg, D. Kelterbaum, H. Schneider, C. Trog).
(III) The potential of different overwash deposits for palaeotempestological research – preliminary findings from Western Australia (S.M. May, H. Brückner, M. Engel, D. Kelletat, A. Scheffers, P. Squire, A. Pint).
26-29 Apr 2012: 30th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Mainz: Blocks and boulders on Bonaire: What they tell us and what they don't(M. Engel, S.M. May, H. Brückner).
28 Nov - 03 Dec 2011: 2nd joint IGCP 588: ' Preparing for Coastal Change' and INQUA 1001: ' Quaternary coastal change and records of extreme marine inundation on coastal environments' meeting in Bangkok, Thailand: Prehistoric tsunamis in the Caribbean – new data from Washington Slagbaai National Park, Bonaire, and a first tentative basinwide synthesis(M. Engel, H. Brückner, S.M. May, A. Scheffers, P. Frenzel, S. Fürstenberg, A.M. Konopczak, K. Meßenzehl, D. Kelletat, V. Wennrich, S. Scheffers, G. Daut, F. Schäbitz).
28 Sep - 01 Oct: 37th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geomorphology, Leipzig: Subsurface washover deposits on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) - tsunamis or tropical cyclones? (M. Engel, H. Brückner, P. Frenzel, V. Wennrich, S.M. May, A.M. Konopczak, K. Meßenzehl, T. Willershäuser, A. Scheffers, S. Scheffers, D. Kelletat, A. Vött, G. Daut, F. Schäbitz).
15 Jul 2011: Summer festival of the Geoverbund ABC/J: Naturrisiken und Geoarchäologie - Fallbeispiele aus der Karibik und Saudi-Arabien (M. Engel).
04-05 Feb 2011: Annual Meeting of the Working Group "Desert Margins Research", Rauischholzhausen: Sedimentary inventory and processes in the continental sabkha of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (A. Ginau, M. Engel, H. Brückner).
10-13 Oct 2010: GeoDarmstadt 2010: Coastal stratigraphies of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles): New insights into the palaeo-tsunami history of the southern Caribbean (M. Engel, H. Brückner, K. Meßenzehl, A. Konopczak, A. Scheffers, S. Scheffers, D. Kelletat, F. Schäbitz, A. Vött, T. Willershäuser, S.M. May, V. Wennrich, G. Daut, P. Frenzel). Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 68, 160-161.
19-21 Sep 2010: International Colloquium on Geoarchaeology (Landscape Archaeology - Egypt and the Mediterranean World), Cairo (Egypt): Mid- to late Holocene expansion of Eastern Mediterranean coastal plains - The Akovitika case study (M. Engel, H. Brückner, M. Knipping, J.C. Kraft, M. Kiderlen).
22-25 Apr 2010: 28th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Hallig Hooge: The interpretation of high-energy wave deposits - recent progress and challenges (M. Engel, H. Brückner).
10-16 Apr 2010: 3rd International Tsunami Field Symposium, Sendai (Japan): Current field data on pre-Columbian tsunamis in the Southern Caribbean (M. Engel, H. Brückner, D. Kelletat, A. Scheffers, A. Vött).
01-05 Nov 2009: 2nd International Symposium & Field Workshop on Living with Landscapes, Damanhour, Marsah Matruh and Siwa (Egypt): Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in NW Saudi Arabia - the Tayma case study (M. Engel, H. Brückner, N. Klasen, M. Dinies, R. Eichmann, A. Hausleiter, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).
30 Apr - 02 May 2009: International Meeting "Geoarchaeology in Central Europe", Dresden: Scenarios of landscape change in the environs of the Poseidon Sanctuary of Akovitika (SW Peloponnese) (M. Engel, H. Brückner, M. Kiderlen, J.C. Kraft, M. Knipping).
02 Feb 2009: Public lecture, CIEE Research Station Bonaire (Dutch Antilles): The coastline of Bonaire during the recent geologic past (M. Engel).
21-28 Sep 2008: 2nd International Tsunami Field Symposium, Ostuni - Puglia (Italy) and Lefkada (Ionian Islands, Greece): Traces of Holocene extreme wave events in sediment traps along the coast of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) (M. Engel, H. Brückner, D. Kelletat, F. Schäbitz, A. Scheffers, A. Vött, V. Wennrich, M. Wille, T. Willershäuser).
07-08 Jul 2008: New Research at Tayma, Annual Workshop 2008, DAI Berlin: Tayma aus landschaftshistorischer und geoarchäologischer Sicht - ein Zwischenbericht (M. Engel, J. Bosch, H. Brückner, M. Dinies, A. Ginau, N. Klasen).
25-27 Apr 2008: 26th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Marburg: Reading the chapter of extreme wave events in nearshore geo-bio-archives of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) - first results (M. Engel, H. Brückner, D. Kelletat, F. Schäbitz, A. Scheffers, A. Vött, M. Wille, T. Willershäuser).
21 Jan 2008: Public lecture, CIEE Research Station Bonaire (Dutch Antilles): Bonaire in the focus of worldwide research on extreme wave events (D. Kelletat, A. Scheffers, M. Engel, F. Schäbitz).
25-26 Jun 2007: New Research at Tayma, Annual Workshop 2007, DAI Berlin: Geoarchäologie von Tayma: Neue Forschungen und Perspektiven (J. Bosch, M. Engel, H. Brückner).
26-28 Apr 2007: 25th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Hamburg: Environmental change of a coastal site in the SW Peloponnese: man-environment interactions in the Makaria (M. Engel, H. Brückner, M. Kiderlen, M. Knipping, J.C. Kraft).
Poster presentations
01-06 Oct 2015: German Congress of Geography incl. 41st Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geomorphology, Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
(i) Coastal evolution and facies successions in a hyperarid environment – Initial results from the sabkha of Al-Zareq, Gulf of Salwa (Qatar) (M. Engel, C.J. Strohmenger, K.T. Peis, A. Pint, H. Brückner).
(ii) Palaeotsunami deposits combined with hydrodynamic model simulations support coastal hazard assessment on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) (M. Engel, J. Oetjen, S.M. May, T. Wöffler, H. Schüttrumpf, H. Brückner).
(iii) Fossil bog soils (dwog horizons) and their relation to Holocene coastal changes (J. Scheder, F. Bungenstock, M. Engel, H. Brückner).
06-09 May 2015: 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Hamburg: Microfaunal investigations in the Weser marshland - Holocene coastal changes at the German North Sea coast (J. Scheder, A. Pint, F. Bungenstock, M. Engel, A. Siegmüller, S. Schwank, H. Brückner).
23-27 Mar 2015: 4th International Tsunami Field Symposium, Kata Beach, Phuket, Thailand:
(i) Numerical modelling of tsunami scenarios for the island of Bonaire Leeward Antilles (J. Oetjen, M. Engel, C. Effkemann, S.M. May, S.P. Pudasaini, T. Wöffler, V. Aizinger, H. Schüttrumpf, H. Brückner).
(ii) A mid-Holocene event layer inferred from sediment archives along the NW Cape (Western Australia) - tsunami or tropical cyclone? (S.M. May, M. Norpoth, D. Brill, M. Engel, A. Pint, A. Scheffers, P. Squire, H. Brückner).
15-19 Dec 2014: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA:Supertyphoon Haiyan (7-9 Nov 2013) on Samar (Philippines) Moved the Largest Boulders ever documented for a Recent Storm (M. Engel, S.M. May, D. Brill, M. Reyes, H. Brückner).
17 Nov 2014: Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference: Holocene Sea-level History Of Qatar: New Geomorphic And Sedimentary Evidence Using Differential GPS (M. Engel, C.J. Strohmenger, H. Brückner). Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings 1 EEPP0057. DOI: 10.5339/qfarc.2014.EEPP0057
24-29 Sep 2014: German Quaternary Association, biennial conference, Innsbruck:
(I) New perspectives on Holocene landscape changes based on a sediment record from the oasis of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (M. Engel, A. Pint, B. Plessen, P. Frenzel, S. Melzer, H. Brückner).
(II) Typhoon Haiyan’s sedimentary record and its significance for palaeoevent research (S.M. May, D. Brill, M. Engel, M. Reyes, H. Brückner). --> Winner of the Poster Award of the University of Innsbruck
27 Apr-02 May 2014: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna:
(I) Holocene relative sea levels of Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) - Evidence from circumlittoral sediment traps (M. Engel, S.M. May, H. Brückner). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-15387.
(II) Tracing historical tropical cyclones and the 1883 Krakatoa tsunami in short-lived geological archives of the Ashburton Delta (NW Australia) (S.M. May, D. Brill, M. Engel, A. Scheffers, A. Pint, V. Wennrich, P. Squire, D. Kelletat, H. Brückner). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-15141.
02-04 Apr 2014: Green Arabia - Human Prehistory at the Crossroads of Continents, St. John's College, Oxford: From grasslands to desert: early to mid-Holocene vegetation and climate history of the Tayma region, NW Saudi Arabia, based on a palaeo-lake record (M. Dinies, B. Plessen, R. Neef, M. Engel, A. Pint, P. Frenzel, H. Kürschner, H. Brückner).
18-20 Apr 2013: 30th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Cologne:
(I) Dislocation of tsunami blocks on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles): Difficulties for exposure age dating of corals (M. Engel, G. Rixhon, T. Dunai, S.A. Binnie, S.M. May, H. Brückner).
(II) Hochauflösende Korngrößenuntersuchungen zur Charakterisierung von Eventlagen in Sedimenten von Noord Salina, Bonaire (S. Eichfuss, M. Engel, H. Brückner).
07-12 Apr 2013: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna:
(I) Holocene environmental change at the oasis of Tayma (M. Engel, H. Brückner, K. Wellbrock, A. Pint, M. Grottker, P. Voss, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, P. Frenzel). Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU2013-11042.
(II) Can cosmogenic nuclides (36Cl) unravel the timing of dislocation of tsunami blocks on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles)? (M. Engel, G. Rixhon, H. Brückner, S.M. May, S.A. Binnie, T. Dunai). Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU2013-817.
(III) Geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of cyclone-generated landforms and washover deposits along the coasts of NW Australia (S.M. May, M. Engel, H. Brückner, A. Pint, D. Kelletat, A. Scheffers, P. Squire). Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU2013-11571.
19-22 Mar 2013: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America Southeastern Section, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Dislocation of tsunami blocks on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) dated by cosmogenic nuclides (36Cl) (M. Engel, G. Rixhon, H. Brückner, S.M. May, S.A. Binnie, T. Dunai). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 45(2), 33-1.
11-13 Oct 2012: 38th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geomorphology, Freising: Revisiting boulder fields on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) (M. Engel, S.M. May, H. Brückner).
24-29 Sep 2012: Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: Test malformations in Holocene and recent Foraminifera from athalassic and marginal marine environments as an indicator for extreme environmental conditions (A. Pint, P. Frenzel, M. Engel, H. Brückner). Terra Nostra 2012/3, 134.
26-30 Aug 2012: 32nd International Geographical Congress, Cologne: Holocene clastic and chemical deposition in the playa of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (A. Ginau, M. Engel, H. Brückner)
26-29 Apr 2012: 30th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Mainz: Overwash deposits as palaeotempestological archives – preliminary findings from Onslow and the North West Cape area, Western Australia (S.M. May, H. Brückner, A. Scheffers, A. Pint, M. Engel, P. Squire, D. Kelletat).
22-27 Apr 2012: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Revisiting boulder fields on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) (M. Engel, S.M. May, H. Brückner). Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012-854.
28 Sep - 01 Oct: 37th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geomorphology, Leipzig: Late Quaternary environments of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (M. Engel, H. Brückner, A. Pint, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, P. Frenzel, A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann).
25-28 Jul 2011: 7th European Ostracodologists' Meeting, Graz, Austria: Sieve-pore analyses of Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) of three archaeological sites in Saudi Arabia (A. Pint, I. Behrendt, H. Brückner, M. Engel, P. Frenzel, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, T. Rosenberg, A. Schwalb). Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie 11, 161-162.
21-27 Jul 2011: XVIII. INQUA-Congress Bern, Switzerland:
(I) Subsurface washover deposits on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles) - tsunamis or tropical cyclones? (M. Engel, H. Brückner, P. Frenzel, V. Wennrich, A.M. Konopczak, K. Meßenzehl, T. Willershäuser, S.M. May, A. Scheffers, S. Scheffers, D. Kelletat, A. Vött, G. Daut, F. Schäbitz). Quaternary International 279-280, 131.
(II) Holocene environments and climates of the NW Arabian Peninsula as recorded in the sabkha basin of Tayma (M. Engel, H. Brückner, A. Pint, N. Klasen, A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann, M.H. Al-Najem, S.F. Al-Said, P. Frenzel, A. Ginau). Quaternary International 279-280, 131.
(III) An enhanced empirical dataset for estimating wave-induced boulder transport at Spelonk, Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) (S.M. May, M. Engel, H. Brückner). Quaternary International 279-280, 315.
28-30 Apr 2011: 29th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Bremen:
(I) Ecosystem changes as a result of extreme wave events – the example of Boka Bartol, Bonaire (Dutch Antilles) (A.M. Konopczak, M. Engel, H. Brückner, G. Daut).
(II) High energy wave events as a driving factor of coastal morphodynamics – an example from leeward Bonaire (Dutch Caribbean) (K. Meßenzehl, M. Engel, H. Brückner, P. Frenzel, V. Wennrich, G. Daut)
13-17 Dec 2010: AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco (USA): Palaeo-tsunami in the southern Caribbean: clarity through new geological archives? (M. Engel, H. Brückner, K. Meßenzehl, P. Frenzel, V. Wennrich, S.M. May, G. Daut, T. Willershäuser, A. Scheffers, S. Scheffers, A. Vött, D. Kelletat). Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract OS31D-1452.
07-09 Oct 2010: 3rd Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag, Halle (Saale): Marine Faunenelemente als Paläomilieuindikatoren für neolithische Sedimente eines athalassischen Brackwassersees in der Oase Tayma, Saudi-Arabien (A. Pint, H. Brückner, M. Engel, P. Frenzel).
19-21 Sep 2010: International Colloquium on Geoarchaeology (Landscape Archaeology - Egypt and the Mediterranean World), Cairo (Egypt): From lake to sabkha - Palaeoenvironmental studies in the Tayma oasis, NW Saudi Arabia (M. Engel, H. Brückner, P. Frenzel, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, M. Patzke, A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).
13-16 May 2010: 5th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geoarchaeology, Frankfurt: A stratigraphic transect from the old town across the sabkha - Implications for palaeoenvironmental change at the Tayma oasis (NW Saudi Arabia) (M. Engel, A. Ginau, H. Brückner, N. Klasen, M. Patzke, P. Frenzel, A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).
01-05 Nov 2009: 2nd International Symposium & Field Workshop on Living with Landscapes, Damanhour, Marsah Matruh and Siwa (Egypt): An OSL and 14C AMS dating sequence sheds new light on the chronology of the city walls of ancient Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (M. Engel, N. Klasen, H. Brückner, R. Eichmann, A. Hausleiter, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).
30 Apr - 02 May 2009: International Meeting "Geoarchaeology in Central Europe" in Dresden: The Tayma site (NW Saudi Arabia): Reconstructing the age of the western outer city wall (M. Engel, N. Klasen, H. Brückner, R. Eichmann, A. Hausleiter, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. Said, P.I. Schneider).
24-26 Apr 2009: 27th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Kiel: Geomorphic change, sea level rise, and the influence of extreme wave events at Lagun (Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles) during the Holocene (T. Willershäuser, M. Engel, G. Daut, V. Wennrich, M. Wille, H. Brückner, D. Kelletat, F. Schäbitz, A. Scheffers, S.R. Scheffers, A. Vött).
19-24 Apr 2009: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna:
(I) New age estimations for the western outer city wall of ancient Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) based on OSL and radiocarbon data and geomorphologic evidence (M. Engel, N. Klasen, H. Brückner, R. Eichmann, A. Hausleiter, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said, P.I. Schneider), Geophysical Research Abstracts 11, EGU2009-4409.
(II) The 7 ka pollen record of Akovitika: Key evidence for environmental change and human impact in the SW Peloponnese, Greece (M. Engel, M. Knipping, H. Brückner, J.C. Kraft, M. Kiderlen), Geophysical Research Abstracts 11, EGU2009-6471.
(III) High-energy wave deposits at the eastern shore of Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) (M. Engel, T. Willershäuser, A. Bolten, H. Brückner, G. Daut, V. Wennrich, D. Kelletat, S.M. May, A. Scheffers, S.R. Scheffers, F. Schäbitz, A. Vött), Geophysical Research Abstracts 11, EGU2009-8468.
25-27 Apr 2008: 26th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Marburg: Holocene sea level rise and coastline migration at the Messenian Gulf (SW Peloponnese, Greece) (M. Engel, H. Brückner, J.C. Kraft).
29 Sep - 6 Oct 2007: Deutscher Geographentag, Bayreuth: Mediterranean geoarchaeology: reconstructing the middle to late Holocene palaeogeographies of the Poseidon sanctuary of Akovitika at the Messenian Gulf, southern Peloponnese (Greece) (M. Engel, H. Brückner, M. Kiderlen, J.C. Kraft, M. Knipping).
19-21 May 2007: 3rd Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geoarchaeology, Regensburg: Geoarchaeological studies in arid environments: the case of the Tayma oasis, Saudi Arabia (J. Bosch, M. Engel, H. Brückner, R. Eichmann, T. Götzelt, A. Hausleiter, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).
19-21 May 2006: 2nd Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geoarchaeology, Marburg: Geoarchaeological studies in the vicinity of the Poseidon sanctuary of Akovitika, Peloponnese, Greece (M. Engel, H. Brückner, M. Kiderlen, M. Knipping, J.C. Kraft).
27-29 Apr 2006: 24th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Oceans and Coasts, Wilhelmshaven: Built near the sea, buried by the river: the Poseidon sanctuary of Akovitika (M. Engel, H. Brückner, M. Kiderlen).
Sessions at international conferences
22-26 May 2018: 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn: Coastal geoarchaeology in the Mediterranean - on the interdependence of landscape dynamics, harbour installations and economic prosperity in the littoral realm (together with Friederike Stock).
23-28 Apr 2017: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Geological records of extreme wave events (together with E. Garrett, J. Pilarczyk, D. Brill, S.M. May).
17-22 Apr 2016: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Geological records of extreme wave events (together with E. Garrett, J. Pilarczyk, D. Brill, S.M. May).
27 Apr-02 May 2014: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Human-Earth interaction from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene: state of the science and future direction (together with P. Tarolli, S.J. Kluiving, A. Larsen, V. Vanacker, T. Brown, A. Howard, V. Heyvaert, M. Jugie, H. Middelkoop, L. Lespez, M. Macklin).
07-12 Apr 2013: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Where earth scientists meet Cleopatra: Geoarchaeology of rocks, sediments, soils and climate (together with S.J. Kluiving, A. Howard, V. Heyvaert).
26-30 Aug 2012: 32nd International Geographical Congress, Cologne: Morphodynamic response to episodic disturbances of coastal systems (together with H. Regnauld).
22-27 Apr 2012: European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna: Late Quaternary environments and societies: progress in geoarchaeology (together with H. Brückner).
Supertyphoon Haiyan shoved car-sized boulders onto Philippine beaches - Becky Oskin for www.livescience.com on 19 Dec 2014
New world record for super typhoon Haiyan: a 180-ton boulder transported - Jeff Masters for www.wunderground.com on 18 Dec 2014
Super typhoon shoved supersized boulder - Thomas Sumner for www.sciencenews.org on 17 Dec 2014
AGU Fall Meeting 2014 press conference New insights into boulder transport by major storms on 15 Dec 2014 --> VIDEO
Ancient Caribbean tsunami likely altered ecosystems - C.Q. Choi for www.ouramazingplanet.com, 29 Jan 2013
Tsunami vor über 3.000 Jahren veränderte küstennahes Ökosystem - www.derstandard.at, 25 Dec 2012
Springer Select press release Tsunami caused long-term ecosystem change in the Caribbean, 12 Dec 2012
Ancient tsunami devastated Lake Geneva shoreline (Statement on a paper in Nature Geoscience) - J. Marshall for Nature News, 28 Oct 2012, doi: 10.1038/nature.2012.11670
Tsunami na Boneiru? - Makubekèn, March 2011, p. 5 (Local newspaper in Papiamentu)
Tsunamis on Bonaire? - The Bonaire Reporter 18(2), 14-28 Jan 2011, p. 6 (Local newspaper in English)
Tsunami team exploring Bonaire - J. Brouwer for The Bonaire Reporter 15(3), 8-22 Feb 2008, p. 15 (Local newspaper in English)
Agence National de Recherche de la France
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
CNRS Éditions Alpha
Coastal Engineering Journal
Geophysical Research Letters
Geoscience Letters
Israel Science Foundation
Journal of Quaternary Science
Natural Hazards
Quaternary International
National Science Foundation (USA)
Scientific Reports
The Holocene
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F.
Born at Groß-Umstadt (Hesse, Germany)
Abitur: Gymnasium Lichtenbergschule, Darmstadt
Civilian Service: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Darmstadt-Eberstadt
Studies of Geography, Economics and Botany, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Studies of Geography, Geology, Ecology and Economics (Economic Problems in Developing Countries), Philipps-Universität Marburg
September 2007
Graduation as Diplom-Geograph, Diploma thesis: "Studien zur Geoarchäologie und Paläogeographie in der Umgebung des Poseidon-Heiligtums von Akovitika (Messenien, Griechenland) seit dem mittleren Holozän", 214 pp.
[linked to the archaeological research project "Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang des Poseidon-Heiligtums bei Akovitika/Messenien in geometrischer bis klassischer Zeit" (funded by Gerda Henkel Stiftung, AZ/44/F/04) in cooperation with Dr Moritz Kiderlen (Berlin) and supervised by Prof Dr Helmut Brückner]
November 2007 - November 2009
Research Assistant and PhD Studen, Department of Geography, Philipps-Universität Marburg
[DFG-funded research project: "Key processes in the Holocene evolution of tropical coasts - evaluating the role of hurricanes and tsunamis (BR 877/26-1)", supervised by Prof Dr Helmut Brückner in cooperation with Dr Anja Scheffers (Southern Cross, Australia), Prof Dr Dieter Kelletat, Prof Dr Frank Schäbitz (Cologne) and Prof Dr Andreas Vött (Mainz)]
December 2009-November 2017
Research Assistant, Institute of Geography, Universität zu Köln
[PhD studies in the DFG-funded research project: "Key processes in the Holocene evolution of tropical coasts - evaluating the role of hurricanes and tsunamis (RA 383/17-1)", supervised by Prof Dr Helmut Brückner in cooperation with Dr Anja Scheffers (Southern Cross, Australia), Prof Dr Dieter Kelletat, Prof Dr Frank Schäbitz (Cologne) and Prof Dr Andreas Vött (Mainz)]
May 2012
Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.), Institute of Geography, Universität zu Köln
December 2017-January 2019
Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Geological Survey of Belgium, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels (Belgium)
Since February 2019
Researcher and Lecturer, Institute of Geography, Universität zu Köln
Arbeitskreis Geoarchäologie
Arbeitskreis Geographie der Meere und Küsten (AMK)
Arbeitskreis Geomorphologie
Deutsche Quartärvereinigung (DEUQUA)
European Geoscience Union (EGU)
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e.V. (board member)
Marburger Geographische Gesellschaft (MGG)
Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)