Publikationen (Auswahl)
- HOLZHAUER, I., KADEREIT, A., SCHUKRAFT, G., KROMER, B., BUBENZER, O. (2017): Spatially heterogeneous relief changes, soil formation and floodplain aggradation under human impact – a geomorphological study from the Upper Rhine Graben (SW Germany). Zeitschr. Geomorphologie, Suppl.
- SCHMIDT, I., OSSENDORF, G., HENSEL, E., BUBENZER, O., EICHHORN, B., GESSERT, L., GWASIRA, G., HENSELOWSKY, F., IMALWA, E., KEHL, M., RETHEMEYER, J., RÖPKE, A., SEALY, J., STENGEL, I. and TUSENIUS, M. (2016) ‘New investigations at the Middle Stone Age site of Pockenbank Rockshelter, Namibia’, Antiquity, 90(353). doi: 10.15184/aqy.2016.165
- PUY, A., AVILÉS, J.M.G., BALBO, A.L., KELLER, M., RIEDESEL, S., BLUM, D., BUBENZER, O. (2016): Drip irrigation uptake in traditional irrigated fields: the edaphological impact. Journal of Environmental Management. (doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.017).
- BUBENZER, O., HECHT, S. LI, C.-S., LI, X., LI, Y., MÄCHTLE, B., & SCHUKRAFT, G. (2016): Late Pleistocene (MIS2) environmental changes and palaeoclimatic dynamics around Aiding Lake in the Turpan Basin, Xinjiang province, NW-China. Z. Geomorphology, Vol. 60, Suppl.1: 5-27.
- YOUSIF, M., VAN GELDERN, R. & BUBENZER, O. (2016): Hydrogeological investigations of shallow groundwater aquifers in an arid, data-scarce coastal region (El Daba’a area, Northwestern Coast of Egypt). Hydrogeology Journal, 24: 159-179.
- PUY, A. BALBO, A.L. & BUBENZER, O. (2016): Radiocarbon dating of agrarian terraces by means of buried soils. Radiocarbon. Link
- M. KEHL, C. BUROW, P. CANTALEJO, S. DOMÍNGUEZ-BELLA, J.J. DURÁN, F. HENSELOWSKY, N. KLASEN, J. LINSTÄDTER, F.J. MEDIANERO, A. PASTOORS, J. RAMOS, K. REICHERTER, C. SCHMIDT, G.-C. WENIGER., (2016). Site formation and chronology of the new Paleolithic site Sima de Las Palomas de Teba, southern Spain. Quaternary Research (in press). Link
- LANCASTER, N., WOLFE, S., THOMAS, D., BRISTOW, C., BUBENZER, O., BURROUGH, S., DULLERR, G., HALFEN, A., HESSE, P., ROSKIN, J., SINGHVI, A., TSOAR, H., TRIPALDI, A., YANG, X., ZÁRATE, M. (2015): The INQUA Dune Atlas chronological database. Quaternary International.
- LANCASTER, N. BRISTOW, C., BUBENZER, O., BURROUGH, S., DULLER, G., HALFEN, A., HESSE, P., ROSKIN, J., SINGHVI, A., THOMAS, D., TRIPALDI, A., YANG, X., WOLFE, S., & ZARATE, M. (2015): An introduction to the INQUA Dunes Atlas Chronologic Database. Geophys. Res. Abstr., Vol. 17, EGU 2015-5558. Link
- SCHMIDT, C., KINDERMANN, K., VAN PEER, P. & BUBENZER, O. (2015): Multi-emission luminescence dating of heated chert from the Middle stone Age sequence at Sodmein Cave (Red Sea Mountains, Egypt). Journal of Archaeological Sciences 63: 94-102.Link
- YOUSIF, M. & BUBENZER, O. (2015): Geoinformatics application for assessing the potential of rainwater harvesting in arid regions. Case study: El Daba'a area, Northwestern Coast of Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. (DOI: 10.1007/s12517-011-0433-1) Link
- NOWACZINSKI, E., RASSMANN, K., REITER, S., MÜLLER-SCHEEßEL, N., HECHT, S., EITEL, B., BUBENZER, O. & BÁTORA, J. (2015): A Multidimensional Research Strategy for the Evaluation of Settlement Pits: 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Magnetic Prospection and Soil Chemistry. Archaeological Prospection (DOI: 10.1002/arp.1510). Link
- NOWACZINSKI, E., SCHUKRAFT, G., KELLER, C., HECHT, S., EITEL, B., & BUBENZER, O. (2015): Fluvial dynamics of the Žitava River, SW Slovakia, during the last 45 ka BP and their influence on Early Bronze Age human occupation. – Quaternary International 370: 113-126. Link
- HÖFLE, B., FORBRIGER, M., KLONNER, C., MARX, S. & USON, T. (2015): Neogeographie einer Digitalen Erde: Geo-Informatik als methodische Brücke in der interdisziplinären Naturgefahrenanalyse (NEOHAZ). In: Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: Jahrbuch 2014, pp. 259-264.
- SCHITTEK, K., FORBRIGER, M., MÄCHTLE, B., SCHÄBITZ, F., WENNRICH, V., REINDEL, M. & EITEL, B. (2015): Holocene environmental changes in the highlands of the southern Peruvian Andes (14° S) and their impact on pre-Columbian cultures. Climate of the Past 11: 27-44. Link
- BUBENZER, O. (2014): Wasser in Trockengebieten. In: RAUSCH, T., SCHNEIDMÜLLER, B. (eds.): Brücken Bauen – Das Marsilius-Kolleg und seine Felows 2008-1014: 81-83, Universitätsverlag Winter; Heidelberg.
- HOFFMEISTER, D., ZELLMANN, S., KINDERMANN, K., PASTOORS, A., LANG, U., BUBENZER, O., WENIGER, G.C., BARETH, G. (2014): Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning. - ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5: 173-179. Link
- LI, Y., KROMER, B., SCHUKRAFT, G., BUBENZER, O., HUANG, M.-R., WANG, Z.-M., BIAN, L.-G. / LI, C.-S. (2014): Growth Rate of Usnea aurantiacoatra (Jacq.) Bory on Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica and Its Climatic Background. - PlosOne, 9, 6: 1-9. Link
- SCHLUMMER, M., HOFFMANN, T., DIKAU, R., EICKMEIER, M., FISCHER, P., GERLACH, R., HOLZKÄMPER, J., KALIS, A.J., KRETSCHMER, I., LAUER, F., MAIER, A., MEESENBURG, J., MEURERS-BALKE, J., MÜNCH, U., PÄTZOLD, S., STEININGER, F., STOBBE, A., ZIMMERMANN, A. (2014). From Point to Area: Upscaling Approaches for Late Quaternary Archaeological and Environmental Data. Earth-Science Reviews. 132, 22-48. Link
- BUBENZER, O. & BRUNOTTE, E. (2013): Der natürliche Rahmen Köln – Die Kölner Bucht in einem geomorphologisch-geoökologischen Profil. In: GELHAR, M., KRAAS, F., SCHWEIZER, G. & ZEHNER, K. (eds.): Köln. Ein Geo-graphischer Exkursionsführer. 2. veränderte u. aktualisierte Aufl. – Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 93: 59-67.
- BUBENZER, O. & BOLTEN, A. (2013): Top Down: New Satellite Data and Ground Truth Data as Base for a Reconstruction of Ancient Caravan Routes – Examples from the Western Desert of Egypt. In: FÖRSTER, F. & RIEMER, H. (eds.): Desert Road Archaeology: 61-75. Cologne.
- KINDERMANN, K., BUBENZER, O. & VAN PEER, PH. (2013): Geo-archaeological research on the Late Pleistocene of the Egyptian Eastern Desert – recent threats to the Sodmein Cave. – Antiquity 377: project galley. Link
- LÖW, F., NAVRATIL, P., KOTTE, K., SCHÖLER, H.F. & BUBENZER, O. (2013): Remote sensing based monitoring of landscape change in the desiccated seabed of the Aral Sea – a growing source for dust storms in Middle Asia. - Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185, 10: 8303-8319. Link
- NOWACZINSKI, E., SCHUKRAFT, G., RASSMANN, K., HECHT, S., TEXIER, F., EITEL, B., & BUBENZER, O. (2013): Geophysical-geochemical reconstruction of an ancient population size – the Early Bronze Age settlement of Fidvár (Slovakia). – Archaeological Prospection 20: 267-283. Link
- YOUSIF, M. & BUBENZER, O. (2013): An integrated approach for groundwater assessment at the Northwestern Coast of Egypt. Case study Ras El Helm Area. – Environmental Earth Sciences 69, 7: 2227-2246. Link
- HÖFLE, B., GRIESBAUM, L. & FORBRIGER, M. (2013): GIS-Based Detection of Gullies in Terrestrial LiDAR Data of the Cerro Llamoca Peatland (Peru). Remote Sensing. Vol. 11(5), pp. 5851-5870. Link
- SIART, C., FORBRIGER, M., NOWACZINSKI, E., HECHT, S. & HÖFLE, B. (2013): Fusion of multi-resolution surface (terrestrial laser scanning) and subsurface geodata (ERT, SRT) for karst landform investigation and geomorphometric quantification. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Vol. 38(10), pp. 1135-1147. Link
- SIART, C., BRILMAYER BAKTI, B., EITEL, B. (2013): Digital Geoarchaeology – An Approach to Reconstructing Ancient Landscapes at the Human-Environmental Interface. In: Bock, H. G., Jäger, W., Winckler, M. J. (Hrsg.): Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage: Contributions in Computational Humanities. Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences 3. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg: 71-84. Link
- M. KEHL, C. BUROW, P. CANTALEJO, S. DOMÍNGUEZ-BELLA, J.J. DURÁN, F. HENSELOWSKY, N. KLASEN, F.J. MEDIANERO, J. RAMOS, K. REICHERTER, C. SCHMIDT, G.-C. WENIGEr., (2013). The Palaeolithic Site Sima de las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain- Site Formation Processes and Chronostratigraphy. VIII Reunión de Cuaternario Ibérico, La Rinconada – SevillaLink
- HÄMMERLE, M., FORBRIGER, M. & HÖFLE, B. (2013): Multitemporal 3D data capturing and GIS analysis of fluvial processes and geomorphological changes with terrestrial laser scanning. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15(EGU2013-1748), pp. 1-1.
- HÄMMERLE, M., FORBRIGER, M. & HÖFLE, B. (2013): Multitemporale 3D-Erfassung und GIS-Analyse fluvial-geomorphologischer Prozesse mit terrestrischem Laserscanning. In: Proceedings of the Geoinformatik 2013. Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 1-8.
- PROFE, J., FORBRIGER, M. & HÖFLE, B. (2013): Terrestrisches Laserscanning für geoarchäologische Fragestellungen in Koumasa/Kreta. Report No. 022013, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg, pp. 1-18.
- FORBRIGER, M., MARA, H., RIECK, B., SIART, C., WAGENER, O. (2013): Der „Gesprengte Turm“ am Heidelberger Schloss. Untersuchung eines Kulturdenkmals mithilfe hoch auflösender terrestrischer Laserscans. In: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg (Eds.). Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg. Nachrichtenblatt der Landesdenkmalpflege 03/2013, 42.Jg, 165-169.
- FORBRIGER, M., MARA, H., SIART, C., WAGENER, O. (2013): 3D-Darstellung und Abrollung von hochauflösenden terrestrischen Laserscans. In: Wartburg-Gesellschaft zur Erforschung von Burgen und Schlössern e.V. (Eds.) – Die Pfalz Wimpfen und der Burgenbau in Südwestdeutschland. Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern, Bd.15; Imhof, Petersberg, 194-201.
- NOWACZINSKI, E., SCHUKRAFT, G., HECHT, S., RASSMANN. K, BUBENZER, O. & EITEL. B. (2012): A multi-methodological approach for the investigation of archaeological ditches – exemplified by the Early Bronze Age settlement of Fidvár near Vráble (Slovakia). – Archaeological Prospection 19, 4: 281-295. Link
- FORBRIGER, M., HÖFLE, B., SCHITTEK, K. & BUBENZER, O. (2012): High-resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) on cushion petlands – a case study from the Perivian Andes. – Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012: 11485.
- FRICKE, K. & BUBENZER, O. (2012): Modelling the effects of climate and land use changes on the hydrological system of Urumqi, Northwest China. – Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012: 9282.
- YOUSIF, M. & BUBENZER, O. (2012): Perched Groundwater at the Northwestern Coast of Egypt. A Case Study of Fuka Basin. – Applied Water Science (2012) 2: 15-28
- LÖW, F., BUBENZER, O. & NAVRATIL, P. (2012): Landscape Dynamics in the Southern Aralkum Desert - Using MODIS Time Series for Land-Cover Change Analysis. In: BRECKLE, S.-W., WUCHERER, W., DIEMEYEVA, L.A. & OGAR, N.P. (eds.): Aralkum – a man made desert. Ecological Studies, 218: 83-96; Heidelberg (Springer).
- FORBRIGER, M. (2012): Exploring glacial landforms in the Western Cordillera of the southern Peruvian Andes (14°S). Quaternary International, 279-280, 149-150 Link
- FORBRIGER, M. (2012): Holocene landscape-evolution and pre-Columbian cultures – Cushion peatlands (“bofedales”) in the high Andes of Peru as new archives for geoarchaeological studies. Quaternary International, 279-280, 149 Link
- SCHITTEK, K., FORBRIGER, M., SCHÄBITZ, F. & EITEL, B. (2012): Cushion peatlands – fragile water resources in the high Andes of southern Peru. In Weingartner, H., Blumenstein, O. & Vavelidis, M. (eds.) Water - Contributions to sustainable supply and use. Landscape and sustainable development, Volume 4, p. 63-84.
- FORBRIGER, M., HÖFLE, B., SIART, C., SCHITTEK, K. & BUBENZER, O. (2012): High-resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) on cushion peatlands - a case study from the Peruvian Andes. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-11485.Link
- FORBRIGER, M., SCHITTEK, K., HÖFLE, B., SIART, C. & EITEL, B. (2012): Multi-method investigation of cushion peatlands (bofedales) on the Peruvian Altiplano - high-resolution terrestrial archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-11383. Link
- HÖFLE, B., FORBRIGER, M., SIART, C. & NOWACZINSKI, E. (2012): Fusion of terrestrial LiDAR and tomographic mapping data for 3D karst landform investigation. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-6324-1. Link
- MÄCHTLE, B., SCHITTEK, K., FORBRIGER, F., SCHÄBITZ, F., EITEL, B. (2012): A see-saw of pre-Columbian boom regions in southern Peru, determined by large-scale circulation changes. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-8867. Link
- SIART, C., GHILARDI, M., FORBRIGER, M., THEODORAKOPOLOU, K. (2012): Terrestrial laser scanning and electrical resistivity tomography as combined tools for the geoarchaeological study of the Kritsa-Latô dolines (Mirambello, Crete, Greece). Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 2012/1, 59-74. Link
- YOUSIF, M. & BUBENZER, O. (2011): Integrated remote sensing and GIS for surface water development. Case study: Ras El Hekma area, northwestern coast of Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. Link
- MÄCHTLE, B., GERST, F., BUBENZER, O. & WOLFF, G. (2011): Klimarelevante Einflüsse urbaner Bodeninanspruch-nahmen. Bodenschutz, 1/2010: 18-22.
- FORBRIGER, M., MÜLLER, L., SIART, C., SCHIITEK, K., HÖFLE, B., BUBENZER, O., REINDEL, M. & EITEL, B. (2011): Terrestrial laser scanning in geoarchaeology – capturing one of the oldest settlement places in the high Andes of southern Peru. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, EGU2011: 12236.
- BUBENZER, O. (2011): Wüstenränder - sensitive ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Räume. – In: GEBHARDT, H., GLASER, R., RADTKE, U. & REUBER, P. (Hrsg.): Geographie – Physische Geographie und Humangeographie: 1208-1210; Heidelberg (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag).
- BUBENZER, O., BOLLIG, M. & RIEMER, H. (2011): Kultur- und Landschaftswandel im ariden Afrika. – In: GEBHARDT, H., GLASER, R., RADTKE, U. & REUBER, P. (Hrsg.): Geographie – Physische Geographie und Humangeographie: 1205-1216; Heidelberg (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag).
- BUBENZER, O. (2011): Formbildung durch äolische Prozesse. – In: GEBHARDT, H., GLASER, R., RADTKE, U. & REUBER, P. (Hrsg.): Geographie - Physische Geographie und Humangeographie: 423-428; Heidelberg (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag).
- BUBENZER, O. (2011): Verfügbarkeit und Verteilung der Schlüsselressource Wasser in Trockengebieten. – In: KRÄUSSLICH, H.-G. & SCHLUCHTER, W. (Hrsg.): Marsilius-Kolleg 2009/2010: 117-121, Universität Heidelberg; Heidelberg.
- SIART, C., HECHT, S., BRILMAYER BAKTI, B., HOLZHAUER, I. (2011): Analysis and 3D visualisation of Mediterranean subsurface karst features based on tomographic mapping (Zominthos, Central Crete). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 55, Suppl. 3: 315-335. Link
- FORBRIGER, M., DIPPON, P., NÜSSER, M. & SIEGMUND, A. (2011, Hrsg.): Die Geographie in Heidelberg - ein Brückenschlag zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (=HGG-Journal 24+25). Heidelberg, 225 S.
- NOWACZINSKI, E., SIART, S., FORBRIGER, M., HECHT, S., HOLZHAUER, I., SCHUKRAFT, G. & BUBENZER, O. (2011): Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Genese des Dolinensystems von Kroustas (Dikti-Gebirge, Ost-Kreta). In: Forbriger, M., Dippon, P., Nüsser, M. & Siegmund, A. (2011, Hrsg.): Die Geographie in Heidelberg - ein Brückenschlag zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (=HGG-Journal 24+25). Heidelberg, 225 S.
- OLAF WAGENER & MARKUS FORBRIGER (2011): Die Alte Burg im Alkener Bachtal - moderne Methoden der Burgenforschung im Praxistest. In: Wagener, O. (Hrsg.): Burgen im Hunsrück. Eine Burgenlandschaft im Fluss der Zeiten. Akten der 6. wissenschaftlichen Tagung in Oberfell an der Mosel. Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg, 93-105.
- FORBRIGER, M., MÜLLER, L., SIART, S., SCHITTEK, K., HÖFLE, B., BUBENZER, O., REINDEL, M. & EITEL, B. (2011): Terrestrial laser scanning in geoarchaeology – capturing one of the oldest settlement places in the high Andes of southern Peru. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-12236, 2011. Link
- FORBRIGER, M., SCHITTEK, K., SIART, S. & HÖFLE, B. (2011): New approaches in vegetation mapping – use of terrestrial laser scanning on high Andean cushion peatlands. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-12268, 2011. Link
- SIART, S., FORBRIGER, M. & GHILARDI, M. (2011): Fusing surface and subsurface geodata: a case study on Cretan karst landforms. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11858, 2011. Link
- SIART, S., FORBRIGER, M. & GHILARDI, M. (2011): Ancient water harvesting systems in East Crete as identified by geophysics and laser scanning. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11885, 2011. Link
- SCHITTEK, K., FORBRIGER, M., KROMER, B., MÄCHTLE, B., REINDEL, M., SCHÄBITZ, F. & EITEL, B. (2011): Tracking late-Holocene environmental change in the western Andes of southern Peru (14°) using high-altitude peatland archives. In: Götz, S., Bengtson, P., Cueto, B.F.J. & Stinnesbeck, W. (eds.) 22nd International Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Abstracts and Programme. GAEA heidelbergensis 18: 198.
- BUBENZER, O. & BESLER, H. (2010): Sands as archives of environmental change: examples from Egypt, Sudan and Namibia. In: MÖHLIG, W., BUBENZER, O. & MENZ, G. & [Hrsg.]: Towards Interdisciplinarity. Experiences of the Long-term ACACIA Project. Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies, Vol. 16: 23.48; Cologne.
- FÖRSTER, F., RIEMER, H., BOLTEN, A., BUBENZER, O., HENDRICKX, S. & DARIUS, F. (2010): Tracing linear structures. Remote sensing, landscape classification and the archaeology of desert roads in the Eastern Sahara. In: MÖHLIG, W., BUBENZER, O. & MENZ, G. & [Hrsg.]: Towards Interdisciplinarity. Experiences of the Long-term ACACIA Project. Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies, Vol. 16: 49-75; Cologne.
- MÖHLIG, W., BUBENZER, O. & MENZ, G. & [Hrsg.] (2010): Towards Interdisciplinarity. Experiences of the Long-term ACACIA Project. Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies, Vol. 16; Cologne.
- MÄCHTLE, B., BUBENZER, O., HECHT, S. & SCHUKRAFT, G. (2010): Begraben im Wüstensand – 3000 Jahre Mensch und Umwelt an der Seidenstraße. In: MÄCHTLE, B., DIPPON, P., NÜSSER, M. & SIEGMUND, A. (Hrsg.): Auf den Spuren Alfred Hettners – Geographie in Heidelberg. HGG-Journal 23: 141-149: Heidelberg.
- BUBENZER, O. (2010): Rezension: Goudie, A. S. & Kalvoda, J. [Eds.] (2007): Geomorphological Variations. 407 p., Nakladatelstí P3K; Prague. Zeitschrift Geomorphologie 54, 1: 130-131.
- BOLTEN, A., HOFFMEISTER, D., WILLMES, C., BUBENZER, O. & BARETH, G. (2010): Adapting the Database Concept of the CRC/TR 32 "SVA-Patterns" to CRC 806 "Our Way to Europe". In: CURDT, C. & BARETH, G. (eds): Proceedings of the Data Management Workshop. 29.-30.10.2009, University of Cologne. Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 90: 7-12; Köln.
- SIART, C., HECHT, S., HOLZHAUER, I., MEYER, H.P., EITEL, B., SCHUKRAFT, G., BUBENZER, O., ALTHERR, R. & PANAGIOTOPOULUS, D. (2010): Karst depressions as geoarchaeological archives: the palaeoenvironmental reconsruction of Zominthos (Central Crete) based on geophysical prospection, mineralogical investigations and GIS. Quaternary International 216, 1-2: 75-92 Link
- SCHITTEK, K., EITEL, B., FORBRIGER, M., MÄCHTLE, B. & SCHÄBITZ, F. (2010): Cushion peatlands ("Bofedales") in the High Andes as a new geoarchive in the context of multidisciplinary studies. II International symposium "Reconstructing climate variations in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2000 years", Valdivia, Chile, 27-30 October 2010. Abstract book, #144, CIN, Valdivia, Chile.
- BOLTEN, A., BARETH, G. & BUBENZER, O. (2009): Reconstruction of Holocene land-use potential in the Egyptian Western Desert. Proceedings of the 2009 ESRI International User Conference Papers, 1080: 5 p. San Diego, Link
- FRICKE, K., STERR, TH., BUBENZER, O. & EITEL, B. (2009): The oasis as a Megacity: Urumqi’s Fast Urbanization in a Semiarid Environment. Die Erde 140: 449-463.
- SIART, C., BUBENZER, O. & EITEL, B. (2009): Combining digital elevation data (ASTER/SRTM), high resolution satellite imagery (Quickbird) and GIS for geomorphological mapping: a multi-component case study on Mediterranean karst in Central Crete. Geomorphology 112: 106-121 Link
- RITTER, M., BUBENZER, O. & BOLTEN, A. (2009): Combined use of satellite data and digital elevation models in deferent scales applicable for geomorphological and landscape historical research: Examples from the Fourth Nile Cataract (Northern Sudan). Zentralbl. Geol. Palaeontol., Teil 1, H. 3/4 (2007): 399-413.
- RITTER, M. & BUBENZER, O. (2009): Der Merowe-Damm am Nil. Probleme und Folgen von Großstaudämmen in Trockengebieten. Praxis Geographie 6/2009: 18-23.
- FRICKE, K., STERR, TH., BUBENZER, O. & EITEL, B. (2009): „Das Beziehungsgeflecht Megacity – Hinterland“ am Beispiel der Wasserproblematik von Urumqi (AR Xinjiang). Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis Nr. 1, 18. Jg., 62-70.
- BOLTEN, A., BUBENZER, O., DARIUS, F. & KINDERMANN, K. (2009): Towards a Reconstruc- tion of Land Use Potential – Case Studies from the Western Desert of Egypt. – In: BOLLIG, M. & BUBENZER, O. (eds.): African Landscape – interdisciplinary approaches. Studies of Human Ecology and Adaptation 4: 57-77. Springer (New York).
- BUBENZER, O. (2009): Landscape in Geography and Landscape Ecology, Landscape Specification and Classification in Geomorphology. – In: BOLLIG, M. & BUBENZER, O. (eds.): African Landscape – interdisciplinary approaches. Studies of Human Ecology and Adaptation 4: 41-55. Springer (New York).
- BOLLIG, M. & BUBENZER, O. (eds.)(2009): African Landscape – interdisciplinary approaches. Studies of Human Ecology and Adaptation 4: 410 p. Springer (New York).
- FORBRIGER, M., SCHITTEK, K., SCHÄBITZ, F. & EITEL, B. (2009): Cushion peatlands in the Western Cordillera of southern Peru (14°) - first results from a new geoarchive in the context of geoarchaeological/palaeoclimatological studies. In: Böhmer, H.J., Schuchmann, K.L. & Wantzen, K.M. (eds.) Latin America Symposium - Biodiversity: Patterns, Processes and Conservation. Bonn. p. 29.
- BRILMAYER BAKTI, B. (2009): Three dimensional landscape visualization with VNS – a contribution to the geomorphological-geoarchaeological reconstruction of the landscape evolution around Zominthos, Central Crete. Unpublished Master Thesis, Heidelberg University. (in German)
- SIART, C., HOLZHAUER, I., HECHT, S., EITEL, B., SCHUKRAFT, G. & BUBENZER, O. (2008): Karstdepressionen als Archive der Landschaftsgeschichte. Geomorphologische, geophysikalische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen auf dem Plateau von Zominthos, Zentralkreta. In: MÄCHTLE, B., NÜSSER, M., SCHMID, H., SIEGMUND, A. (Hrsg.): Inszenierte Landschaften und Städte. HGG Journal 22: 205-219; Heidelberg.
- WALDHOFF, G., BUBENZER, O., BOLTEN, A., KÖPPE, W. & BARETH, G. (2008): Spectral analysis of ASTER, Hyperion, and Quickbird data for geomorphological and geological research in Egypt (Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert). The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (IAPRS): Proc. XXI ISPRS Congress Beijing, 3-11 July 2008, Vol. XXXVII, Commission VII papers, part B8: 1201-1206; Beijing, China. Link
- BUBENZER, O. & BOLTEN, A. (2008): The use of new elevation data (SRTM/ASTER) for the detection and morphometric quantification of Pleistocene megadunes (draa) in the eastern Sahara and the southern Namib. Geomorphology, 102: 221-231. Link
- BUBENZER, O. & BOLTEN, A. (2008): Reconstructing palaeodrainage-systems by digital elevation data. In: BESLER, H. [Ed.]: The Great Sand Sea in Egypt – Formation, dynamics and environmental change-A sediment analytical approach. Developments in Sedimentology 59: 39-46; Elsevier.
- BOLTEN, A. & BUBENZER, O. (2008): Digital elevation models and watershed analysis on the basis of satellite and radar data. In: BESLER, H. [Ed.]: The Great Sand Sea in Egypt – Formation, dynamics and environmental change - A sediment analytical approach. Developments in Sedimentology 59: 8-19; Elsevier.
- BRILMAYER BAKTI, B., SIART, C. (2008): Photorealistic landscape reconstructions – the example of Minoan Zominthos (Crete): A case study from Digital Geoarchaeology. In: Dippon, P., Mächtle, B., Nüsser, M., Siegmund, A. (Eds.): Auf den Spuren Alfred Hettners – Geographie in Heidelberg. Journal der Heidelberger Geographischen Gesellschaft 23. Heidelberg, 127-140. (in German)
- BUBENZER, O. BOLTEN, A. & RITTER, M (2007): Scale-specific geomorphomentry of arid regions - examples from the Eastern Sahara. - In: BOLLIG, M, BUBENZER, O., VOGELSANG, R. & WOTZKA, A.-P. [eds.]: Aridity, Change and Conflict in Africa. Proceedings of an International ACACIA Conference held at Königswinter, Germany, October 1-3, 2003. Colloquium Africanum 2: 17-34, Heinrich-Barth-Institut; Köln.
- BOLLIG, M., BUBENZER, O., VOGELSANG, R. & WOTZKA, A.-P. [eds.](2007): Aridity, Change and Conflict in Africa. Proceedings of an International ACACIA Conference held at Königswinter, Germany, October 1-3, 2003. Colloquium Africanum 2: 469 p., Heinrich-Barth-Institut; Köln.
- BUBENZER, O. & RADTKE, U. (2007): Natürliche Klimaänderungen im Laufe der Erdgeschichte. – In: ENDLICHER, W. & GERSTENGARBE, F.-W. [Hrsg.]: Der Klimawandel – Einblicke, Rückblicke, Ausblicke: 17-26. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie, des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung und der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Potsdam.
- BOLTEN, A. & BUBENZER, O. (2007): Watershed analysis in the Western Desert of Egypt. – In: BUBENZER, O., BOLTEN, A. & DARIUS, F., [eds.]: Atlas of Cultural and Environmental Change in Arid Africa. Africa Praehistorica, 21: 22-23.; Cologne.
- BUBENZER, O. & RITTER, M. (2007): From hyperarid to semiarid – actual climatic conditions in northeastern and southwestern Africa. – In: BUBENZER, O., BOLTEN, A. & DARIUS, F., [eds.]: Atlas of Cultural and Environmental Change in Arid Africa. Africa Praehistorica, 21: 18-19.; Cologne.
- BUBENZER, O., BOLTEN, A. & DARIUS, F., [eds.](2007): Atlas of Cultural and Environmental Change in Arid Africa. Africa Praehistorica, 21: 240 p.; Cologne.
- BUBENZER, O., BESLER, H. & HILGERS, H. (2007): Filling the gap: OSL data expanding 14C Chronologies of Late Quaternary Environmental Change in the Libyan Desert. Quaternary International 175: 41-52.
- BUBENZER, O., BÖDEKER, O. & BESLER, H. (2007): A transcontinental comparison between the southern Namib Erg (Namibia) and the southern Great Sand Sea (Egypt). Zentralbl. Geol. Palaeontol., Teil 1, 2006, Heft 1/4: 7-23.
- BUBENZER, O., HILGERS, A. & RIEMER, H. (2007): Luminescence dating and archaeology of Holocene fluvio-lacustrine sediments of Abu Tartur, Eastern Sahara. Quaternary Geochronology, 2: 314-321.
- BUBENZER, O. & RIEMER, H. (2007): Holocene Climatic Change and Human Settlement between the Central Sahara and the Nile Valley – Archaeological and Geomorphological Results. Geoarchaeology 22(6): 607-620.
- BOLTEN, A. & BUBENZER, O. (2006): New Elevation Data (SRTM/ASTER) for Geomorphological and Geoarchaeological Research in Arid Regions. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd., N.F. 142: 265-279.
- KINDERMANN, K., BUBENZER, O., DARIUS, F., NUSSBAUM, S., PÖLLATH, N., RIEMER, H. & SMETTAN, U. (2006): Palaeoenviro nment and Holocene land use of Djara, Western Desert of Egypt. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 1619-1637.
- BUBENZER, O. & BESLER, H. (2005): Human Occupation of Sand Seas during the Early and mid-Holocene – Examples from Egypt. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd., N.F. 138: 153-165.
- BUBENZER, O. & BESLER, H. (2005): Human Occupation of Sand Seas during the Early and mid-Holocene – Examples from Egypt. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd., N.F. 138: 153-165.
- BUBENZER, O. & BOLTEN, A. (2003): Detecting Areas With Different Land Use Potential. In Egypt, Sudan, and Namibia, GIS Helps Compare Human Strategies of Coping with Arid Habitats. ArcNews 25/2: 34.
- BUBENZER, O. (2003)[Hrsg.]: Studien zur Angewandten Geomorphologie und Landschaftsforschung. Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 80: 110 S.; Köln.
- BUBENZER, O. (2003): Talböden als Archive für Geomorphologie und Landschaftsforschung. Bespiele aus Südniedersachsen. – In: BUBENZER, O. [Hrsg.]: Studien zur Angewandten Geomorpholo- gie und Landschaftsforschung. Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 80: 41-51; Köln.
- BUBENZER, O. & HILGERS, A. (2003): Luminescence Dating of Holocene Playa Sediments of the Egyptian Plateau, Western Desert, Egypt. Quaternary Science Reviews 22/10-13: 1077-1084.
- BUBENZER, O. & WAGNER, A. (2002): Erstellung von mesoskaligen Geländemodellen und Reliefprofilen aus GTOPO30-Daten mit einem Desktop-GIS. Geo-Informations-Systeme 3/2002: 27-29.
- BRUNOTTE, E. & BUBENZER, O. (2001): Der Naturraum des Kölner Stadtgebietes und seine Überprägung durch den Menschen In: WIKTORIN, D., BLENCK, J., NIPPER, J., NUTZ, M. & ZEHNER, K. [Hrsg.]: Köln - Der historisch-topographische Atlas: 46-49; Köln.
- BRUNOTTE, E. & BUBENZER, O. (2001): Köln und sein Umland - Naturräumliche Ausstattung. In: WIKTORIN, D., BLENCK, J., NIPPER, J., NUTZ, M. & ZEHNER, K. [Hrsg.]: Köln - Der historisch-topographische Atlas: 16-17; Köln.
- BUBENZER, O. (2001): Fluviale Systeme: Steuerungsfaktoren, Reaktionszeiten, Schwellenwerte, Rückkopplungen. - Spektrum-Verlag (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Geographie, I: 395-398; Heidelberg.
- BUBENZER, O. (2001): Manual coring equipment for the collection of stratified samples from dry sand dunes. Ancient TL 19: 1-3.
- BUBENZER, O. (2000): Sedimentologische und gerinnemorphologische Befunde im Einzugsgebiet der Schwülme (Südniedersachsen) zur Rekonstruktion der spätglazialen bis mittelholozänen Morphodynamik. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd., N.F. 121: 23-44.
- BUBENZER, O. (1999): Sedimentfallen als Zeugen der spät- und postglazialen Hang- und Talbodenentwicklung im Einzugsgebiet der Schwülme (Südniedersachsen). Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, 72: 132 S.; Köln. [Inaug. Diss., Math.-Nat. Fak. Univ. Köln]