M.Sc. Felix Henselowsky
Rundbau, room 0.18
Zülpicher Straße 45
50674 Köln
Telephone +49-(0)221-470-6111
Fax +49-(0)221-470-5124
E-mail felix.henselowsky(at)uni-koeln.de
Consulting hours
appointments can be made via email
Ph. D. Candidate in Collaborative Research Centre 806 "Our Way to Europe", Project A1
Research and Research Regions
Geoarchaeology, Geomorphology, Quaternary Research, geomorphological mapping, GIS, Micromorphology
Drylands, Egypt, Namibia
Niederrheinische Bucht
Kindermann, K., Van Peer, P., Henselowsky, F., At the lakeshore – An Early Nubian Complex site linked with lacustrine sediments (Eastern Desert, Egypt). Quaternary International (in press). DOI10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.006
Schmidt, I., Ossendorf, G., Hensel, E., Bubenzer, O., Eichhorn, B., Gessert, L., Gwasira, G., Henselowsky, F., Imalwa, E., Kehl, M., Rethemeyer, J., Röpke, A., Sealy, J., Stengel, I. and Tusenius, M. (2016) ‘New investigations at the Middle Stone Age site of Pockenbank Rockshelter, Namibia’, Antiquity, 90(353). doi: 10.15184/aqy.2016.165
Henselowsky, F., Kindermann, K., Kehl, M., Bubenzer, O. What influences the sediment composition of a rockshelter in a hyperarid environment? Insights from sedimentological and micromorphological analyses at the archaeological site Sodmein Cave, Egypt. Quaternary International 404, Part B. 207-208. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.198
M. Kehl, C. Burow, P. Cantalejo, S. Domínguez-Bella, J.J. Durán, F. Henselowsky, N. Klasen, J. Linstädter, F.J. Medianero, A. Pastoors, J. Ramos, K. Reicherter, C. Schmidt, G.-C. Weniger., (2016). Site formation and chronology of the new Paleolithic site Sima de Las Palomas de Teba, southern Spain. Quaternary Research 85 (2). doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2016.01.007
M. Kehl, C. Burow, P. Cantalejo, S. Domínguez-Bella, J.J. Durán, F. Henselowsky, N. Klasen, F.J. Medianero, J. Ramos, K. Reicherter, C. Schmidt, G.-C. Weniger., (2013). The Palaeolithic Site Sima de las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain- Site Formation Processes and Chronostratigraphy. VIII Reunión de Cuaternario Ibérico, La Rinconada – Sevilla
Henselowsky, F., Kindermann, K., Bubenzer, O. Scales in Geoarchaeology beyond " a site ": The advance of a (Archaeo-)geomorphological perspective. Meeting Working Group on Geoarchaoloy 12.-14.5.2017, Erlangen
Henselowsky, F., Kindermann, K., Bubenzer, O. Problems, Challenges and Applications for investigating scale in Geoarchaeology within the Eastern Desert of Egypt: The advance of a geomorphological perspective. Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie, Jahrestagung, 05.-08.2016, Jena
Henselowsky, F., Handke, J., Bolten, A, Kindermann, K., Bubenzer, O. Multi-scale dimensions of relief in geoarchaeology: A base for reconstructing Late Pleistocene environments of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Landscape Archaeology 2016, Uppsala, Schweden. 23.8.-25.8.2016
Kindermann, K., Henselowsky, F., Bubenzer, O. Geoarchäologishce Relevanz jungpleistozäner Waditerrassen und Playaablagerungen in der ägyptischen Ostwüste. Jahrestreffen Arbeitskreis Wüstenrandforschung, 12.-13.02.2016, Rauischholzhausen.
Henselowsky, F., Kindermann, K., Kehl, M., Bubenzer, O. What influences the sediment composition of a rockshelter in a hyperarid environment? Insights from sedimentological and micromorphological analyses at the archaeological site Sodmein Cave, Egypt. AfQUA 2015 - The African Quaternary, Cape Town, South Africa. 30.01.2015-07.02.2015
Henselowsky, F., Kelterbaum, D., Rölkens, J., Jeschka, M., Bubenzer, O. #OpenNRW – New geodata for investigating anthropogenic induced relief changes: Examples from open pit mining in the Cologne-Aachen region. 4th Central European Geomorphology Conference, Bayreuth, 9.-13.October 2017.
Rölkens, J., Henselowsky, F. Bubenzer, O. 2017. Quantifizierung anthropogener Reliefveränderungen der Braunkohlenville bei Köln. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, 30.9.-04.10.2017, Tübingen
Henselowsky, F., Kindermann, K., Bubenzer, O. Scales in Geoarchaeology beyond " a site ": The advance of a (Archaeo-)geomorphological perspective. General Assembly European Geosciences EGU, Vienna, 23.4.-28.4.2017 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2017/EGU2017-15207.pdf
Henselowsky, F., Willmes, C., Kindermann, K., Zernig, T., Bubenzer, O.: PalaeoMaps: GIS based palaeoenvironmental data collection for the last interglacial (125ka) of Egypt. Jahrestagung Arbeitskreis Wüsentrandforschung 2017, Rauischholzhausen, 3.-4.02.2017.
Bubenzer, O., Bott, F., Braatz, J-H., Forbriger, M., Henselowsky, F., Hoffmeister, D. Erg Chebbi, SE Morocco: Morphometry, granulometry, and groundwater recharge. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa
Henselowsky, F. Plfüger, O., Bolten, A., Stengel, I., Ossendorf, G., Schmidt, I. Bubenzer, O. The Kaukausib catchment in southwestern Namibia: Drainage network, surface ruoff and vegetation feedback after extreme rainfalls. Arbeitskreis Subsaharisches Afrika, Jahrestagung Köln, 27.11.-28.11.2015.
Henselowsky, F. Bolten, A., Kindermann, K., van Peer, P., Saadallah, A. Bubenzer, O. Geomorphologcial Investigations of Desert Pavements and Wadi Terraces in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Arbeitskreis Geomorphologie, Jahrestagung Berlin, 03.-04.20.2015.
Schmidt, I., Ossendorf, G., Bolten, A., Bubenzer, O., Eichhorn, E., Gwasira, G., Hensel, E., Henselowsky, F., Kehl, M., Rethemeyer, J., Sealy, J., Stengel, I., Tusenius, M. (2015). Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer networks: subcontinental or regional expressions? - interdisciplinary geoarchaeologcial investigations in south-western Namibia. INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan. 26.07.-02.08.2015
Kindermann, K., van Peer, P., Henselowsky, F., Bubenzer, O. Living at the seashore - Early Nubian Complex associated with a lacustrine environment. International Symposium: Desert and the Nile. Late Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the Sahara.Poznań, Poland 01-04.07.2015
Henselowsky, F., Kindermann, K., Kehl, M., van Peer, P., Saadallah, A., Bubenzer, O. Geoarchaeological Research in the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Unique Cave Sediments of the Archaeological Site Sodmein Cave, Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironment in a Hyperarid Area. 20. Jahrestagung AK Wüstenrandforschung Rauischholzhausen, 06.-07.02.2015
Henselowsky, F., Bubenzer, O., Kindermann, K., Kehl, M., The Potential of Micromorphology in Hyperarid Environments: Unique Cave Sediments of the Archaeological Site Sodmein Cave, Egypt. Arbeitskreis Geoarchäologie, Jahrestagung Aachen, 29.5.-31.5.2014
Kindermann, K., Henselowsky, F., Bubenzer, O., Upscaling and Downscaling - Site formation processes in caves in arid environments, Sodmein Cave, Egypt. Hugo-Obermaier Gesellschaft, Jahrestagung Braunschweig, 22.4.-26.4.2014
Henselowsky, F., Kehl, M., Burow, C., Hoffmeister, D., Klasen, N., Linstädter, J., Pastors, A., Schmidt, C., Medianero, J.F., Reicherter, K., Weniger, G-C. Site formation processes and geochronological framework for the Palaeolithic site Sima de las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain. Arbeitskreis Geoarchäologie, Jahrestagung Cottbus, 2.5 - 4.5 2013.
Summerterm 2017: Seminar Relief & Soils
Winterterm 2016/17: Geomorphological Mapping in the field (together with Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer),
Field Methods in physical Geography
Summerterm 2016: Geomorphological Mapping in the field (together with Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer)
Winterterm 2015/16: Field Methods in physical Geography
Summerterm 2015: Field Course "Physical Geography" Neanderthal (together with Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer)
Since 2014 | Ph.D. student at Institute of Geography, University of Cologne |
9/2013 - 06/2014 | Student Research Assistant CRC 806 "Our Way to Europe", A1 Project |
01/2013 – 08/2013 | Student Research Assistant„Working Group Quaternary Research & Applied Geomorphology African Research Unit” Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer, |
01/2012 - 12/2012 | Student Research AssistantCRC 806 “Our way to Europe”, C1 Project |
2012-2014 | M.Sc. in "Quaternary Science & Geoarchaeology", University of Cologne Master thesis: Stratigraphie und mikromorphologische Analyse extrem trockener Höhlensedimente - Das Beispiel Sodmein Cave, Ägypten. (in german) |
06-10/2012 | Internship "Research & Training Centre Gobabeb", Namibia |
2009-2012 | B.Sc. in Geography, University of Cologne Bachelor thesis: Die Sedimentfüllung der mittelpaläolithischen Fundstelle Sima de las Palomas, Andalusien – Versuch einer lithostratigraphischen Gliederung auf Grundlage von Sedimentfarbe, Körnung und magnetischer Suszeptibilität. (in german) |
2009 | Abitur, Gymnasium Marienschule, Krefeld |
Skill enhancement
Fortbildungen im Rahmen des NRW Zertifikat "Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule", Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik Universität zu Köln
"Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten betreuen" (2 Tage)
"Evaluationsverfahren in der Lehre" (1 Tag)
"Lehrveranstaltungen planen" (1 Tag)
"Visualisieren mit Power-Point, Prezi & Co." (1 Tag)
"Den außerschulischen Lernort Bach für den Geographieunterricht erschließen - Planungshilfen und Experimentieranleitungen" (1/2 Tag)
Strahlenschutzlehrgang zum Erwerb der Fachkunde nach Röntgenverordnung (3 Tage)
AK Geoarchäologie
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln
Verband der Geographen an deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)