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Name Titel/Title Fach/Subject Jahr/Year BetreuerIn/Supervisor
Elena Castrucci The influence of microplastics on hydraulic properties in the dry end of the water retention curve B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2023 Laermanns, Bogner
Jessica Heller Vertikale Verteilung von grobem Mikroplastik in Auenböden am Beispiel der Rheinaue Langel-Merkenich, Köln B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Laermanns, Bogner
Helena Kresimon Soil-related ecosystem services in rural areas of Kenya and Namibia – A systematic literature review B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Bogner, Riedesel
Mirko Engelmann Vertical distribution of coarse microplastics (> 500 μm) in the Rhine floodplain soil near Merkenich-Langel (Cologne) B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Learmanns, Bogner
Eva Klinkhammer Von der Quelle bis zur Senke: Zusammenhang zwischen Eigenschaften von Mikroplastik und seinem Ursprung B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Bogner, Riedesel
Cosima Kleine Vertical Transport of Microplastics in Soil and Sediment Columns B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Bogner, Laermanns
Henri Ketges Leaching of microplastics from compost into soil: A column experiment with a loess B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Laermanns, Bogner
Leon Gurol Vertical distribution of coarse microplastics in a Rhine floodplain soil B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Bogner, Laermanns
Lukas Kienzler Frequency of flood events and their influence on the occurrence of microplastics – A case study in a floodplain of the Rhine river in Cologne, Germany B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Bogner, Laermanns
Pia Niesen Influence of microplastics on the saturated hydraulic conductivity of a loess soil B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Bogner, Laermanns
Patrizia Hangele The influence of microplastics on soil hydraulic properties B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2020 Bogner, Laermanns
Celina Krebs Facing the plastic pollution in the East African Community B.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2020 Bogner, Laermanns




Name Titel/Title Fach/Subject Jahr/Year BetreuerIn/Supervisor
Pauline Seidel Vertical Distribution and Potential Translocation of Microplastics in a Rhine Floodplain Soil M.Sc. Geographie/Geogrpaphy (TU Dresden) 2023 (Roettig), Bogner
Christina Franzke A Systematic Analysis of Legal Conflicts in Road Infrastructure Projects in sub-Saharan Africa Exemplified by the Kenyan Jurisdiction and Legislation IMES 2023 Bogner, Shinde
Marie Gröbner Contribution of optically stimulated luminescence dating to decipher vertical distribution of microplastic in a floodplain of the river Rhine in Cologne, Germany M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2023 Bogner, Riedesel
Noga Givoli The road to rural areas – extracting roads from satellite imagery of rural Kenya in the 1960s IMES 2022 Bogner, Bareth
Alexander Stelzer Modeling soil carbon dynamics
in the urbanizing Greater Helsinki Region
M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2022 Bogner, van der Meij
Julia Horn Microplastics in alluvial floodplain soils – a comparison of three sample sites along the Rhine river in Cologne, Germany IMES 2022 Bogner, Schneider, BfG Koblenz
Mike Herzog Vertical migration of microplastics in disturbed and repacked soil columns M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Bogner, Laermanns
Susanne Forche Effects of microplastic on hydraulic properties in the dry end of the water retention curve M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Bogner, Laermanns
David Haas Transport of microplastic particles during runoff-events on rough surfaces M.Sc. Geographie/Geography (Bonn) 2021 (Löffler), Bogner
Jonas Kruse Microplastics in fluvial environments – an example of the Elbe river near Dessau-Roßlau, Germany M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Laermanns, Bogner, BfG Koblenz
Ramona Ehl The influence of microplastics on vertical water flow in sediment columns M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Bogner, Laermanns
Marcel Klee Visualizing the soil-surface transport of microplastic particles with an advanced-imaging sCMOS camera M.Sc. Geographie/Geography 2021 Bogner, Laermanns
Markus Rolf Occurrence of microplastic in an alluvial floodplain in Germany IMES 2020 Bogner, Schneider