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Stationionry Equipment (Manufactorer) Purpose
(Campbell Scientific, Inc.)
Measurement of CO2- und H2O-Fluxes of plant canopies
(EcoTech Umwelt-Meßsysteme GmbH)
Measurement of weather parameters
soil moisture stations
(Delta-T Devices)
Measurement of soil moisture in different depth
San Dimas Flume with integrierted pressure gauge,  precipitation gauge and automatic sampler AWS2002(EcoTech, BRD) und Multiparametersonde YSI
6820-5M-O (YSI, USA)
runoff measurement, measurement of  water temperature,
specific conductivity and turbidity, sampling of water
Meteosat Primary User Data Station direct reception of  METEOSAT Data

Mobile field equipment (Manufactorer)

soil moisture probes
(Delta-T Devices)
Messurement of soil moisture
Guelph Permeameter
(Soilmoisture Equipment corp.)
Messurement of saturated conductivity Kf
Fieldspec Pro VNIR D
Messurement of reflectance spectra
SunScan Canopy Analysis System
(Delta-T Devices)
Messurement of LAI and PAR
Messurement of LAI
Gas Analyser CIRAS-1
(PP Systems)
Messurement of aas exchange (CO2 und H2O) of leaves
soil respiration chamber
(Chamber CFX-1, PP Systems)
Measurement of soil respiration
soil respiration chamber
(Li-8100, Li-Cor Biosciences)
Measurement of soil respiration
(Hydro Agri Deutschland GmbH)
determination of  chlorophyllindex of leaves
ground water gauge KLL-Q
measurement of ground water level
hydrometric gauge
(Ott Hydrometrie)
runoff and flow velocity