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Emma Galbraith


Emma Galbraith

Südbau, Raum 0.16

Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln

Telephone +49-(0)221-470-8829
E-mail emma.galbraith(at)

Current position

Research assistant and PhD student in the research group "Economic Geography and the Global South", Prof. Dr. Revilla Diez, Department of Geography, University of Cologne
since August 2023

Research Focus

Regional development in the Global South, global and regional value chains, trade in services

Regional Focus

Southeast Asia, especially Singapore

Teaching Activities

Winter Term 2023/24: "Bevölkerung und Stadt"

Acadamic Career

since 08/2023
Research assistant in the working group "Economic Geography and the Global South", Prof. Dr. Revilla Diez, Department of Geography, University of Cologne

since 08/2023
PhD student in the project "Beyond offshoring: tradable services and regional value chains in the Global South"

M.Sc. Geography (focus: economic geography), University of Cologne

B.A. Geography and English Studies, Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster


Galbraith, E.; Hulke, C.; Revilla Diez, J. (2025): Constrained opportunities for path development: how misaligned agencies and structures shape Southern regional value chains. Regional Studies, online first.