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M.Sc. Simon Becker


M.Sc. Simon Becker

Südbau, Room 2.15

Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Cologne (Germany)

Telephone +49-(0)221-470-1950
E-mail s.becker(at)

Research employee at the Institute of Geography

PhD student at the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, working group anthropogeography (focus: urban and regional development), Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg, works on DFG project "Digital Practices of e-waste businesses in the Global South - The case of Cape Town in South Africa"

Research Interests

  • Content: Electrical and electronic waste (E-waste), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Conflict-induced displacement, Labor market integration
  • Regional: South Africa, Thailand

Academic Career

Since 2024:PhD and Research Assistant AG Dannenberg on the use of Information and Communication Technologies in E-waste Operations in Cape Town
Since 2023:Junior-Researcher at the CIF (Cologne International Forum), Research-Cluster “Conflict-Induced Displacement and Socio-Economic Resilience: Learning from Neglected Conflicts in Cameroon and Myanmar”
2019-2024:Master's degree in Geography (specialisation: Economic Geography), University of Cologne, degree M.Sc.
2015-2019:Bachelor's degree in Geography (Subsidiary subjects: African Studies & Agricultural Sciences), University of Cologne, B.Sc. degree

Final Theses

  • Master Thesis: Missed opportunities? Understanding the potential for labor market integration of displaced people from Myanmar in Thailand
  • Bachelor Thesis: Soziale Auswirkungen der Integration in globale Wertschöpfungsketten – das Beispiel der Kakaoproduktion in Westafrika