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Michelle Zander


Michelle Zander

Südbau, Raum 2.11

Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln

Telephone +49-221-470-1350
E-mail m.zander(at)

Academic Career

since 2022Research assistant AG Dannenberg in the RheinEnergie Foundation project "Integration and Precarisation- Employment Opportunities in the Online Trade after the Pandemic".
since 2022Student Assistant at "Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e.V. (GfE)"
since 2021Master's degree in Geography at the University of Cologne, M.Sc. degree. (expected 2023)
2021 - 2022Research assistant AG Dannenberg, statistics tutor
2018 - 2021Bachelor's degree in Geography at the University of Cologne, B. Sc.

Bachelor Thesis

Resettlements in the Rhenish Lignite Region - A Qualitative Investigation of Local Attachment Using the Example of Manheim-neu (2021)

Master Thesis

as part of the RheinEnergie research project "Integration and precarisation- employment opportunities in the online trade after the pandemic" (expected 2023)


Zander, M., Fuchs, M., Costantini, I., Rolf, R., Dannenberg, P., 2024. Räumliche Beschäftigungsmuster im Kölner Online- und Hybridhandel. Standort.

Luxen, V.; Zander, M.; Wiedemann, C.; Fuchs, M.; Dannenberg, P. (2022): Aktuelle Ausprägungen von Arbeit und Beschäftigung im deutschen Onlinehandel. In: Appel, A., Hardaker, S. (Hrsg.): Innenstädte, Einzelhandel und Corona in Deutschland. University Press, Würzburg, 177-202