Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Brill

Südbau, Raum 0.02
Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln
Telephone +49-(0)221-470-6667
Fax +49-(0)221-470-5124
E-mail brilld(at)uni-koeln.de
Winter term 2020/2021: Wednesday 10-11 am
Research interests
My research is focused on the description, characterisation, and quantification of earth surface processes in different geomorphological settings and on different spatial and temporal scales. The key methodology for these investigations is the use of luminescence-based approaches (see page of the CLL for more information). This comprises the aplication of conventional luminescence dating approaches to reconstruct the timing of sediment archives, but also the develoment and improvement of innovative luminescence dating applications (e.g. rock surface dating) and luminescence-based proxies for earth surface processes (e.g. reconstructin of sediment pathways based on the differential resetting of different luminescence signals). I always try to put the information collected on natural systems in context with human activities, with the final goal to improve our understanding of man-environment interactions in different geomorphological ad climatic settings. A particular focus of my work is the investigation of sedimentary and geomorphological archives in coastal areas. The investigation of near-shore archives plays an important role for reconstructing temporal variations of coastal hazards, sea level, or coastline displacement (e.g. the identification and interpretation of recent and prehistoric tsunami- and cyclone deposits by applying geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, palaeoecological and geochronological approaches). [Google Scholar Profil; Researcher ID: O-2442-2015]