Dr. rer. nat. Janina J. Nett

Rundbau, Raum 0.12
Zülpicher Str. 45
50674 Köln
Telephone +49-(0)221-470-7719
E-mail jnett(at)uni-koeln.de
Research interests
I am a postdoctoral researcher specialized in Quaternary geochronology and paleoclimatology. During my PhD and postdoc in the SFB806 “Our Way to Europe” project I focused on luminescence dating and paleoenvironmental reconstructions using eolian deposits (mainly loess) in central and southeastern Europe in a geoarcheological contexts. At the University of Cologne, I will extend my methodological work in luminescence dating using a broad variety of samples.
Research focus
- Geochronological investigations using luminescence dating (SAR, pIRIR, high-dose range, saturation characteristics, OSL profiling via portable reader, alpha efficiency, paleo water contents).
- Paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on multi-proxy data of loess-paleosol sequences in central and southeastern Europe and wadi sediments in Jordan.
- Geoarcheological research within and in proximity to Paleolithic excavations.
- Inclusion of geomorphological information (e.g. by means of GIS systems) to increase understanding of archive formation and landscape setting.
Research stays
- Research stays at the Laboratory for Luminescence and ESR Dating, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Oct-Nov 2018 and Feb-Apr 2019.
- Fieldwork for sampling of loess-paleosol sequences in Romania, Sept 2018.
- Geoarcheological fieldwork in the Wadi Sabra, Jordan, Feb 2018.
- Geoarcheological fieldwork in the Banat, Romania, Oct 2017. Explorative campaign for future research in Romania, Nov 2017.
- Fieldwork for sampling of loess-paleosol sequences and archeological excavations in Serbia, Apr-May 2015, and Romania, Sept 2015.
- Fieldwork to explore and sample numerous loess-paleosol sequences in the Middle and Lower Danube Basins (Hu, Sb, Ro), Apr-May 2014.
- 3-months DAAD scholarship for a research stay at the laboratory for luminescence and ESR dating, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Feb-Apr 2019.
- Conference scholarship of the AK Geomorphologie (German Working Group of Geomorphology) to visit the German Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance (DLED) meeting, 23th-25th Nov 2018, Beatenberg, Switzerland.
- Travel scholarship of the DAAD to visit the „15th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating“, 11th – 15th Sept 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.
- EGU – European Geoscience Union, member since 2016, outreach team since 2018, editor-in-chief CL blog since 2019-2022, early career scientist representative for CL division since 2021-2022.
- DEUQUA – German Quaternary Association, member since 2018.
- Young Geomorphologists, Working Group Geomorphology, member since 2017.
In the last years I became more and more involved in the EGU, where I ran the blog of the climate division which informs the interested public about research topics in the realm of past, current and future climate. More recently I was voted as representative for the early career scientists of the EGU Climate Division. Furthermore, I supported the advisory council of the faculty (2019-2021) and always try to support other early career scientists. Additionally, I engage on twitter to bring scientific knowledge to the public (currently 742 followers).