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Since 10/2021: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in physical Geography (Minor in Geology), Institute of Geography, University of Cologne.

10/2018–09/2021: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Geography (Minor in African Studies and Economics), Institute of Geography, University of Cologne. Title of Bachelor‘s thesis: Kartierung und Analyse der Monsunüberschwemmungen 2020 im Ayeyarwady-Delta (Myanmar) auf der Grundlage von Sentinel 1-Daten und GIS.

10/2014–09/2018: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Business Administration, IUBH Duales Studium (IU Internationale Hochschule) Düsseldorf.

06/2014: General higher education entrance qualification



07/2022: Dr. Prill-Preis for the second best Bachelor's thesis by the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e.V.; University of Cologne.