M.Sc. Katharina Molitor

Südbau, Raum 1.19
Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln
Telephone +49-221-470-7426
E-mail katharina.molitor(at)uni-koeln.de
Research Interests
- Anthropogeography, Economic Geography, Food and Nutrition Security, agri-food networks, marketization, practice theory methodologies, qualitative and quantitative research, focus groups, Global South, Bangladesh
Scientific Career
- Since 05/2016 research fellow and PhD candidate, research topic (working title) "The role of food price changes on smallholders' market-making practices for food and nutrition security in the Global South", Graduate School of Geoscience (GSGS), University of Cologne
- 06/2015 to 10/2015 "Start-up honour grant" of the Graduate School of Geoscience (GSGS), University of Cologne
- 10/2011 to 04/2015 studies in Geography (Master of Science), focus Human Geography, subsidiary subjects Ethnology, Master Thesis „Food Prices, smallholder’s production and food security in surrounding area of Rajshahi, Bangladesh“
- 10/2008 to 09/2011 studies in Geography (Bachelor of Science), University of Cologne, subsidiary subjects Ethnology and political economy, Bachelor Thesis „The impact of the mineral oil sector for Ecuador’s development“
Student/Research assistant
- 01/2016 to 10/2016 Research assistant (WHK), University of Cologne
- 08/2013 09/2014 Research assistant (WHF) at the Institute for Geography of the University of Cologne in a DFG-funded research project in environmental oriented Economic Geography „Green Building in regional strategies for sustainability: Multi-actor governance and innovative building technologies in Europem Australia and Canada (GreenRegio)“
- 2010 to 2012 Student assistant (WHF) at the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne in a DFG-funded research project focused on environmental oriented Economic Geography on urban environmental quality as the negotiation process of industrial companies acting in environmental governance in India (value chain, automobile industry)
- since 12/2016 Doctoral candidate representative (since 02/2017 member of the Steering Committee) Graduate School of Geoscience (GSGS), University of Cologne
- South Asia Study Group within the DGfG
- Economic Geography colloquium of the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
- Postgraduate colloquium of environmental oriented Economic Geography (UmWiG), University of Cologne and Luxembourg
- Society for Geography of Cologne (registered association)
- Verband der Geographen an deutschen Hochschulen (VDGH)
Teaching experience
- WiSe 2016 Seminar in preparation of the student excursion to Ghana for master students, University of Cologne
- WiSe 2016 Seminar "New(er) approaches and concepts in Economic Geography" for master students, University of Cologne
- WiSe 2015 Seminar "Chances and challenges in the Global South", University of Cologne
- SuSe 2013 and 2014 Tutor for "Urbanization and Economy", Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
- Every WiSe from 2009 to 2015 Tutor for "Statistics and mathematical methods", Institute of Geography, University of Cologne