Dr. rer. nat. Lisa-Michéle Niesters

Südbau, Raum 1.09
Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln
Telephone +49-(0)221-470-6102
Fax +49-(0)221-470-4917
E-mail l.niesters(at)uni-koeln.de
Office hours
Wednesday 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Research Interests
Human-environment-interactions, socio-economic impacts of climate and environmental change, infrastructures and temporality, social networks, global south studies, urban and regional development, resilience and vulnerability, sustainable development, megacities
Regional focus: South and South-East Asia (especially Indonesia), Japan, Australia
Methods: Qualitative and quantitative methods of social research
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1972-2698
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lisa-Michele-Niesters
Research Projects
Participation in ongoing research projects
Since 2021: Land subsidence after the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake – Risk awareness and responses of local residents in Sendai, Japan
Principal Investigator (PI) in Cooperation with Miguel Esteban (Waseda University, Tokio) & Cao Vu Quynh Anh (University of Tokio)
Funding: Own funds – Research Scholarship for Early Carrier Researches of Geography 2021 of the Hanna-Bremer-Foundation within the Frithjof Voss Foundation
More information here
Since 2019: Building adaptive capacity through (trans-) local social capital – sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in selected Indonesian second-tier cities (TRANSOCAP II)
Associate Member in Cooperation with Boris Braun (PI) & Konstantin Gisevius (University of Cologne)
Funding: DFG within the SPP-1889 ‘Regional Sea Level Change and Society’ (BR1678/14-2).
More information here
Participation in completed research projects
2020 – 2021:
The new silk road as ‘Beltscapes’: Duisburg, Darwin and the cities in betweenPost-Doc Researcher in Cooperation with Peter Dannenberg (PI) & Johanna Fellbrich (University of Cologne), Nicholas Phelps & Julie Tian Miao (University of Melbourne)
Funding: DAAD (01/ 2020 – 12/2021)
More information here
2016 – 2019:
TRANSOCAP - Building adaptive capacity through translocal social capital: Sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in Indonesia
PhD Researcher in Cooperation with Boris Braun (PI, University of Cologne), Bill Pritchard (University of Sydney), Muh Aris Marfai (Gadjah Mada University), Thomas Putranto (Diponegoro University)Funding: DFG within the SPP-1889 ‘Regional Sea Level Change and Society’ (BR1678/14-1).
More information here
Academic Career
Since 2020 Post-Doc lecturer and research fellow at the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
Since 2020 Principal Investigator (PI) am Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne
08-10/2022 Guest researcher at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan)
2019 Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Cologne (magna cum laude). Title of the doctoral thesis: " Living with sea level change and coastal flooding – Collective responses of households and communities in Indonesia"
07/2014 - 2019 Lecturer and PhD research fellow at the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
10/2016 - 03/2020 DFG-funded project TRANSOCAP – Building adaptive capacity through translocal social capital: Sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in Indonesia.
10/2016 Guest research stay at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Science, School of Geosciences, Sydney (Australia)
08-09/2016 & 03-04 2017 Guest research stays at the Gadjah Mada Univerity, Faculty of Geography, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
10/2010 – 03/2014 Studies of Geography (M.Sc.) at the University of Hamburg (Academic distinction: summa cum laude). Master´s thesis: „Migration and adaptation to climate change in Pakistan – theoretical framework and stakeholder perceptions“
05/2012 – 10/2013 Graduate student member of the research group „Climate Change and Security“ (CliSec) at the KlimaCampus, University of Hamburg
10/2007 – 09/2010 Studies of Applied Cultural Sciences and Sustainable Development (B.A.) at the Leuphana University of Luneburg
05/2009 – 08/2010 Student assistant at the Institute of Environment Communication, Leuphana University of Luneburg
10/2008 – 03/2009 Tutor for the instruction of scientific practice at the Leuphana University of Luneburg
Niesters, L. M., 2024. Tsunami-Aufarbeitung und Katastrophenvorsorge der Bevölkerung in Japan. Geographische Rundschau 76 (1/2), 48-51.
Bott, L. M., Schöne, T., Illigner, J., Haghighi, M.H., Gisevius, K., Braun, B., 2021. Land subsidence in Jakarta and Semarang Bay – The relationship between physical processes, risk perception, and household adaptation. Ocean and Coastal Management 211, 105775. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105775. Full Text
Bott, L. M., Fastenrath, S., 2020. Australian bushfires: Current trends, causes, and social-ecological impacts. Australian Studies Journal 33/34, 127-136. 10.35515/zfa/asj.3334/201920.07. Full Text
Fastenrath, S., Bott, L. M., 2020. Buschbrände in Australien – Ein Rückblick auf die extreme Feuersaison 2019/2020. Geographische Rundschau 72 (12), 48-51.
Bott, L. M., Pritchard, B., Braun, B., 2020. Translocal social capital as a resource for community-based responses to coastal flooding – Evidence from urban and rural areas on Java, Indonesia. Geoforum 117, 1-12. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.08.012. Full Text
Bott, L. M., 2020. Living with sea level change and coastal flooding – Collective responses of households and communities in Indonesia. Dissertation Universität zu Köln. Full Text
Neise, T., Bott, L. M., 2020. Indonesiens Hauptstadtverlagerung - Hintergründe der Entscheidung und Folgen für die Megastadt Jakarta. Geographische Rundschau 72 (1/2), 54-57.
Bott, L. M., Ankel, L., Braun, B., 2019. Adaptive neighborhoods: the interrelation of urban form, social capital, and responses to coastal hazards in Jakarta. Geoforum 106, 202-213. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.08.016.
Bott, L. M., Braun, B., 2019. How do households respond to coastal hazards? A framework for accommodating strategies using the example of Semarang Bay, Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 37, 101177. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101177.
Bott, L. M., Illigner, J., Marfai, M. A., Schöne, T., Braun, B., 2018. Meeresspiegelanstieg und Überschwemmungen an der Nordküste Zentraljavas – Physische Ursachen und soziale Anpassungsmaßnahmen. Geographische Rundschau, 70 (4), 4-8.
Bott, L. M., 2016. Linking Migration and Adaptation to Climate Change: How Stakeholder Perceptions Influence Adaptation Processes in Pakistan. Internationales Asienforum, 47 (3-4), 315-347. Full Text
Grants and Scholarships
Forschungsstipendium für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen der Geographie 2021 der Hanna-Bremer-Stiftung in der Frithjof Voss Stiftung. Forschungstitel: „Land subsidence after the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake – Risk awareness and responses of local residents in Sendai, Japan”.
Travel Grant der Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS), Universität zu Köln, RSA Annual Conference – Pushing Regions beyond their Borders, 05.-07. Juni 2019, Santiago de Compostela, Spanien.
Travel Grant der Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS), Universität zu Köln, “Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts”, 10-14 July 2017, Columbia University, New-York – USA.
Organizations and Memberships
- Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VGHD) – Board Member
- Global South Study Center (GSSC), Universität zu Köln – Principal Investigator (PI)
- Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e.V. – Member of the extended Board
- Symposium for PhD candidates in Environmental Economic Geography (UmWiG), Universities of Cologne, Luxembourg & Vechta
WS 2023/24 | Reading seminar “Approaches and concepts of natural hazards research from an anthropogeographical perspective” |
WS 2023/24 | Reding seminar “Risk space and habitat coast“ |
SoSe 2024 | Seminar “Economics and Development“ (2x) |
WS 2021/22 | Reading seminar “Approaches and concepts of natural hazards research from an anthropogeographical perspective” (together with K. Gisevius) |
WS 2021/22 | Seminar “ Tourism geography“ (together with K. Gisevius) |
SoSe 2021 | Seminar “Economics and Development“ (2x) |
WS 2020/21 | Reading seminar “Approaches and concepts of natural hazards research from an anthropogeographical perspective” |
WS 2020/21 | Seminar “Europe and Asia's coastal areas from a human-environment perspective” (together with Dr. H Laermanns) |
WS 2020/21 | Excursions “Gentrification & urban development in Cologne” (together with Dr. H. Kretchmer) |
SoSe 2020 | Seminar “Economics and Development“ (2x) |
SoSe 2019 | Seminar “Human-environment interaction in coastal areas” (together with Dr. H Laermanns) |
WS 2018/19 | Seminar "Population and Urban Geography" |
WS 2016/17 | Reading seminar “New concepts and approaches of economic geography” |
SoSe 2016 | Seminar “(Economic) development and challenges in the Global South” |
SoSe 2016 | Exkursion „Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Ethnic Economies in Köln“ (2x) |
WS 2015/16 | Seminar “(Economic) development and challenges in the Global South” (together with Dr. A. Bernzen) |
SoSe 2015 | Seminar “ Tourism geography“ (2x) |
SoSe 2015 | Field seminar “Nature conservation and leisure activities in the Rhineland” (together with Dr. A. Bernzen) |
WS 2014/15 | Seminar “Economic and urban geography” |
WS 2014/15 | Excursion „Urban dan economic development of Hamburg” |
Selected Presentations
Niesters, Lisa-Michéle (2023): “The nexus between risk-perception and adaptive action – New lessons from slowly proceeding land subsidence”, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023, 20.-23. September 2023, Frankfurt.
Niesters, Lisa-Michéle (2023): “Land subsidence – an under-researched coastal hazard”, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023, 20.-23. September 2023, Frankfurt.
Niesters, Lisa-Michéle (2023): “Small-scale (bottom--up) adaptation to climate and environmental change in urban areas”. Invited speaker at: “BIP – Blended Intensive Programme – Green and Carbon Neutral Cities – Mitigation and adaptation to climate change in urban areas”, Florence, School of Engineering UNIFI, 04.-08. September 2023.
Niesters, Lisa-Michéle (2022): “Accommodating coastal flooding in Jakarta and Semarang Bay, Indonesia: Collective action, social capital, and spatial prerequisites – Basis for discussion of further research in Japan” Gastvortrag am International Research Instiute of Disatser Risk Sciences (IRIDeS) Sendai, Japan, 22. September 2022.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle, Schöne, T., Illigner, J., Haghighi, M.H., Gisevius, K., Braun, B. (2021): “Land subsidence in Jakarta and Semarang Bay – The relationship between physical processes, risk perception, and household adaptation” 38. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geographie der Meere und Küsten, 01.-02. Juni 2021.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2021): " Küstennaturgefahren und Migration – Beispiele aus Indonesien (und Ghana)“ Osnabrücker Geographisches Kolloquium 2021, 03. Mai 2021.Bott, Lisa-Michéle, Neise, Thomas (2019): "Relocation decisions of households and manufacturing firms in coastal neighborhoods of Semarang, Indonesia". Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2019, 25.-30. September 2019, Kiel.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2019): „Translocal social capital as a resource for adaptation to coastal hazards on North Java, Indonesia“. RSA Annual Conference – Pushing Regions beyond their Borders, 05.-07. June 2019, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2019): „Indonesien – Geographische Besonderheiten und Herausforderungen eines Inselstaates “. Thementag Inselwelten am Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 28. April 2019, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2018): „Collective adaptation, social capital and self-organization of urban and peri-urban coastal communities on Java “. 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, 14.-16. November 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2018): „Collective adaptation strategies towards floods and subsidence – the cases of Central Java & Jakarta, Indonesia “. INQUA-PAGES ECR workshop: Impacts of sea-level rise from past to present, 26.-29. August 2018, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2018): „Adaptive neighbourhoods: Spatial form, social capital, and coping with coastal hazards – The case of Jakarta“. 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography, 24.-18. July 2018, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2018): „Meeresspiegelanstieg und Überschwemmungen an der Nordküste Zentraljavas – physische Ursachen und soziale Anpassungsmaßnahmen“. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e. V., 21. June 2018, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2018): “Living with floods and subsidence in Central Java, Indonesia – Empirical evidence ad theoretical implications”. AAG Annual Meeting 2018. 10.-14. April 2018, New Orleans, USA.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2017): “Living in multi-risk environments – Bottom-up approaches to building adaptive capacity in Central Java, Indonesia”. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017 – Eine Welt in Bewegung. 30. September - 05. October 2017, Tübingen.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle; Braun, Boris; Illigner, Julia; Schöne, Tilo (2017): “Coastal and Regional Sea Level Rise, Subsidence and Collective Adaptation Processes in Semarang, Indonesia”. International WCRP/IOC Conference 2017 – Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts. 10.-14. July 2017, New York.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle; Braun, Boris (2017): “Should we stay or should we go? Coastal hazards, mobility patterns, and (trans-)local social capital in Semarang, Indonesia”. GSSC Conference: The Global South on the Move. 07.-09. June 2017, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2017): “Migration and social capital as resources to adapt to environmental change – Case Studies from Pakistan and Indonesia”. Invited Speaker at the Gadjah Mada University. 20. April 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2016): "Anpassung an Naturgefahren durch translokal verankertes Sozialkapital – Soziale Netzwerke und Resilienz von Haushalten und Gemeinschaften auf Java, Indonesien”. Fachtagung – Stand der Netzwerkforschung. 05 - 06 Dezember 2016, Darmstadt.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2016): "The role of social capital and translocal networks in adapting to sea level rise – Theoretical framework and empirical results from Semarang, Indonesia”. Doktorandenkolloqium Umweltorientierte Wirtschaftsgeographie (UMWiG). 04 November 2016, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2016): "How can translocal social capital contribute to building adaptive capacity towards environmental risks? Sea level rise and community resilience in Indonesia”. Regional Studies Association Student & Early Career Conference 2016. 26 - 27 October 2016, Newcastle, UK.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2016): "Building adaptive capacity through translocal social capital – sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in Indonesia”. Invited Speaker: Thinking Space – Geography Seminar Series. University of Sydney, 12 October 2016, Sydney, Australia.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2016): "Building adaptive capacity through translocal social capital – sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in Indonesia ". Research Colloquium of Economic Geography (RCEG). 13 January 2016, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2015): "Wahrnehmung von Migration und Umweltveränderungen in Pakistan – Die Sicht der Entscheidungsträger". Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2015. 01 - 06 October 2015, Berlin.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2015): “Water Resources of Megacities: Virtual Water Flows and Food Consumption Economies". Second International TWIN-SEA Workshop on Climate and Societal Change in Coastal Areas in Indonesia and South East Asia. 23 – 24 March 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2014): "Water resources of megacities - ideas for a PhD project". Doktorandenkolloquium Umweltorientierte Wirtschaftsgeographie (UMWIG). 12 December 2014, Cologne.
Bott, Lisa-Michéle (2013): "Migration and climate adaptation – theoretical framework and evidence from Pakistan". The Hamburg Conference – Actions for Climate-Induced Migration. 16 – 18 July 2013, Hamburg.