
Rundbau, room 0.21
Zülpicher Str. 45
50674 Cologne
Telephone +49-(0)221-470-3966
Fax +49-(0)221-470-5124
E-mail christina.bogner(at)
Research interests
Microplastics in soils
Research in Africa (soil resources, soil hydrology and land use change)
Soil hydrology
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of soils
Statistical modelling and data analysis
- Lecture "Geoecological background of land use dynamics"
- Seminar "Sustainable development and human impacts on ecosystems"
- Seminar "Current topics in ecosystem research"
- Pratical class "Data analysis with R" (in German)
- Lecture and pratical class "Evironmental statistics"
- Lecture and pratical class "Time series analysis"
Running collaborative projects
CRC 1357 Microplastics
CRC/TR 228 Future Rural Africa
Finished collaborative projects
October 2022 | W3 Physical Geography, University of Cologne |
March 2019 | W2 Physical Geography, University of Cologne |
2017 | Habilitation in Geoecology. Title of the habilitation thesis: Characterising mosaic agroecosystems: land use and its consequences |
2009 | Bilateral PhD (cotutelle de thèse) (Dr. rer. nat. und Docteur de l'Université), University of Bayrueth and University of Avignon (France). Title of the PhD thesis: Analysis of flow patterns and flow mechanisms in soils. Supervisors: Prof. Bernd Huwe and Prof. Yves Travi |
2001-2004 | Studium der Geowissenschaften (Licence, Maitrise, DEA) an der Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, Frankreich) und Universität Avignon (Frankreich) |
1999-2001 | Geoökologie (Vordiplom), Universität Bayreuth |
See list of pubications on the dedicated page.
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