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Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Jenal


Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Jenal

Südbau, Raum 1.14

Otto-Fischer-Straße 4
50674 Köln

Telephone +49-(0)2642-932-411
Fax +49-(0)221-470-2280
E-mail alexander.jenal(at)uni-kö


Jenal A, Bareth G, Bolten A, Kneer C, Weber I, Bongartz J. Development of a VNIR/SWIR Multispectral Imaging System for Vegetation Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Sensors. 2019; 19(24):5507.

Jenal A., Lussem U., Bolten A., Gnyp M.L., Schellberg J., Jasper J., Bongartz J., Bareth G. Investigating the Potential of a Newly Developed UAV-based VNIR/SWIR Imaging System for Forage Mass Monitoring. PFG – Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 2020; 88:493.

Jenal A, Hüging H, Ahrends HE, Bolten A, Bongartz J, Bareth G. Investigating the Potential of a Newly Developed UAV-Mounted VNIR/SWIR Imaging System for Monitoring Crop Traits—A Case Study for Winter Wheat. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(9):1697.