
Academic career
- Since 10/21: PhD candidate, GIS & Remote Sensing
- Since 04/21: PhD candidate, Ecosystem Research, Department of Geography, University of Cologne
Research Assistant
- Since 01/21: CRC 806, GIS and Remote Sensing Group, Department of Geography, University of Cologne
- Since 08/20 – 01/21: GIS and Remote Sensing Group, Department of Geography, University of Cologne
Research Assistant
- 01/20 - 08/20: Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS), Department of Geosciences, University of Cologne
- 01/19: M.Sc.: Modeling the potential distribution of the cushion plant species Oxychloe andina and Distichia muscoides in northwestern Argentina using a maximum entropy modeling approach, University of Cologne
- 09/15: B.Sc.: Zustandsbewertung von erheblich veränderten Gewässern anhand der Durchgängigkeit für benthischen Organismen - Methodenentwicklung am Fallbeispiel. Philipps University of Marburg
- GIS and Spatial Analysis
- Environmental Modeling
- Climate and Land-use change
- Mediterranean, Iberian Peninsula, and South America
- Start-up Honours Grant, Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS), 2019
- EGU2022 - Effect of compound events on oak tree vitality in a climate change hotspot: analysis of time series in a traditional Spanish dehesa, EGU General Assembly 2022, online, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9852,, 2022 (Vortrag: Reddig, F., Bareth, G., and Bogner, C.).
- EGU2021 - Vegetation dynamics in a climate change hotspot: trend analysis in a Spanish dehesa, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2374,, 2021 (Talk: Reddig, F., Bareth, G., and Bogner, C.).
- Tilly, N., F. Reddig, U. Lussem, and G. Bareth (2020). First investigation of Mediterranean oak tree vitality with high-resolution Worldview-3 satellite data: comparing ten vegetation Indices and three machine learning classifiers. en. In: ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLIII-B3-2020, pp. 1069–1076. ISSN: 2194-9034. DOI:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-1069-2020.
- Participation in the one-year program "First Generation PhD Mentoring+", 2019-2020, Universität zu Köln
Research Gate