
Research fellow
Ph.D. candidate for the DFG research project „Between Enclaves and Integration - Chinese and African Special Economic Zones in Sub-Saharan Africa“
Research interests
Topics: Special Economic Zones, Regional Development in the Global South, Global Production Networks and Value Chains, Agriculture in the Global South, China's Influence in Africa
Regional: Subsaharan Africa (Zambia, Ethiopia, Namibia)
Scientific review activities
Environmental Science and Policy
Kiesel, C., Dannenberg, P., Hulke, C., Kairu, J., Revilla Diez, J., Sandhage-Hofmann, A. (2022): An argument for place-based policies: The importance of local agro-economic, political and environmental conditions for agricultural policies exemplified by the Zambezi region, Namibia. Environmental Science & Policy 129, 137-149.
Further output
Blogartikel: Kiesel, C., Dannenberg, P., 2021. Special Economic Zones in the Global South: Between Enclaves and Integrative Spaces. RSA Blog, Regional Studies Association, 2021-07-29,
Poster: Kiesel, C., Dannenberg, P., 2021. Special Economic Zones (SEZs): Between spatial Enclaves and local-global Production Networks. GSGS Conference, Geoscience Graduate School University of Cologne, Digital Conference, 2021-03-05.
Poster: Kiesel, C., Dannenberg, P., Hulke, C., Kairu, J., Revilla Diez, J., Sandhage-Hofmann, A., 2021. An argument for place-based policies: The importance of importance of local environmental and socio-economic conditions for agricultural policies exemplified by the Zambezi region, Namibia. 2nd. Cologne Conference on Food for Future 2021, Digital Conference, 2021-09-13, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30204.82566.
Talk: Kiesel, C. Social Upgrading in Public Special Economic Zones in the Global South: Industrial Choices and Labour Regimes. 6th Global Conference of Economic Geography (GCEG). Dublin, 2022-06-08.
Talk: Kiesel, C., 2021. Special Economic Zones in the Global South: Economic upgrading, social downgrading? Series: Making Space for Labour Geography Series, AK Labour Geography. Digital series, 2021-11-23.
Talk: Kiesel, C., 2021. Public Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Subsahara Africa: Comparing Strategies and Governance. Jahrestagung Arbeitskreis Subsaharisches Afrika 2021. Digital conference, 2021-06-15.
Talk: Kiesel, C., 2020. Between Enclaves and Integrated Development – Domestic and Chinese Special Economic Zones in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kolloquium UMWIG – Umwelt Wirtschaftsgeographie. Digital conference, 2020-05-08.
Talk: Kiesel, C., 2020. Sonderwirtschaftszonen in Lusaka: Der Einfluss Chinas und Auswirkungen auf die Region. Interdisziplinäre Tagung: Sambia als Forschungskontext. Wuppertal, 2020-02-03.
Winter term 2021/22: “Economic and spatial development in the Global South“ (Wirtschaftliche und räumliche Entwicklung im Globalen Süden), Seminar for bachelor students (Geography)
Academic career
since 2019 | Ph.D. candidate and research fellow (AG Dannenberg) in the DFG research project „Between Enclaves and Integration - Chinese and African Special Economic Zones in Sub-Saharan Africa“ |
2016-2019 | M.Sc. Study programme Geography (Environment and Society) at the University of Cologne |
2016-2018 | Student assistant AG Braun im DFG research project „TRANSOCAP - Building adaptive capacity through translocal social capital: Sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in Indonesia“ |
2017 | Student award Dr.Prill, Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e.V. (Association for Geography, Cologne) |
2012-2016 | B.A. Study programme Geography and Romanistik (Spanisch) at the Universität of Cologne Köln |
Master thesis
The Namibian maize sector and the role of the state: Impacts on local value chain development (2019)
Bachelor thesis
Rio’s Favela tourism in the print media: from reality tours to an instrument for image making (Rio's Favela Toursimus im Spiegel der Printmedien: von Reality-Tours zum Image-Instrument)