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M.Sc. Nils Eingrüber


M.Sc. Nils Eingrüber

Rotunda, room 0.03

Zülpicher Straße 45
50674 Köln

Telephone +49-(0)221-470-7802
Fax +49-(0)221-470-5124
E-mail nils.eingrueber(at)

Consulting hours on appointment (online via ZOOM)

Current Position

Research associate, Doctoral Candidate (PhD)


Current research projects

AKT@HoMe - Adaptation to climate change through citizen participation: Willingness to act and operational empowerment of different social milieus:
Analysis of milieu-related ability to participate in measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change. Comparison of the Neustadt-Süd and Mülheim districts in Cologne with regard to their willingness for effective and sustainable participation in climate change adaptation. Continuous measurements of climate elements such as air temperature, wind, humidity, etc. by using a citizen science approach. The collected data is used to activate the involved citizens, as well as to calibrate and validate an ENVI-met microclimate model, which is setup to simulate heat events in the two neighborhoods. According to surveys, actor-based scenarios for the implementation of climate change adaptation measures are derived and modeled.

Doctoral project: MoMiKS - Modeling of the urban microclimate of Cologne-Südstadt for climate change adaptation: Parameterization of the three-dimensional ENVI-met model for calculating the urban microclimate down to a square meter. Establishment of a measurement network of NETATMO weather sensors and research grade meteorological stations for model calibration and validation. Simulations of the effects of various adaptation measures on the urban microclimate and development of future scenarios and projections until 2099 in the context of climate change.

INGENIoS – Indo-German Network Interaction of Scientists: Set up and establishment of an integrative scientific modelling platform of the University of Cologne and the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore based upon the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT model). The SWAT parametrization will be implemented for the Kabini watershed. Later, other coordinated modelling systems and platforms (e.g. CLM, TerrSys-MP) will be added. Development of an integrative E-Learning and blended learning course on hydrological modelling with SWAT and on modelling of man-environment interactions (DAAD project).

CUBiK - Community building through environmental education: Analysis and documentation of the climate performance of the urban green belt through citizen participation. Preparation and parameterization of the ENVI-met model for modeling the urban climate in Cologne for mitigation of climate change with the help of in situ measurement data and remote sensing data (cooperation project with the city of Cologne).



Research topics

  • (Micro-) climatological simulations
  • (eco) hydrological modeling in the context of climate change
  • Analysis and use of remote sensing data products
  • Soil moisture measurement methods and meteorological measurements
  • Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM)
  • Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
  • ENVI-met
  • SARscape




  • Summer Term 2021: Implementation of an online blended learning course for the M. Sc./IMES and summer schools: "Hydrological modelling with QSWAT+"
  • Winter Term 2021/2022: M. Sc. Praktikum + Seminar: "Catchment hydrology - basic concepts and ecohydrological modelling with QSWAT+" (also for the IMES study program)
  • Summer Term 2022: M. Sc. Geländepraktikum + Auswertungsseminar: "Hydrological and microclimatological measurement methods: Climate and water in the city"
  • Winter Term 2022/2023: M. Sc. Praktikum + Seminar: "Urban Climatology - Basic Concepts and Microclimatological Modelling with ENVI-met" (also for the IMES study program
  • Summer Term 2023: M. Sc. Fachmethodik I/II Praktikum + Auswertungsseminar: "Assessment of Climate Mitigation Strategies with QSWAT+" (also for the IMES study program)
  • Winter Term 2023/2024: M. Sc. Fachmethodik III Praktikum + Auswertungsseminar: "Urban Climatology - Basic Concepts and Microclimatological Modelling with ENVI-met" (also for the IMES study program and BVIEER/Pune/India)
  • Summer Term 2024: M. Sc. Fachmethodik I/II Praktikum + Auswertungsseminar: "Assessment of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies with QSWAT+" (also for the IMES study program)
  • Winter Term 2024/2025: M. Sc. Fachmethodische Spezialisierung, Praktikum + Auswertungsseminar: "Urban Climatology - Basic Concepts and Microclimatological Modelling with ENVI-met" (also for the IMES study program, BVIEER/Pune/India, and IISc/Bangalore/India)





  • Master thesis on the topic: Investigation of the impact of the changed frequency of extreme precipitation in the context of climate change on future flood events in the Rur catchment area with the help of a statistical downscaling model (SDSM) and the SWAT model. 
  • Bachelor thesis on the topic: Assessment of the quality of gravimetric soil moisture data measured in the context of the GLOBE program in relation to the validation of SMAP data (in cooperation with the NASA JPL).
  • Internship: Validation of SMAP data products at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) of the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), Pasadena / Los Angeles - Carbon Cycle And Ecosystems Division, GLOBE outreach program (2017)
  • Student assistant in the hydrogeography and climatology research group: In particular in the TransRegio 32 Collaborative Research Center (SFB TR32 "Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems") and in the GLOBE program.



Publications and Conference talks

Eingrüber, N., Schneider, K., Nehren, U., and Dlugoß, V.: Climate change adaptation through citizen participation: Simulation of the effect of willingness to act on the heat mitigation potential in urban neighborhoods with different social milieu composition, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 2–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-547,, 2024.

Eingrüber, N., Domm, A. S., Korres, W., and Schneider, K.: Simulation of the heat mitigation potential of unsealing measures in cities by parameterizing grass grid pavers for urban microclimate modelling with ENVI-met (V5), EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024.

Eingrüber, N., Korres, W., and Schneider, K.: Comparison of heat mitigation effects of blue roofs and green roofs on building wall temperature and thermal outdoor comfort based on scenario analyses using 3D microclimate modelling for a dense urban district, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9967,, 2024.

Eingrüber, N., Krekeler, C., Korres, W., Löhnert, U., and Schneider, K.: High-Resolution Microclimate Modelling to Evaluate Urban Heat Mitigation Potentials of Rainfed Climate Change Adaptation Measures on Buildings under Various Climatic Conditions, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA, 11-15 Dec 2023, H23V-1850,, 2023.

Eingrüber, N., Domm, A., Korres, W., Löhnert, U., and Schneider, K.: Climate change adaption potentials of unsealing strategies in cities – An assessment during heat and drought events based on microclimatic simulations, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-525,, 2023.

Eingrüber, N., Korres, W., Löhnert, U., and Schneider, K.: Investigation of the ENVI-met model sensitivity to different wind direction forcing data in a heterogeneous urban environment, Adv. Sci. Res., 20, 65–71,, 2023.

Eingrüber, N., Schneider, K., and Korres, W.: Evaluation of microclimatic variations and adaptation effects in a central European city during the most excessive heat wave in summer 2022 by ENVI-met modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11806,, 2023.

Eingrüber, N., Korres, W., and Schneider, K.: Microclimatic field measurements to support microclimatological modelling with ENVI-met for an urban study area in Cologne, Adv. Sci. Res., 19, 81–90,, 2022.

Eingrüber, N., and Korres, W.: Climate change simulation and trend analysis of extreme precipitation and floods in the mesoscale Rur catchment in western Germany until 2099 using Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) and the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT model), Science of The Total Environment, 838P1, 155775,, 2022.

Eingrüber, N., Schneider, K., Korres, W., and Löhnert, U.: Sensitivity analyses and validation of an ENVI-met microclimate model for a greened urban study area in Cologne Südstadt under various typical weather conditions, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, 4–10 Sep 2022, Vol. 19, EMS2022-42,, 2022.

Eingrüber, N., Korres, W., and Schneider, K.: Pathways for climate change adaptation in urban areas - first results from field measurements and ENVI-met modeling, EMS Annual Meeting 2021, online, 6–10 Sep 2021, Vol. 18, EMS2021-374,, 2021.