Prof. Dr. Zin Nwe Myint

Current Position
Professor at the Department of Geography, University of Yangon, Myanmar
Fields of Expertise and Interest
- Urban and Regional Development
- Cultural and Socio-economic Geography
- Heritage conservation and tourism development
- Political Geography
- Urban Geography
- Tourism Geography
Regional Focus
- Myanmar
- Heritage, Tourism and Socioeconomic Development of Mrauk-U, Rakhine State, Myanmar
Academic Qualification
- 2004: Ph.D. from University of Yangon
- 1999: Diploma in GIS, from University of Yangon
- 1998: M.A. from University of Yangon with credit
- 1995: B.A. (Honours) from University of Yangon with credit
Professional Career
Since 2018
Professor, Department of Geography, University of Yangon -
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Yangon -
Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Yangon -
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Yangon -
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography, Sittway University -
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Yangon -
Tutor, Department of Geography, University of Yangon -
Tutor, Department of Geography, University of Distance Education
Other Activities
- Since 2012: Member of the Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Urban and Regional Development, University of Yangon
- Since 2013: Member of the Editorial Board, KKU International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Khan University, Thailand
- Since 2011: Member of the Myanmar Research Centre for Economic Development (MARCED, with Nagoya University)
- Since 2008: Member of the ForUm Network (“ForUm for Urban Future in Southeast Asia”, Germany and Southeast Asian Countries)
- 2004-2012: Member of the Steering Committee of the MegaCity Task Force, International Geographical Union (IGU)
Scholarship and Awards
Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
18 months (between 2017 and 2020)
From Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany -
Research Fellowship by Japan Foundation Scholarship
From 15-6-2011 to 13-8-2011 (2 months)
Visiting Scientist, International Relations Department
International University of Japan (IUJ), Niigata, Japan -
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship
From 01.5.2001 to 31.10.2001 (6 months)
Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany
- Zin Mar Than, Hlaing Maw Oo, Toe Aung, Tin Tin Kyi, Saw Sandar Oo, Win Lei Mar, Marlene Willkomm, Christian Miller, Stefan Martini, Zin Nwe Myint, Khin Khin Soe, Win Maung, Sophie-Bo Heinkel, Benni Thiebes, Regine Spohner, Frauke Kraas (2023): Disaster risk perception and preparedness of households in Yangon, Myanmar: Disaster experiences, socio-demographic factors and spatial variation. ERDKUNDE 77 (4): 303-321.
- Zin Nwe Myint and Frauke Kraas (2002): Urban Growth in Bangkok and Yangon: a comparison of recent developments, Thailand-Rundschau 3/2002, 97-100.
- Zin Nwe Myint, Cho Cho Thwin, Aung Swe and Kyaw Soe Win (2005): Aspects of Sustainability in the Urban Areas of Yangon City. In Hartmut Gaese, Frauke Kraas, Mi Mi Kyi (eds) (2005): Sustainability in Rural and Urban Environments. Proceedings of the First German-Myanmar Workshop in Yangon/Myanmar, 17-21 November 2003. Cologne: 169-181.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2005) Woodfuel Use in Yangon, Myanmar. In Christine Knie (ed.) (2005): Urban and Peri-Urban Developments – Structures, Processes and Solutions. Southeast Asian - German Summer School in Cologne/Germany, 16-29 October 2005. Cologne: 105-115.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2006) Woodfuel Uses: A Distinct Phenomenon in Megacity Yangon, Myanmar. In Frauke Kraas, Hartmut Gaese, Mi Mi Kyi (eds.) (2006): Megacity Yangon: Transformation processes and modern developments. Southeast Asian Modernities 7. Berlin: 261-284.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2006) Environmental Problems of Yangon City: Establishment of Industrial Zones. In Frauke Kraas, Hartmut Gaese, Mi Mi Kyi (eds.) (2006): Megacity Yangon: Transformation processes and modern developments. Southeast Asian Modernities 7. Berlin: 217-236.
- Zin Nwe Myint, Soe Soe Khin and Nilar Aung (2006): Excursion: Downtown and Urban Fringe of Megacity Yangon. In Frauke Kraas, Hartmut Gaese, Mi Mi Kyi (eds.) (2006) Megacity Yangon: Transformation processes and modern developments. Southeast Asian Modernities 7. Berlin: 169-184.
- Zaw Latt Tun and Zin Nwe Myint (2007): A Preliminary Study on Intra-Urban Public Transport of Sittway: A case of motorcycle taxies, Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. V, No. 6, Yangon. pp. 265-276.
- Zin Nwe Myint and Khin Myo Hla (2009): Preliminary Investigation on Tourist Industry of Mrauk-U, Rakhine State, Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. VII, No. 6, Yangon. pp. 127-144.
- Frauke Kraas, Yin May, Zin Nwe Myint (2010): Yangon/Myanmar: Transformation Processes and Mega-Urban Developments, Geographische Rundschau, International Edition, Vol. 6, No. 2 (April 2010). pp. 26- 37.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2011): Host Perceptions on Tourism Development of Mrauk-U, Rakhine State. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. IX, No. 6, Yangon. pp. 175-194.
- Frauke Kraas, Yin May, Regine Spohner, Zin Nwe Myint (2014): Yangon: Phases of Urban Development and Expansion. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XII, No. 6, Yangon. pp. 125-138.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2014): Heritage, Culture and Tourism Development of Mrauk-U: Perception of Local Community. In Cultural Traditions, 2014 SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition, SEAMEO, Yangon. pp. 1-20.
- Frauke Kraas, Hlaing Maw Oo, Zin Nwe Myint, Regine Spohner (2015): Yangon’s Urban Heritage: Reassessing the Historic Stages of Development. In World Monument Fund (2015) Building the Future: The Role of Heritage in the Sustainable Development of Yangon, Report of an International Conference held in Yangon, Myanmar, January 15–17, 2015. pp. 24-31.
- Frauke Kraas, Zin Nwe Myint (2015): Potentials for Sustainable Tourism Development in Taunggyi Region, Myanmar. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XIII, No. 6, Yangon. pp. 237-254.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2016) Drivers of Cultural Tourism in Mrauk-U, Myanmar. In Frauke Kraas, Mi Mi Kyi, Win Maung (Eds) (2016): sustainability in Myanmar: Southeast Asian Modernities 15. Berlin. pp. 319-345.
- Frauke Kraas, Zin Nwe Myint, Khin Khin Soe (2016): Urban Developments in Hakha and Falam, Chin State of Myanmar. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XIV, No. 5, Yangon. pp.281-300.
- Zin Nwe Myint, Saw Yu May, Zin May Oo, Frauke Kraas (2016): Economic Development Potential of Mrauk-U, Rakhine State. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XIV, No. 5, Yangon. pp. 331-348.
- Zin Nwe Myint (2017): Managing Tourism Under Strain in Myanmar. Social Science Asia, Journal of National Research Council of Thailand, Volume 3, Number 2 (April 2017), Khon Kaen, Thailand. pp. 40-52.
- Zin Nwe Myint, Frauke Kraas and Shwe Zin Theik (2017): Gemstone Picture Production in Mogok: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XV, No. 5, Yangon. pp. 235-251.
- Zin Nwe Myint and Frauke Kraas (2017): Tourism Development Potential of the Mawlamyine Area, Myanmar. Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XV, No. 5, Yangon. pp. 253-273.