Dipl.-Geogr. Dr. Harald Sterly

Topics of Interest:
Translocality, migration, urbanization, ICT, informality, GIS
Dissertation project:
The influence of mediated communication on the translocal social formations of rural-to-urban migrants in Bangladesh
DFG Priority Research Program: „Megacities-Megachallenge. Informal Dynamics of Global Change“ (2006-2014, Website Project), scientific coordinator
IPEMCODA – Improving Population Estimations with Mobile Communication Data (Ivory Coast, 2012-2013), Project Leader
MIGUS – Migration and Urbanisation in Sénégal, Using Call Data Records for the Analysis of Population Mobility and Urbanisation in the Dakar-Touba Corridor (2014)
HILLMANN, F., PAHL, M., RAFFLENBEUL, B., STERLY, H. (Hrsg.) 2015. Enivronmental Change, Adaptation and Migration: Brining in the Region. Palgrave Macmillan, London. Buy online
HACKENBROCH, K., HOSSAIN, S., SCHOON, S., STERLY, H., ALTROCK, U. (submitted): Informality, urban governance and the state: Negotiations of space in Dhaka and the Pearl River Delta. International Development Planning Review.
STERLY, H. 2015. "Without a Mobile Phone, I Suppose I Had to Go There” — Mobile Communication and Translocal Social Constellations in Bangladesh. In: ASIEN 134 (Januar), S. 31–46.
BORK-HUEFFER, T., ETZOLD, B., GRANSOW, B., TOMBA, L., STERLY, H., SUDA, K., KRAAS, F., FLOCK, R. (2014): Agency and the Making of Transient Urban Spaces: Examples of Migrants in the City in the Pearl River Delta, China, and Dhaka, Bangladesh. POPULATION, SPACE AND PLACE (2014), DOI: 10.1002/psp.1890
STERLY, H., HENNIG, B., DONGO, K. (2013): “Calling Abidjan” – Improving Population Estimations with Mobile Communication Data (IPEMCODA).In: BLONDEL, V., DE CORDES, N., DECUYPER, A., DEVILLE, P., RAGUENEZ, J., SMOREDA, Z. (Eds): Mobile Phone Data for Development - Analysis of mobile phone datasets for the development of Ivory Coast: 108-114.
BORK, T., KILIAN, P. & STERLY, H. (2009): Informalität in Megastädten. Das Beispiel der megaurbanen Region Perlflussdelta, China. – Praxis Geographie 7&8.
KRAAS, F. & STERLY, H. (2009): Land Use Change in Megacities and Challenges for Water Management.- In: BAIER, K., & STROHSCHÖN, R. (Hrsg.): Megacities – Interactions Between Land Use and Water Management.- Mitteilungen zur Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie, 99: 9-16, Aachen.
KRAAS, F., H. STERLY (2009): Megastädte von morgen: Laboratorien der Zukunft?- Politische Ökologie, 114: 50-52.
DEMEL, N., FIEBIGER, M., GUENTHER, D., MOGGE, M., STERLY, H. (2008): Guidelines – Outcome and Impact Orientation in the projects and programmes of Welthungerhilfe. Bonn.
GRUNDMANN, G., PREDIGER, E., STERLY, H. (2006): Impact Assessment at Project Level – a Participatory Multi-Perspective Approach, Rural Development News 2/2006
GRUNDMANN, G., N. DEMEL, E. PREDIGER, H. STERLY, A. TSCHABO, L. VERBEEK (2005): Focus on impacts – Conceptual and methodological approaches to results-based management in the German Development Service (DED) in the context of poverty reduction and conflict transformation. Berlin, Germany.
Winter 2013/2014: Lecture “Topics of Development”, International Master Program, Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT), FH Cologne University
Winter 2012/2013: Lecture “Topics of Development”, International Master Program, Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT), FH Cologne University
Winter 2011/2012: Lecture “Topics of Development”, International Master Program, Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT), FH Cologne University
Winter 2010/11: Project Seminar on „The climate impact of our food – the example of Cologne Student Canteen“, Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
Summer 2010: Mittelseminar “Food Security and Sustainability”, Institute of Geography, University of Cologne